(Click here to see what the real Mitch looks
Mitchell J. Rosenholtz, M.D., professor, Dept. of Pathology and Anatomical
Sciencs at the University of Missouri, has been a longtime pathology teacher,
starting back when he was a resident (he's an old fart; you don't want to
know how long ago he was a resident doc.)
- High school: St. Thomas Academy,
St. Paul, MN
- Undergraduate: Harvard College,
Cambridge, MA
- Medical School: University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN (Go gophers!)
- Internship: Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
- Residency: University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN
- Other places Mitch has worked: Army Chemical Center, Edgewood, MD; University
of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, MD
Interesting personal facts about Mitch:
- Mitch was the State Junior Golf Champion in Minnesota in 1949 and played
in the first U.S. Junior championship in 1948. Unfortunately, some guys
named Ken Venturi and Don January also played in that tournament also, so
Mitch's career days as a famous golfer were numbered.
- Mitch is still an avid golfer although, now 70-plus, he feels he struggles more. That hasn't stopped him from winning several medals in the Missouri Show-Me State Games, though.
- Mitch was named "Guardian of Hillel" in his congregation in 1996, an honor that is given to few members in Congregation Beth Shalom in Columbia, and he is also a winner of the Jane Hickman Teaching Award, the MU School of Medicine's "Teacher of the Year" award.
- Mitch is one of those people who still doesn't mind admitting he's a
liberal; he's active in Common Cause, the local Jewish community, and is
a loyal liberal Democrat. Mitch is also very active in interviewing high
school students in Mid-Missouri for Harvard/Radcliffe.
- Mitch's areas of medical expertise are general anatomic pathology, medical
photography, and medical education; particularly the NRMP match.

(Click here to see what the real Maria looks
Maria L. Evans, M.D., associate professor, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, was a high school teacher before
she became a physician. She also fixed pinball machines, jukeboxes, video
games, and coin-operated pool tables before she decided that getting an
education might be nice.
- High School: Macon
R-I High School, Macon, MO (Maria has great rural connections!)
- Undergraduate: Truman State University
(formerly Northeast Missouri State University), Kirksville, MO
- Medical School: University of
Missouri, Columbia, MO
- Residency: University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO
- Other places Maria has worked (Besides all the the weird jobs she had
before going back to school): Mini-fellowships at Southern
Illinois University, Carbondale, IL and the Armed
Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC
Interesting personal facts about Maria:
- Maria, like Mitch, is a tad liberal in her politics, but is more libertarian
than Mitch. She likes guns and uncontrollable personal freedom more than
the typical "East Coast Ivy League Intellectual Liberals" do.
She also fishes, and especially loves ice fishing.
- Maria has had an amateur radio license since 1976 and her call sign
is KT5Y. She is a life member of the American Radio Relay League.
- Maria is a first generation college student and is deeply committed
to her undergraduate alma mater. In fact, she served on its board of Governors from 1995-2001.
- Maria has been a longstanding jock and loves sports of all kinds, especially
baseball/softball. She was a member of the varsity rifle team as an undergraduate,
and her biggest letdown was not being able to try out for the 1980 Olympics
(since it was boycotted that year!) She took up golf at a relatively late
age (she never touched a club until she was 31), but was a fast pupil. She has played in the Missouri State Women's Amateur a number of times and has also won several medals in the Missouri Show-Me State Games,
the largest state amateur games in the country.
Maria's areas of medical expertise are in general anatomic and clinical
pathology, but she especially likes pediatric pathology/perinatal pathology
(especially placental pathology) and hematopathology.
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