The eyes of the Lord are understood by divine examination; in the psalm: the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous. [Ps. 33(34):16(15)]
The ears of the Lord are worthy when they hear; in the psalm: and his ears toward their cries. [Ps. 33(34):16(17)]
The mouth of the Lord is conversation with man; in the prophet: the mouth of the Lord has spoken. [Is. 1:20]
The word of the Lord is his son; in the psalm: my heart is inditing a good word. [Ps. 44(45):1(2)]
The arm of the Lord is his son, through whom all was made; in the prophet: the arm of the Lord is shown to him. [Is. 53:1]
The right hand of the Lord is like the arm of the Lord; in the psalm: the right hand of the Lord made strength. [Ps. 117(118):16 Vulgate]
The womb of the Lord, from which he brings forth his son, is hidden; in the psalm: out of the womb before the morning star have I begotten you. [Ps. 109(110):3]
The feet of the Lord are for ever stable; in the psalm: and darkness under his feet. [Ps. 17(18):10(11) Vulgate]
The footprints of the Lord are signs of his secret work; in the psalm: and they do not know your footprints. [Ps. 76(77):20(19) Vulgate]
The footsteps of the Lord are the coming or the path of the Lord; in the psalm: they have seen your footsteps, O Lord. [Ps. 67(68):25(24) Vulgate]
The arms of the Lord are a help to his saints; in the psalm: take up arms and a shield. [Ps. 34(35):2]
The protection of the Lord is a shield; in the psalm: O Lord, you have crowned us with the shield of your goodwill. [Ps. 5:12]
The vengeance of the Lord is a spear; in the psalm: hurl your spear and put an end to the impious. [Ps. 34(35):3]
The tension of divine threat is a bow; in the psalm: he has stretched his bow and prepared it. [Ps. 7:13(12)]
The precepts of the Lord or of the Apostles are arrows; in the psalm: he has sent his arrows and has scattered them. [Ps. 17(18):15(14)]
The discourse of the Lord is a vindicating sword; in the apostle: the discourse of the Lord is living, and it is as efficacious and penetrating as a two-edged sword. [Hebr. 4:12]
The discourse of the Lord is also a javelin.
The trumpet of God is the voice of the Lord made manifest; in the apostle: in the command and voice of the archangel and in the trumpet of God. [I Thess. 4:15]
The chariot of the Lord, the seat of the Lord, is the four-sided gospel; in the psalm: the chariot of the Lord has 20,000 sides. [Ps. 67(68):18(17)]
The rod of the Lord is a sign of his rule or of the correction of discipline; in the psalm: the rod of equity, the rod of your reign. [Ps. 44(45):7(6)]
The staff of the Lord is the sustaining consolation of God; in the psalm: your rod and your staff, they comfort me. [Ps. 22(23):4]
The embers of the fire are examples of charity or of repentance; in the psalm: with the embers of the desolate. [Ps. 119(120):4 Vulgate]
Smoke is the beginning of future contrition or of a threat from God; in the psalm: smoke rises in his anger. The same in another part: like noxious smoke in the eyes, it is vanity. [Ps. 17(18):9(8); unidentified]
Fire is the Holy Spirit; in the acts of the apostles: and fire appeared to them in forked tongues and sat above each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. [Acts 2:3-4]
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