Lark's Guestbook
Glad you could visit this site... Comments posted here are cleared periodically, and placed on my Comments page... Have a good day! Carry On! (or visit my other site by clicking here!)

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casey - 12/28/00 17:11:01
Other Short Comment: i love you
i have been fighting with my parents for years on the hunting issue and your site is just what i've been looking for...THANK YOU.....i'll pass it on....

Jack Schmidt - 12/25/00 15:28:00
Other Short Comment: Merry Christmas to "All"
Hope this finds everyone in good health and happiness in this first year of the new millinium. I was thinking about you and your family last night, but couldn't find your site or E-mail address. Thanks for remembering. I'll E-mail you soon of the events o the last year.

neil byce - 11/21/00 01:41:48
great wep page, as you can guess may family is from chapleau, have not been there since l was very little, would love to learn more about chapleau and my family if anyone could help me out it would be much appreciated

- 11/20/00 20:47:22

Bob Lewis - 11/18/00 14:55:10
Lark, interesting and informative, good for you in keeping the history of our small town going. I have also moved from there and keep going back to sites just to keep up on whats happening..Will pass this site on to Norm Creighton also...thanx

kurt koenen - 09/28/00 01:48:34
The Internet to this point has been for me just an occassional jaunt. But apparently from birth I've been a curious little monkey about a variety of dissimilar subjects. I'm thoroughly imprinted on reading from books (pun intended) but I've found that the net is a good place to people watch and people watching is one of my fondest habits. People whether in person or via what they write are an endless well of cheap entertainment! I read your thoughts on being a bdad and they were very similar to mine as wel as the circumstances. I'm currently searching for my son and I reached your site from a link with the Adoptee Center. I don't normally leave comments, I just observe and go on. But,something compelled me to write one and I learned a long time ago to list n to my small voice. What are your thoughts about social vampires who wander through life observing but seldom contributing??

maryjo - 09/20/00 21:27:03
Other Short Comment: looking for bdad

Randy McCooeye - 09/19/00 11:44:02
My Email:private
Other Short Comment: the guide
Well lark was great working with ya this fall hunt.Nice being in the wilderness with a man of great knowledge of animals.My self being a trapper i seen many hunts but you bring out the true spirit of a hunt good luck in the future my friend walk softly. andy trapper

russ - 09/10/00 17:05:09
Other Short Comment: the hunting lodge
i have not seen you on the lodge before but ihope to talk to you on chat night glad to see there are more of us out there. russ

Michael Bollinger - 09/09/00 23:45:05
Other Short Comment: Bear Brother
Dear Bear Brother, I just wanted to say THANKS for introducing me to the wonderful world of Bear Hunting, Baiting, Tracking and Scouting. It did help that I was a success at harvesting a bear. I hope all is well with the family and the first week of University went off without a hitch. Did you buy that wonderful woman of yours a gift? Well its back to the grind around here and I'm afraid that all my family is coming over in a week or so and the politics have already started. Well, may God Bless You and your Family- keep in touch. Sincerely, Michael B {Bear Brother}

osman moh'd khair - 09/05/00 15:53:11
thanks, for providing the light to human bieng to understand the themselfes , it is wounderfull time for me to read your page, may question is ? 1-how you can deal with the bad people , some time they can effect my personality . i love every one , and don't hate any one .. please reply as soon as posible . 2-am suffering also from that am youngest one in my family 29 y . regards, osman mohammed khair Dubai,uae

linda - 08/15/00 13:15:33
Hi Lark! It's me. I figured I'd better contact you to get things going. I'm pretty much fucked up because of my healing after 6 months, so still have a fractured vertebra as well as loose hardware (screws, rods, plates) which could do me great h rm if I fell or was in an accident etc. I have no life...get up, go to work, go home, go to bed, get up...You get the drift of things! I'm in incredible pain, not well controlled by lots of drugs (morphine, 120 mg twice a day) I'm wondering what I did in past life that has me suffering like this now. I must have been a wicked person. I feel like the pain is punishment. For being weak, for abandoning my children, for being fat and ugly, for lots of things. I'm looking at a fifth big surgery some time soon As I go under the anesthetic, I always wonder if I'll wake up...that would be a good way to die, no pain, no guilt, no life. But I wake up each time. I start my vacation in 3 days. Two whole weeks of not having to get up, get dressed, get to work. Listed to music, smoke some pot (wonderful pain killer) and enjoy the tunes. Play with the cats and not have to enter the real world unless I want to. Someti es I feel like I'm not really I'm out of phase with everything else, I'm on the periphery, looking in or acting a role. Dissociation I think. I think that if something good happened to me, I'd wonder what went wrong! Do you ever feel like that? Like everything you say or do or think is already wrong, before you even start? With my inadequacies I'm surprised that I've gotten this far in life. Ma be this life is a trial put upon me for past wrongs. That seems very plausible. I must go now as I'm not really supposed to be doing personal stuff on company time. Take a few minutes and let me know how things are with you. I'm sorry if all my negativity has bothered you. It's really had to hide it all the time and play the game and put on a false face and lie to everyone all the time. I've always been able to talk to you. L

wally charles - 08/07/00 09:12:37
Other Short Comment: xcellent
seeing your homepage really made me decide to create my own...seeing other cree on the net ...i dunno makes me feel not alone..thanks chum.

- 07/14/00 00:14:51

- 07/10/00 10:34:34

Willis Dixon - 07/08/00 19:58:12
Other Short Comment: Hi Lark
Lark: When I knew you in the 70's, I did not know you were an avid hunter. Here are two thoughts: People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) “We can do no great things – only small things with great love.” Mother Theresa

Angela Cappellani - 06/04/00 15:59:29
Hey there Larky, this is your most adored cousin from chapleau.....incase you forgot, I'm glenny's oldest (he hates being called Glenny)!!! Anyway I came across your page and it kind of shocked me cause I didnt think you had a website, anyway I'm proud to say that your my cousin.....well look at how smart you are!!! Anyway I thought I would drop in and say a little something. Ok, no offence but you were the one speaking at my aunts wedding right?? Well if it wasnt sorry cause I can never tell all you Richi s apart! Well I shall leave and possibly come around later.... Luv you all-----> Angela Marie (were all a bunch of wopps)!!!

P Johnson - 06/02/00 14:51:02
Other Short Comment: St.Cloud birthparent
I recently learned that a man I know and care about May have a son or daughter that was conceived in St. Cloud Minn in around l964 l965. He fits the writings about the birth dad to a T. The times were different in the 60's and he is a very different an today than he was then and a man that anyone would be proud of knowing. He has learned he might have a son/daughter living in carolina and He would be very willing to meet with the individal to give him any help or understanding that he could give. Ke p your search going. It will be worth it.

Robert Brown - 05/14/00 08:36:33
Other Short Comment: A hunter !
Hi Lark, I'm a long way from Canada don here in Australia, but the problems seem the same. Our continent is a lot like yours in size and population. We are rapidly becoming urbanised, with about 80%+ now living in cities and major regional centres. Same problems with AR's - we've got HSI, and IFAW and many more. They are just as bigoted, and just as keen to see their point of view prevail through legislation. Great web site, mate - keep up the good work. Robert Brown, A hun

Reg Whitney - 05/05/00 15:33:29
Other Short Comment: great web site
I am not sure I should be here most of the thinking is deep and probabley it should be I will have to come back and take my time to absorb most of it, all in all its great I was Adirondack guide for many years untill i got a spinal condition Ankyilizing pondalitis. thanks for the invite will be back. Drop bye our little site and say Hello.

Karla Johnson - 04/29/00 14:22:28
Other Short Comment: f/a adoptee ISO bfamily
Hi. I'm an adoptee born 4-18-51 in Indianapolis, Ind. (or so my birth cert. says). My adoption was handeled by a doctor by the name of Gail Eldridge and through the Dept. of Child Welfare when I was approx. 6 mos. old. I found out that Dr. Eldridge died i 1995 (before I began my search), has no med. records, and I can't find his ex-wife, Betty, who probably holds the key for what it is that I seek. I'm not sure if she's still alive - or for that matter my b-family either. So, here's to all those who are s arching (like me) and the endless dead ends we run into, and the emptiness in the heart we feel everyday while we continue to search for something we may never find. Thank you for this page. Karla

John Renock - 04/19/00 20:39:20
Enjoyed your pages and many wonderful trips to Prairie Bee.

andre courtemanche - 04/13/00 04:52:16
Other Short Comment: i was born in sultan 1939
I was born in sultan in 1939 and left there when i was eight years old

Loretta Ritchie Montambo - 04/09/00 02:31:15
Other Short Comment: Hi there!
I was happy to find your web site just because we are both Ritchies'. I have been trying to do my family tree and it is pretty tough! Most of my relatives came from Virginia and Eastern Kentucky.and some migrated north.I live in Michigan.We are all in the U.S.A. so I don't really know that much about anada.It has been fun checking out your web site.I think it is very cool! e-mail any time you feel like it. see ya! Loretta Ritchie Montambo

Roger Bartz - 04/06/00 04:05:45
Lark, I will be back in contact with you later. Just found your website. Say Hi to your Mom,Hilda and tell her Chris says Hi too. From Rog Bartz, Galion, Oh, USA.

Shannon Murray - 03/28/00 15:53:58
I read the poem about Louisa Saylors, her sister Josephine is my great-grandmother! I like that poem!

Glen - 02/29/00 21:07:48
Other Short Comment: Great site
Tansi! I was searching the web for Cree legends, myths and stories and came across your page. For a upcoming work project, actually only a week away. I found a few, but need the animal myths URLs, links, etc. Good site, but I have to get back to research work I'll be sure to bookmark it!

Megan Kutzkey - 02/29/00 02:44:57
I came here looking for information on my lost Cree background..I did not find what I was looking will continue on... Thank you for letting me glimpse into your soul for a brief time..

Mac McLeod - 01/28/00 16:26:28
Other Short Comment: What a wonderful page! I came here looking for some perspctives on Dr. W. Edwards Deming and found myself grieving my lost past in Scottish Highlands.
Thank you!

linda - 01/23/00 15:06:46
Interesting site Lark. Full of your thoughts and comments. Very compelling. How about a location to document connection and significance of animal imagery in our dreams? The importance of animal icons to our culture?

Jack Schmidt - 12/31/99 22:58:22
With canges to our computer I lost your site. I made a special trip up to our cabin which is 130 miles North of Green Bay, Wisconsin to search my papers I printed of your's for an address. Luckily I found it. Sure missed the things you write about.

Ted Fitzgerald - 10/10/99 08:03:01
Great guestbook Can anyone help me? I was born in Chapleau on April 27, 1945 to Cecil & Irene Fitzgerald. My mother was born in BC, but raised in Biscotasing. I am looking to find "Shorty"....posible name of Cheryl Byce. Worked as a waitress at the Coq d'or restaurant in Chapleau approximately 1960 - 1962. If you have any information, please contact me. Thanks so much. p.s. my god parents were Francis and Gracie Riley

M. Greyeyes - 09/16/99 18:43:39
Other Short Comment: Hello
I was surfing the net looking for some,or rather, any information on native hand games. I have recently joined a committee that is planning on teaching our children about their heritage. I am doing some research into the hand games, perhaps even how to play some. If you know of any sites that may help me could you please let me know. I am interested in anything that will help teach the younger generation about their heritage and the importance of their heritage. Growing up I was never taught really anything about our people so this is also a learning experience for me. Thank you and I would appreciate any extra information that you can give me.

MAUREEN - 09/07/99 12:47:59
i am a adoptee i have been looking for my birth mother i did wonder about a birth father. i came accross your site . maybe i was looking in the wrong direction . ! congradulations !! hooray for the birthfather

Karen - 09/05/99 18:17:25
Then is then and now is now. What a wonderful way to put it. Gracious words. I enjoyed your site especially the adoption pages. I'm not into hunting, although, I am looking for a birth daughter, adopted into Timmins from Charlottetown, PEI.

Richard Thayer - 08/22/99 16:07:27
Interesting site, thought I had a lot of problems with animal rights activist, and the fur buying community, looks like you got your hands full. Wish you the best of luck in getting the spring bear hunt back into play. Keep in touch. Richard Thayer. P. . will e-mail you later, keep up the good work.

Brad Smith - 07/09/99 14:03:44
Great tribute to a friend of many hunts! Dave must have really made an impression. I too have friends like that. Only through my experiences with them in the woods would I have ever developed those relationships. Do you still guide?

Bill Schipilow - 06/15/99 17:00:47
Read your article re 'Competitiveness in Hockey' with a great deal of interest. Would enjoy communicating with you re this topic. We are heavily invloved with Fair Play in minor hockey. For more information re Fair Play, visit our web site. Cheers, Bill S.

redfirewillow - 05/17/99 22:31:06
My URL:http://don't know
Other Short Comment: Great Stuff!
I reaaaalllly enjoyed your page...was quite impressed with your story on cybersex...i just got on line and am being totally harrassed on ICQ..your page has helped me understand a lot of what and why it is going on....I also liked your story about Chapleau hometown!

Grant Baker - 04/12/99 13:19:00
Found your page while sufing looking for an Ontario Turkey Hunting Page(dates,limits).You have a lot of interesting items,I'll be back again

Lisa Cacahgee McNaught - 04/10/99 04:28:28
I was fooling around with our new computer and looked up our reserve. I'm Mike's daughter. Don't think I met you yet. Anyways take care!!!

Larke Plyler - 01/26/99 21:25:43
Other Short Comment: Great page of interest and thoughts
I never would have thought there was another fellow in this world named Lark much less one that holds the same hunting passion that I do. Maybe I can get up your way one day and "put some tracks in the mud with ya'." Take Care, Larke

Tritoch - 01/26/99 16:34:07
I must say that I really enjoyed reading what you've put onto your page. I originally came here in interest of the 'kissing' page, and it was an incredibly refreshing change from all of the other sites that come up. It has a technical side with a person l touch. It made me think about new things and me realize things I'd observed but had never quite been able to put into words. Thanks for doing such a great job.

Dolores Farmer - 11/07/98 02:11:19
Other Short Comment: Wonderfully written page!
You put your heart into these pages...and it shows. Thanks for a wonderful experience. I spent hours reading the hunting themes pages.

David McCurrin - 08/26/98 04:41:56
Other Short Comment: a few personal views
I am a member of the NAHC and just finished your article "Hunting - Ethical and Moral Considerations" As a whole, I couldn't agree with you more but toward the end concerning externally motiv ted hunters, you lost me. As for risking a 200 yard shot, I know a lot of hunters that are competent out to 300.(Myself included) I fire a Remington Sendero 7mm REM mag that is made for those shots. Secondly, a hunter would lose your respect if in the exc tement of making a clean kill he should say "I got that sucker". That to me just sounds like human emotion. Perhaps your standards are just a bit high. Anyway, I did like the rest of the article and I enjoyed your web page. Keep up the good work. Dave

My response to Dave (Aug 27, 1998)
Got your message on my guest book re "Got That Sucker..."

Let me try to explain.... (I have copied myself on this, because, as you point out, I did lose you in my writing... and I should clarify the thought so that others are not subjected to my flaws in writing...)

back to explanation...

My message is that at ALL times we should treat our animal with the utmost respect... with the increasing onslaught of the anti-hunter and the animals rights activists, every word we use is a potential source of quotation that could appear on national tv s a sound-byte, or a headline in a newspaper...

These groups are getting stronger daily...

as an example, just recently as this summer, a Toronto businessman contributed THREE MILLION DOLLARS to the Animal Alliance...

As recently as yesterday, that same group opposed the Ontario Government in a court challenge re two bear cubs that were transported from three hunred yards from my home to Niagara Falls-area MarineLand after their sow was killed three weeks ago... Animal Alliance chrged that Marineland did not have a permit to keep the bears, and that the ONtario Government was illegal in allowing the transfer to take place... The Ministry of Natural Resources was forced to take back the cubs, and place them in a rehab ce tre, so that they could be introduced into the environment next year...

My point is that these people are extremely well organized, have plans already scripted so that when an incident appears, the just call out the appropriate plan, appoint a project leader, some well trained media peole and negotiators and move to project c mpletion in less than three weeks...

When a hunter, even in the throes of excitement utters disrespectful words like "Got that Sucker!" it can be contrued that there is not intimate and caring relationship between the hunter and the prey.... This is not wolf and rabbit stuff (Wolf does not e ate nor does he see the prey as an opponent in a gamesmanship battle... it is the acquistion of food...)

What this is... is a conscious individual taking an animal.... and in that act one should understand in his deep being that eeven though death is caused, it is done without disregard or disrespect...

I go back to the analogy of putting down one's dog... we would not say to our neighbor, friend, or brother, "Got that sucker" either at the time that our old friend Shep, passes on, or when recounting the story to someone else....

When we allow ourselves these utterances, we provide ammunition to those who see the world through different eyes.... and they are prepared to use whatever means to ensure that their objectives are met... including our own views actions, and utterances...

Thank you for your comments, it has allowed me to attempt clarification,

I would welcome your comments further... please feel free to contact me at any time....

Thanks again... Lark Ritchie....

Bill - 06/25/98 11:48:08

My Email:Bill Arnold
Other Short Comment: Elk Hunting
Great site you have here. I have it in my favorites so I can return again.

Tuck Williams - 06/23/98 03:56:27
Lark, a very thought provoking site. I especially like the way you can express your feelings and philosophy about hunting.A must read site for all hunters! Bearman

Brian - 06/07/98 14:29:31
I believe we do share some common ideas when it comes to hunting and those who oppose it. I will e-mail you...thanks again!

Markus Angelo - 04/01/98 19:51:07
Read your article on competiveness/violence in hockey. You should try to include a page giving your comments of what you think of the violence that is now involved in hockey. Your comments n the violence in the pro hockey leagues and the minor hockey leagues

Derek Anderson (aka Skeeter) - 03/23/98 04:33:24
Wow! I'm impressed. I came across your site through someones link to your hunting page. I was amazed at your thoughts about hunting and the ethics about it. It all made perfect sense after reading through them. I've always tried to figure out and understa d both the hunter and those who oppose hunting. I grew up hunting and don't want to see the Anti's take the that privilage away. I want to be able to take my children (if I ever have any) out in the woods and teach them about how we're not out there to ki l but to take. To show them that we must have respect for the animal we take. If you don't mind I would like to put a link on my page to your page. Keep up the good work and happy trails.

Debbie Lemaire - 02/18/98 00:29:44
Hi Lark, Remember Me? Found your website by talking to Christy Marinig at the Timmins Economic Development Corporation. I'm currently rebuilding the Timmins website - using Microsoft Frontpage 98 - and am enjoying it. I have started a small web design company - DEB's WEBS. I enjoyed your web pages very much - especially the adoption stuff! I don't know if sharon mentioned to you that I reunited with my birth-son in 1996 as soon as he turned 18. He came up to Timmins a couple of times and I've been down to his graduation. It was great. Now, I talk to him on the phone and write letters to him. What more could I ask for! He has wonderful parents who are very understanding. I'm very, very lucky. Well, hope all is well with you. I'm sure you're keeping very busy as usual. Hope this message isn't too long. Deb

Joe Crocco - 01/19/98 02:04:07
Lark: Very interesting writings. I will be back for more as I'm getting an education. Thanks!!!

Craig Sewell - 01/15/98 14:13:26
Lark, I enjoyed your web site. I found it in Hugh Kuttner's web page about Pellow's Cottages. Six of us from Virginia will be staying is one of Hugh's fly-in cottages this June.

- 12/07/97 20:48:10

Patricia Gilson - 12/02/97 15:25:53
awesome to come across someone from Chapleau. My agrandmother was from chapleau. All my best to you. Patty#660

Bill Ritchie - 10/20/97 21:52:21
I hunted in Labrador for some 7 years,mostly subsistance,caribou,ptarmagin,grouse,lots of seals and ducks.Great to see the Ritchies eating so well eh?

Just Jay - 10/14/97 09:11:05
Other Short Comment: Hunting and Fishing are an Education!
Hello Lark! Great page! I read the poems and a few of the letters but I shall return for the management's 2 AM right now and I'm too tired to think business right now. Please forgive me. Oh, and I too have studied The Deming Management M thod.

Sean (John) Henry - 07/24/97 00:52:17 GMT
Other Short Comment: hello dere
I don't know why I didn't think of checking you out on the web before - I look forward to exploring your site Sean

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