Est. 5 November 1998
Last Update: 24 January 2001
This site is dedicated to:
"We are each of us angels with only one wing,
and we can only fly by embracing one another."
-- Luciano de Crescenzo
My site has been inactive for awhile due to technical difficulties. Things are corrected and I'll get back into the swing of doing something with this. Thanks for your patience!
Hi! I'm Coyote. I'm a Christian, Paramedic, Health Services Training Specialist, Advanced Cardiac Life Support instructor, Basic Life Support (CPR) Instructor Trainer, Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support provider, Peer Counselor for the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Commercial Pilot, and a very happy and busy single mom. I used to rodeo and show Quarter Horses, and I owned and rode my own '84 XLCH H-D Sportster (last of the 1000cc models) for years. I enjoy shooting pistols at the range when I get a little "free" time. (Surely she's DREAMING!) As time passes, you'll also be meeting Road Runner (my son) and lots of our wonderful friends here.
Many people have asked me, "Why do you have a web site?" I guess I just want to share a little bit of myself with others. I'm a "people person." I'm in a public service oriented occupation. I want to share information on different topics with those souls who are of like mind. Maybe someone will find something here they have not previously explored. Maybe I can open a new door of discovery for another human being. Maybe I can provide a little inspiration. Maybe I'm just egotistical and weird? Beats the heck outta me!
As we grow you will find links and resources to places intended to stimulate your mind, aid your contemplation of the Truth, and help you find peace for your weary soul. I hope this will be a very dynamic site, so bookmark us and please come back SOON and visit again!
For My Soulmate...I Know You're Out There Somewhere
This kind of instant, magnetic attraction is often called "love at first sight," which is no accident of fate, but very real.
Sometimes, it seems that the problems of two people who love each other are hopeless, the wall that separates them too high to ever surmount. But their problems would dissolve, simply disappear, if they would only touch hands -- or hearts -- or minds -- or even noses -- and whisper just one word: "magic!" For love IS magic, the secret power all who love possess without realizing it. No matter how great the injury, or how bitter the words, love will erase it all, as if it had never been. But not without the desire and effort to do so on the part of the one who has inflicted the pain -- not without the quality of forgiveness on the part of the one who's been deeply hurt. Desire, effort and forgiveness, intermingled, are necessary to release love's force and power.
It makes no difference how far away someone has gone, for love will bring a return. There is no distance that love cannot span, no illness -- moral, mental, emotional or spiritual -- that love cannot heal. No victory that love cannot win. Love is concentrated kinetic energy, the most awesome force in Nature...and beyond Her.
Like a bottomless cup, the Holy Grail of those who love is never empty.
Sgt. Jack Duncan (Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice) ... a dear friend and co-worker. Your life ended all too soon on December 27, 1998. So many people will miss you, Jack ... one of them is me!
"Everyone, some sooner than others, must endure his or her own personal 'hell on earth'. It is important to keep searching for the small joys, although they are sometimes the most elusive. Trust that these joys will appear, sometimes unexpectedly, and often in life’s darkest moments ... for instance, in the smile on a baby’s face."
"It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death."
--Thomas Mann
Where is YOUR favorite place?
Happy Birthday, Road Runner! ... from the Forbidden Knight
My little brother, A.P., thinks the ranch is HIS. Take a look at Kickapoo Ranch and you might agree. It's a GREAT place for an escape, conference, wedding, etc.!
Looking for rest and refreshment? NightShayde and her friends at the Sword and Serpent are sure to provide you shelter from the storm.
Coyote has REALLY gotta recommend a visit to Tony's Place in New Zealand -- it's GREAT!
I've gotta give special "thanks" to Tony for helping me set up this site. I couldn't have done it without ya, Hon!
Love Worth Finding -- Adrian Rogers
Moore on Life -- David T. Moore
Truth for Life -- Alistair Begg
The Winning Walk -- Ed Young
FamilyLife Today -- Dennis Rainey
Focus on the Family -- Dr. James Dobson -- Lots of good things here -- Everything for the Christian community
Jay Sekulow -- the American Center for Law & Justice
Texas Legislature -- for the latest bills filed
Christian Financial Concepts -- Larry Burkett's super financial counseling!
From paramedic John B., in Nova Scotia:
Nova Scotia Paramedic Stations
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
Achoo -- a GREAT site & healthcare information resource!
Alcoholics Anonymous
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry -- Covering children's issues such as Depression, Bed wetting, Adoption, Stepfamily problems, & Sexual abuse
American Academy of Dermatology
American Academy of Family Physicians
American College of Physicians -- American Society of Internal Medicine
American Heart Association -- Heart Attack and Stroke information
American Psychiatric Association
Asthma FAQs
Blind Links -- Hundreds of resources for those facing visual impairment
Breast Cancer Awareness
GriefNet -- This site connects you to a vairety of resources related to death, dying, bereavement, and major physical and emotional losses.
Kids Health Organization -- Extensive index of topics on children's health. Categorized for kids, teens, parents, and professionals.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
National Institutes of Health
New England Journal of Medicine -- Includes hyperlinks to additional medical resources on the Web.
Reuters Health Information -- Includes top health news of the day, archives, hyperlinks to other health-related sites, a drug database, and a Health eLine.
Society for the Autistically Handicapped -- Answers to common questions about autism, and an in-depth introduction to this developmental disability.
The UCI Willed Body Program -- Information about donating your body to science. Links to organ donation facts, dealing with grief, sociology of death and dying, and mortuary sciences.
Virtual Hospital -- Continually updated digital health science library for medical reference and health promotion for healthcare providers and patients.
World Health Organization -- Info on world health topics & stats, vaccination requirements, & health advice.
The Yuckiest Site on the Internet -- learn about your body in kid-speak!
Bandaids and Blackboards -- for kids living with chronic illnesses
Process data from the Arecibo Radio Observatory (Puerto Rico) and search for "ET" on your very own computer! SETI@home
Watch this space for links to boost your spirits, EMS and medical reference sites, and some Pooh links (for Road Runner and his friends.)
Chris "Ref" Kirby (UK) -- My "gift of roses"
Connor "Road Runner" -- My "MIRACLE angel"
Dave "Doc" Marshall EMT-P (North Carolina) -- My "twin soul" and knight traveling swamps & pine with magic potions & magic lightning
Geoffrey Saxby (UK) -- My "wizard"
Gini Haynes EMT (Maine) -- My "little sis"
Beverly, Tom, Hershel, & Donna (USA) -- Where would I be without you?
Paula Mason LVN (Texas) -- My "guardian angel"
Rick "Ricochet" Chandonnet (Texas) -- My "mate"
Rob "RAD" Delgado (California) -- My "Alchemist"
Shawna Heath LVN (Texas) -- My "sis & runnin' buddy"
Tony "Monty Zooma" Wilson (New Zealand)-- My "webmeister"
Tristan Chandonnet -- my new "son"
"Star Leopard" -- "Ana bahebak ya habiby!"
WHOAAA! Sign my guestbook before you leave!