Welcome to Mitch and Maria's Guestbook!

joyce & dale brimer - 12/12/00 18:35:40
My Email:jdbrimer@gateway.net

Very interesting. I am marking this for Lyn to look at when she has a spare minute. Congrats.

lindabryant - 12/26/99 18:37:57
My Email:linbryant@hotmail.com

Hi Guy, Loved seeing and reading all about you. Congrats on the two newest honors!!!!Les will be proud too.

Mark Schlemper - 12/14/99 18:17:31
My URL:http://www.carfax.com
My Email:marks@carfax.com

You must have more "free" time than me. Not a bad site.

Barb Allen - 12/14/99 14:31:07
My Email:balleno2@mail.coin.missouri.edu

The journeys the thing.

Mossy - 11/23/99 22:47:34
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~mossy8930/mossy.htm
My Email:mossy8930@mindspring.com

Nince page about two cool people. I see besides beating me at all the ESPN games, you can take me on a golf course too, just great!!!

Michael Crick - 01/14/99 01:31:33
My URL:http://crick.com/hamu/hamguest.html
My Email:mica@crick.com

I appreciated visiting your interesting site. Have you tried this useful program for learning Morse Code? It also has all the FCC exams so you can quiz yourself before taking the test.
Click here to download a FREE demo copy of Ham University
Ham University

Travis Foster - 01/11/99 20:26:23


mr - 12/22/98 21:45:59

Maria, just wanted you to know I was here. Hey Mitch!

Paul Falvey - 12/21/98 16:24:13
My URL:http://www.golfclassifieds.co.uk
My Email:paulfalvey@dialin.co.uk

Hello! We have recently launched our new site entitled "Golf Classifieds" and we would be very appreciative if you would add a link to our homepage, which is located at http://www.golfclassifieds.co.uk Please visit our site and place as many free ads as you like. Paul Falvey paulfalvey@dialin.co.uk

Cathy Rosenholtz - 12/07/98 15:01:16
My Email:cathyellen@earthlink.net

Hi! Very cool to see pictures of you all on the net! Lot's o' love...

Mitch - 11/22/98 02:26:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/mitchsplace
My Email:gretzky4@yahoo.com

Hey Mitch and Maria! You have a very cool site here. I have my own and you might even be linked from my "Other Mitchs" page. Nice visiting you.

JJ - 11/09/98 10:53:38
My URL:http://geocities.com/collegepark/lab/5762
My Email:deepforest@dido.com

Hey Maria! Your site rocks! A sense of humor is a must, especially on the web! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Brendan - 11/05/98 00:56:25
My URL:/WestHollywood/Stonewall/2125/
My Email:sainasia@mailexcite.com

I've signed! A very interesting site. I enjoy the light-hearted style you have used, it's great!

Domenico Cutrona - 10/29/98 12:42:54
My Email:Cutrona@mbox.unict.it


10/25/98 12:01:49
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

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