Section 3 of Chapter 2:

by Philip Zhai

§3. Cybersex and Reproduction

The Explosive Paul and the Implosive Marry
Fortunately, the sexual contact between male and female human beings still falls under the category characterized by the loop shown in Figure 2.2. Combined with an interactive VR process, two persons of the opposite sex will be able to finish, aided by manmade apparatus, the physiological process on the actual level, and be sensually and emotionally fulfilled on the virtual level. Let us see how a sophisticated cybersex arrangement might work. On the female side, there will be an artificial male mouth (lips, teeth, tongue, saliva, etc.) and artificial male genitalia, both imitating male flesh as closely as possible, but planted with micro-sensors all over the surface, and moved by motors connected to the computer (the Engine). The penis should be able to be in states of arousal and non-arousal and somewhere in between, and can ejaculate semen-like stuff at the right moment, of course. On the male side, there will be an artificial female mouth, and artificial female genitalia, both planted with highly sensitive micro-sensors and moved by motors connected to his computer. As for the sense of touch from other parts of the body such as breasts and hands, the regular VR clothing will do its job there as usual. Now what would happen when a sexual encounter occurs between a female and a male partner? We can, if we choose to, describe the process separately on two levels, the virtual/experiential and the actual. But in order to see the immediate correspondence between the two, I will choose a mixed discourse of the virtual and the actual in my description as follows. Let's call the female Mary and the male Paul. In the virtual world they meet for the first time here in a concert hall. Jaron Lanier, the Lord of VR, will play his "Music of Changes." Mary and Paul are seated next to each other mutually unknown. As soon as Jaron begins to play, Mary and Paul immediately feel sort of synergy going on between them in the way they respond to the music. Now it is time for an intermission. They strike up a conversation about the music and Jaron, and very soon romance develops: during the second half of the concert, they hold and squeeze each other's hand following the ups and downs of the music. When the concert is over and as they step out of the concert hall, their passion bursts out like a storm... They manage to set up a private room on the spot (assuming they can do that in the virtual world), and their lips and tongues begin to explore and search each other passionately and their naked bodies intertwine and struggle like a hurricane. As their mutual stimulation escalates to the peak, they are ready for the intercourse. "Mary, you are my dream," Paul gasps; "You are my reality, Paul," Mary murmurs in return, as their bodies move back and forth in a harmonious rhythm... Finally, as Paul pours his passion with an explosive ejaculation, Mary screams with an implosive contraction.

Copulating and Procreating
For all the alleged physical and emotional intensity, we should not forget the fact that Mary and Paul are only having intercourse in the virtual world. On the actual level, the lips, the tongues, the saliva, the genitalia, etc., are all artificial surrogates for the receiver of the opposite sex. How, on the one hand, can the artificial organs expand and contract and move, etc., in exact correspondence with the actual in a remote place? And how, on the other hand, the biological process of procreation can be carried out in addition to the fulfillment of the sexual desire and emotional needs of both partners? Keep in mind, as all other parts of the VR outfit, these artificial sex organs are not only stimulators, but also sensors at the same time. So when Paul inserts his erect penis into the artificial vagina, for example, the opening of the artificial vagina immediately responds and measures the size and shape of the penis. The information will be transformed and transmitted to Mary's facility and the artificial penis will be, guided by the information, inserted into her vagina almost at the same moment, and its size be adjusted accordingly to imitate Paul's as precisely as possible. At the same time, the artificial penis will measure Mary's vagina in a similar way, and the information will be transmitted and used to adjust the artificial vagina Paul is dealing with. Of course, the back and forth movement will be controlled in a similar fashion. Because this is a real-time dynamic process that keeps going from the beginning to the end of the sexual encounter, the described rhythmic coordination will be felt just like an actual encounter in the actual world. Now we have to deal with a tough and critical issue, that is, how Paul's sperm can be ejaculated into Mary's vagina in such a process if they want to have a child. As we know, since Paul and Mary are far apart actually, what Mary feels ejaculated into her vagina cannot possibly be the same thing that Paul ejaculates actually at that moment. Therefore, their first affair after the concert cannot lead to Mary's pregnancy by Paul's sperm. But Paul's semen is nevertheless ejaculated into the artificial vagina. We also know another fact: sperm can be kept alive outside the human body as has been done for many years in a sperm bank. So now if Mary and Paul decide to have a child after their first intercourse, they can, through the control mechanism discussed in the last section, have Paul's sperm transported to Mary's actual place and be ejaculated from the artificial penis next time they make love, and so on and so forth. Or, if they prefer, they can utilize the technique of artificial insemination so as to totally separate reproductive process from sexual intercourse. In such a case, Mary may choose any semen-like milky liquid or whatever she likes as the substitute for the semen to be ejaculated into her vagina during the intercourse. She can even choose to use another man's semen to get herself pregnant when she has cybersex with Paul, if Paul has no legitimate reason against that. The last option is that they actually travel to meet and have intercourse actually and put away the artificial sex organs while still being totally immersed in VR perceptually in the whole process. Therefore, we can just understand reproduction through cybersex as a special case of the combination of the process of interaction between participants to be analyzed in Section 5 on the one hand, and that of manipulation of the physical process from cyberspace as analyzed in Section 2 on the other.

The Erotic Ontology
After the baby is born, what can Mary and Paul do upon her if they want her to be a member of the virtual world? They can let her wear the VR outfit as early as she begins to have meaningful perceptual experience. How are they going to do it? They will do it again, of course, by that inside-out control process using robots. Michael Heim in his The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality offers a very stimulating discussion of what he calls "the erotic ontology of cyberspace." As he understands Eros as a drive to extend our finite being, he can indeed do justice to his sensational presentation of virtual reality as fundamentally erotic. Here, we have also seen how our love affair with VR must reach its pinnacle when cybersex becomes a necessary part of our virtual engagement.

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Gil Markle has interesting ideas about VR too!

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