The Led Zeppelin and JRR Tolkien Home Page
This page was written by Scott
Selisker. I hope you enjoy it!
The published works of Led Zeppelin date to 1969, and Tolkien's
date back to 1937. Led Zeppelin was a very successful rock group throughout
the 1970's, and JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one
of the most popular fantasies ever. So one may ask what connects
these two elites. The answer is simple- Led Zeppelin's Lyrics.
The figure in the above picture,"The Hermit," is a card from the
Rider-Wait Tarot Deck(thanks Zerxes). I believe that the band may have
seen similarities between the card and Gandalf from the Tolkien trilogy.
He is pictured looking down on Bag End, making sure that Frodo is safe
from Dark forces. There are many direct and indirect references to Tolkien's
works in Plant's lyrics, in a variety of songs. The songs with direct references
are "Over the Hills and Far Away," "Misty Mountain Hop," "Battle of Evermore,"
"Ramble On" and others. In the following pages, I will explain these references,
along with direct quotes from the novels and songs. Let the journey begin.
Song Analyses
Misty Mountain
the Hills and Far Away
Battle of Evermore
A Look
at Other Indicators, Like Dogs
BTW, Stairway to Heaven is not Tolkien-Related
Other Things To Do Here
to Related Resources- The internet already has so much material, why
bother duplicating it?
Survey- Tell me what you think of my page.
Thanks must go to Tom Flannery, Zerxes Bhagalia, Julie Quets, Hairfoot,
and Matt Faulhaber. At this point, I'm pretty much finished writing this
page, though if there is enough demand, I will address which songs are
not Tolkien related, such as Stairway to Heaven, The Rain Song,
Kashmir, and others.
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since 14 February, 1998
This page last updated on 16 September 1998, content created April 1996
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