Download Instructions

All downloadable files in this document are RTF files, compressed in ZIP format.

RTF files are ASCII text files which contain text and formatting commands. RTF files preserve original typographical formats across different platforms and word processing software.

ZIP compression is a de facto standard procedure for file compression on PC compatibles. Any single ZIP file may contain within it more than one file in original format.

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To Read or Print any of the articles summarised in this WEB document you should do the following:

  1. Download the corresponding file from this site. To do this follow the intructions of your browser (typically click on the reference to the file in this document and store the file on your disk).
  2. Decompress the stored ZIP file using a decompression utility.
  3. Load the decompressed files with a word processor of your choice that can read the standard RTF (Rich Text Format). Any 4 (or less) years old version of MS Word or Wordperfect can do that. If you don't have such a word processor you may download Microsoft Word Viewer for free.
  4. Use your word processor's functions or Microsoft Word Viewer to read or print the document.

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