Summer Research and Training Oportunities - (please email me with any additions to this list)
Operation Pathfinder (OP PATH '97 ) -
Two-week graduate course in Oceanography and Coastal Processes for Middle Atlantic K-12 teachers held on the coast of North Carolina.
Includes trips to the Outer Banks and Roanoke Island, Gulf Stream and continental shelf research aboard the Cape Hatteras, and intertidal explorations and aerial overflights. Federal funding provides transportation, lodging and a small stipend.
General information on Operation Pathfinder
Program coordinator is:
Lundi Spence, NC Sea Grant, Box 8605, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC 27695
Join the Kaikoura expedition at
National Geographic
and explore one of the sea's last great mysteries
Ocean Links for Teachers
Oceanographic Resources
Other Resources
Students Recommend these Beach Books .......
Ocean Books and Field Guides