This is the homepage for the Simons Middle School Instrumental Music Department. We currently have three bands and three orchestras. There are over 150 students enrolled in the music program. All groups are directed by
Mr. Erron Garrett, a 1986 graduate of California State University, Long Beach.

To access information on a particular ensemble, click on the links to the left of this screen. We have also included other links to other musical websites, including the Southern California School Band And Orchestra Association (S.C.S.B.O.A.).

Feel free to click on the appropriate button to the left of the page for information regarding the beginning music classes. Information regarding future performances will also be located there.

Solo/Ensemble Results
On Saturday, February 21, members of the Advanced Band and Advanced Orchestra participated in the S.C.S.B.O.A. Solo/Ensemble Festival held at Garey High School. Of the five groups participating, all received a medal who were in attendance. The ratings are as follows:
String Ensemnble

Brass and Percussion Ensemble
Woodwind Ensemble

Congratulations to all of the students and their fine work at festival.

Instrument Purchases
Those parents who have 8th graders in the music program should start to seriously consider purchasing a musical instrument for your child. It is widely known that when a child owns their own musical instrument they are more likely to continue to play music past secondary school. Instrument costs are quite reasonable and many stores have rent-to-own programs. I have for your conveience a list of recommended instrument brands, as well as a list of our local music stores. Your child can bring one home to you to look at.

Performance Dates 2008-09
Throughout the year, we will post significant dates for performances for the various groups. Generally, the schedule is as follows (dates and times will be posted at a later time):


Wind Ensemble and String Orchestra Winter Concert at Simons M.S.


21-Solo/Ensemble Festival at Garey H.S.


26-Pre-festival Concert at Garey H.S.

28-Band/Orchestra Festival at Garey H.S.


S/E Regional Band/Orchestra Festival (Tenative)


B/O Regional Band/Orchestra Festival (Tenative)


Spring Concert-all performing groups 7 PM Gym

Incoming 6th/7th Grade Orientation-Gym

Contact us?
You can reach us by phone at (909) 397-4544. You can also contact us at the email address below.

Email us at:

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Last revision was March 8, 2009

Check these sites out!

This is an exceptional site for ear and music theory training. All music students are encouraged to use this site to improve their musical skills.

The Dallas Wind Symphony is a professional wind ensemble which performs many traditional works for band, as well as new commissions. Click on the picture to go to their website.

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