Welcome to my home land
Don't forget to visit my new site!
How are you today..?? My HomeLand is still underconstruction right now. You may take a look at my Vivian Chow
or visit my real home. I have created a index
menu for you as a NetSurfer to navigate some of my site. I have a site that almost complete, where you can find a lot of interest things.
But before you try the index menu, make sure to take a look at other site on this server first.
Here is some thing about me:
Occupation: Student at WIT.
Major: Computer Science (That why I am here..!)
Height: 5'10" (That why I have some problem finding a girl..!)
Weight: Estimate about 150 lbs.
Eyes and Hair Color: Of course my hair is black because I am Vietnamese. But some how my friend say that my eyes aren't really brown
as other, but they may turn blue some time. (What the heck is that suppose to means..!!)
Email: nguyen27@acad.wit.edu
Try this
to find more about me.! (A picture of mine on it..!)
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