Russell Bibliography

Here is a bibliography of Bertrand Russell's books on logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language, epistemology, and related topics:

An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry (1897).

A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz (1900). Second edition: 1937.

The Principles of Mathematics (1903). Second edition: 1938.

Principia Mathematica, with Alfred North Whitehead (1910-13). Second edition: 1927.

Philosophical Essays (1910). Reprints earlier articles.

The Problems of Philosophy (1912).

Theory of Knowledge (1992). This is a posthumous publication of Russell's 1913 manuscript.

Our Knowledge of the External World (1914). Revised Edition: 1929. Routledge recently republished the first edition version.

Mysticism and Logic (1918). Reprints earlier essays.

Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (1919).

The Analysis of Mind (1921).

The Analysis of Matter (1927).

An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth (1940).

Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits (1948).

Logic and Knowledge (1956). Reprints earlier essays.

Essays in Analysis (1973). Reprints earlier essays.

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