Descending Landmark Peak in the Heritage
Range, West Antarctica. (Photo: T. F. Redfield)
On the Kor Ingalls route,
Castleton Tower. Photo: C. Heywood.I (T. F. Redfield, left) am an exploration geologist specializing in structural geology and potential fields geophysics. Technical Exploration is the name under which I operate in the geological business world. Via the Internet, Technical Exploration and I offer more than a decade of geological field experience and nearly two decades of mountaineering experience to mineral exploration companies around the world. While I specialize in fieldwork in remote and difficult regions such as the steep or heavily glaciated mountains and extremely high latitudes pictured in these web pages, I am also very experienced at work and travel in deserts and jungles, have underground mining experience, and speak very good Spanish. I am willing (and able) to consider a wide range of contract employment, anywhere in the world. My Web pages detail the many different facets of my experience to date, and constitute an advertisement for my professional geological services. If after browsing them you or the company you represent would like to discuss a contract, or would simply like additional information not recorded on this site, you may easily send me email. If the link is slow, please be patient and try again!
Looking down from the top of
Pitch 33, El Capitan, Nose route. Photo:
T. Redfield (courtesy J. Darby).
I designed these pages to present prospective employers with comprehensive information about myself and the services I offer. The more you browse through them the better you will be able to determine how I might contribute to your project. However, the links to each of the pages can be excruciatingly slow. That is because a lot of people use this server (and lots of people use it because it is free!) I am trying to get a mirror site set up somewhere else, but it may be some time before this comes to pass. Until then, if you hit the link two or three times you ought to get through. Please be patient! I update this site periodically, so even if you are already acquainted with my peculiar services browsing may turn up something of interest. For example, in this edition I have once again updated my resume to reflect the realities of 1998. And if you visit Athens, you too can discover how to get a free home page of your own...
Sultana (Mt. Foraker) from the West
Buttress of Denali. Photo: M. T. Smith.
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