A Ti-tanic Home Page

What did actually happen on that terrible night those many years ago. The fact the fiction the legend and the relality

'...there arose to the sky the most horrible sounds ever heard by mortal man except by those of us who survived this terrible tragedy. The agonising cries of death from over a thousand throats, the wails and groans of the suffering...none of us will ever forget to our dying day.'

[Archibald Gracie 1912]

Archibald Gracie was probably among the last to leave the sinking Titanic on that cold April night in 1912. His record of the terrible events remains one of the most vivid and accurate first-hand account of the disater ever published.

[The Seaman]

A throughly gripping account of the tradgedy. It puts you on the boat-deck as the great liner went down.

Overview A Night to Remember Where is the Titanic Other Titanic Sites
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