Presentations: Primary Trait Rubric
Objective: To deliver a factual, focused, and
audience-appropriate oral presentation.
Student Objectives: The student will be able to:
and deliver a presentation that demonstrates a thorough understanding of a
an adequate use of language and speech techniques appropriate to the audience.
visuals to enhance the communication of ideas where appropriate to the topic.
collaboration and planning within group presentations when appropriate.
5 Presentation is well-developed, unified, and focused. The material presented is factually correct
and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and a high degree of
analysis. Presentation is organized
with strong central point, logical sequence, and a coherent flow. Presenter is enthusiastic and has a good
sense of audience. Presenter
demonstrates a skillful use of language and speech techniques, including eye
contact, clarity, and voice projection with no distracting behavior. Visuals used add relevance to the spoken
information and are creative and well-prepared. Presenter is able to keep audience engaged throughout the
presentation. It is obvious to
observers that planning and practice have gone into the preparation. If presenting as a group, all members are
equally engaged in the presentation and coordination and planning are obvious.
4 Presentation is developed and focused with logical sequence and
coherent flow. Material is factually
correct and presentation shows an understanding of the material and some
analysis. Presenter delivers the
presentation with confidence and a sense of the audience. The presenter demonstrates a good use of
language and speech techniques and maintains audience interest without
distracting behavior. Visuals used may
be relevant to the presentation but may lack creativity. If presenting as a group, some members are
more actively engaged in the presentation, although collaboration and planning
are evident.
3 Presentation shows some organization, is generally logical in
sequence but may not be clearly focused.
Information is presented in a knowledgeable manner but there may be a
few factual errors. Presenter
demonstrates an adequate use of language and speech techniques, but may not be
comfortable in front of an audience by pacing or exhibiting other nervous
movement, speaking too fast or too softly, or avoiding eye contact with the
audience. Visuals are somewhat relevant
to the presentation but lack clarity.
If presenting as a group, presentation demonstrates some preparation but
not all members participate.
2 Presentation lacks organization and focus. Information presented is incomplete with
some major factual errors and is not presented in a discernibly logical
sequence. Material is obviously not
well-developed or researched. Presenter
demonstrates inadequate use of language and speech techniques by reading
directly from notes, makes little eye contact, and has poor voice control. Visuals lack relevance to the topic. Audience is not kept engaged by the
presentation. If presenting as a group,
collaborative efforts are not well-coordinated and some members are not engaged
in presentation.
1 Presentation is incomplete, undeveloped, and unclear. Presentation lacks focus and contains many
factual errors. Presenter demonstrates
no awareness of language or speech techniques and coveys little awareness of
the audience. Presenter has no
visuals. If presenting as a group,
collaboration is not evident and only one student participates.
Presentations: Analytic Rubric
Objective: To deliver a factual, focused, and audience-appropriate oral
Student Objectives: The student will be able to:
and deliver a presentation which demonstrates a thorough understanding of a
an adequate use of language and speech techniques appropriate to the audience.
visuals to enhance the communication of ideas where appropriate to the topic.
collaboration and planning within group presentations when appropriate.
Scoring Guide: Each category is rated 1
(lowest) to 5 (highest).
5 Demonstrates
thorough understanding of topic with high degree of analysis.
4 Facts
are correct with some analysis.
3 Presents
in a knowledgeable manner with only minor factual errors.
2 Contains
some factual errors in presentation and little or no analysis.
1 Demonstrates
little understanding of the topic and has major factual errors.
5 Presentation is organized and well planned with a focus, strong
central point, logical sequence, and a coherent flow.
4 Presentation is organized and shows planning with focus, logical
sequence, and coherent flow.
3 Presentation shows some organization and is generally logical in sequence but may not be focused or have a discernible central point.
2 Presentation lacks organization and focus, sequence does not
follow a discernible pattern.
1 Presentation shows complete lack of organization, planning, and
5 Speaks enthusiastically and knowledgeably with good vocal
clarity, eye contact, audience engagement, and no distracting behavior.
4 Demonstrates good use of speech and delivery techniques and
maintains audience interest without distracting behavior.
3 Demonstrates adequate use of speech and delivery techniques but
may show some discomfort before an audience.
2 Shows an inadequate use of speech and delivery techniques by
reading from notes, little eye contact with audience, and poor voice control.
1 Conveys little awareness of the audience.
5 Visuals
add relevance to the presentation and are creative and well-prepared.
4 Visuals
may be relevant to the presentation but lack creativity.
3 Visuals
are somewhat relevant to the topic but lack clarity or creativity.
2 Visuals
lack relevance to the topic.
1 No