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HTML Validation and Accessibility

  1. A Kinder Gentler Validator

  2. Best Viewed with Any Browser

  3. Designing an Accessible Web Site

  4. Doctor HTML

  5. EWS Weblint Gateway

  6. HTML 3.2 DTD (webtechs)

  7. HTML 3.2 + CSS1 DTD (webtechs)

  8. HTML 4.0 Draft DTD

  9. HTML Tags & Attributes (matched to their DTDs)

  10. HTML Validation Tools

  11. Internationalization of the Web

  12. NCSA Mosaic Access Page

  13. nsgmls.exe DTD validation

  14. perlSGML

  15. Popular Public HTML Document Type Definitions

  16. SGML

  17. Suite of HTML Validation Suites

  18. The SGML Web Page

  19. The Unofficial `Kinder, Gentler HTML Validator FAQ

  20. Using Multiple Languages in HTML

  21. Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer

  22. Web Page Purifier

  23. Weblint

  24. WebTechs

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© 1998, MoonBoots Enterprises
maintained by MRC
last modified 1998.03.09
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