Ocean Potions

Marine Education Resources for K-8 Teachers and Students

Summer Research and Training Oportunities - (please email me with any additions to this list)
  • Operation Pathfinder (OP PATH '97 ) - Two-week graduate course in Oceanography and Coastal Processes for Middle Atlantic K-12 teachers held on the coast of North Carolina.

    • Includes trips to the Outer Banks and Roanoke Island, Gulf Stream and continental shelf research aboard the Cape Hatteras, and intertidal explorations and aerial overflights. Federal funding provides transportation, lodging and a small stipend.

    • General information on Operation Pathfinder

    • Program coordinator is:
      Lundi Spence, NC Sea Grant, Box 8605, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC 27695
      email lundie_spence@ncsu.edu

Join the Kaikoura expedition at National Geographic and explore one of the sea's last great mysteries

  • Plunge into the depths of New Zealand's Kaikoura Canyon and search the abyss for a creature never before observed in its habitat, the giant squid. The canyon is home to sperm whales and their prey including the giant squid, a creature that can grow to feet long and weigh more than 1,000 pounds.
  • Take a virtual dive with an international team of scientists and National Geographic Society underwater photographer Emory Kristof as they lower a robotic submersible and video cameras into the depths, hoping to find and photograph the giant squid.

  • A special National Geographic on-site web team will zap you frequent dispatches, including firsthand reports of this maritime adventure, animated gifs of breaching whales, videos, and interactive 3-D models of remote underwater vehicles. Brad Johnson, the award-winning web site designer, is "on deck" producing this feature.

Organizations Ocean Links for Teachers

Oceanographic Resources

Other Resources

Students Recommend these Beach Books .......

Ocean Books and Field Guides

MANATEE Melissa Tukey's home page

Prepared by Melissa Tukey and her students at B. E. Jordan in Saxapahaw, North Carolina .
Send EMAIL to the teacher I would like to hear from you if you have any links that should be added to this page or if you have any ideas or experiences that you would like to share.

There have been visitors to this site since August 16, 1996.

Last updated January 15, 1997

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