I'm Really Not That Bothered About This Thing

As You Can Guess By Looking at this Disaster

Got this thing in 1998 and didn't do much to it, I come in and potter about now and then! I really don't see the point in having a webpage for no particular reason, I used to store my essays on it in the event that my hard disk got wiped (again)! Now that I've abandoned that idea it just seems like a useful place to store stuff. I was doing an undergrad in Archaeology - then went digging for a while up and down the country. Now I am a student again doing my MSc and trying to get used to having no money. My main interest on the web is the Archaeology Club I founded at Yahoo and the associated webpage

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Email me at lucy78green@yahoo.com
Please come back soon and visit me.

© 1997-2004 lucy78green@yahoo.com

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