Maria's First Hole-In-One
October 29, 1997
Hole #10, 195 Yards
A.L. Gustin Golf Course
Columbia, MO
This is a graphic Maria
made of her ACTUAL
hole-in-one ball
(not that she wants you
to see all of it or anything.)
The Story, as told by Maria:
It all started Wed. morning, Oct. 29, 1997 when we had an unusually warm fall
day. Both Mitch and myself were "off service". I beeped Mitch
and said, "Let's play hooky at lunch and meet at the golf course."
Mitch agreed, which is uncharacteristic for him as he's more of a workaholic
than I am.
We were playing with our veterinarian friend, Russell ("Doc")
Schoen and his pal Mel Wichern. They had all hit from the back (black) tees
on #10 and I was playing the middle (gold) tees. I noticed the wind was
in my face so I clubbed up to a 3 wood instead of a 4wood. I placed a Ryder
cup logo ball on one of my usual Truman State University purple tees and
said, "I guess I'll play this Ryder cup ball for LOSERS."
When I hit it, the first thing I noticed was that I hit the green, which
is unusual for me on that hole. I thought, "Hmmm, I hit the green for
once, that's cool." Then I saw it rolling right at the flag, rolling,
rolling, rolling, and then it DISAPPEARED!
"Girl, I think that's in the hole!" yelled Doc.
"Nawww!" I replied. "I bet it went off the green."
"No," added Mitch, "I distinctly saw the ball disappear.
I would think it went in the hole." (Typical academic.)
I still didn't believe it. I looked behind the green first. No ball. Then
I started looking at the hole and my heart started beating FAST. "Mitch,
go look in the hole."
"Oh, no," answered Mitch. "It's YOUR problem. You have to
look yourself."
I sneaked up gingerly to the hole like it had a snake in it. There, in the
bottom of the cup, the Ryder Cup Logo for Losers stared back at me! Only
then did I start jumping up and down and screaming.
Of course everyone was hugging and congratulating me. It took me 3 more
holes to calm down! Doc and Mel had never seen a hole in one. The last one
Mitch saw was his OWN hole in one...back in 1949! His was also with a Maxfli
My hole in one cost me about 40 bucks in drinks at the clubhouse, but it
was a bill I enjoyed paying!

The four of us show off the Ryder Cup for Losers ball...
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