Welcome to my site. My image is from an Epson PhotoPC 850z camera, retouched in Adobe PhotoShop v5.5, then saved as a jpg image.
My personal situation has recently changed. The good looking girl is my wife. We were recently married in a very small church ceremony. Only family, kids and my brother her sister, attended. We had a reception in our recently completed 30 x 40 two story barn. (I needed a play house other than our main residence. She was agreeable!)
(Unfortunately this clock does not work with IE from Microsoft!)
Keck I (l) and Keck II (r) at 13,603 feet elevation on Mauna Kea, island of Hawaii. The volcano, Haleakala on the island of Maui, appears between the two domes.
Solar Sites
Robert Kern Curtis's Physics Page.
This search engine is very useful. It is easy to use and has a high percentage of hits.
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