
You're now a member. If you're a bit confused by all this, be sure to check out Rule I, Section B, paragraph 2 of the Fusili Club Manifesto.

Sorry if we caught you off guard...well, maybe we're fact, we're definitely not sorry. Welcome.

Now, pat yourself on the back and give yourself a title. That's pretty important, since we have no other way of addressing you, unless you tell us your name.

To be sure that we know you're now a member, send us your name, e-mail address, and your self-selected title...if you're lucky, and we get around to it, we'll send you a membership card. It might look kind of like this:

Yours will probably be smaller...

It's easy to send us your info. Just fill out the form below, and you can be official and whatnot. We'll let you know about your membership card, our bi-monthly newsletter, and all sorts of other stuff.

Your Name:

Your E-Mail Address:

Your Fusili Club Title:

Your Home Page URL:


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