A Little about me:

I am a 24 year old graduate of The Ohio State University with a degree in Philosophy and a focus in Epistemology. Of course since a B.A. in Philosophy is so useful I was quickly able to find a job in the service field. I am bidding my time working as a technical support represenative at CompuSeve.

I am live in a small apartment with my wife, who attends OSU full time working on a double major in Classical Languages and English Literature, and a cat, who spends time trying to walk on the ceiling and talk to the local crows. We're all just hanging out until we can go off to graduate school to grab a PhD in Classical Languages for my wife, one in Philosophy for me, and one in ceiling walking for the cat.

Besides working in the service field and waiting for graduate school I am also trying to be a writer. My story Film will appear in the up-comming anthology Idol Hands due out sometime next year and edited by Adam D. Voorhes. Outside of writing, working on my out of date 486, and answering the phone at CompuServe I spend my time playing in a local Punk band called Insurrection. I hope that soon I will have some sound bites for you, but at the moment I have been too busy to make some. We don't play out a lot since we tend to sound more like the early 80's punk bands (ala Dead Kennedys, GBH, Exploited), and there just isn't a big market for that sound around Columbus.

My taste in writing, reading, and music vary a lot. In music I enjoy Punk and Classical the most, however I would have to say that my five all time favorite bands are Skinny Puppy, Bauhaus, Goblin, Talking Heads, and Asia. My Favorite writers are Stephen Baxter, Robert Heinlein, H. P. Lovecraft, Joe Lansdale, Kathe Koja, and the godess of horror Poppy Z. Brite. I currently write horror, but have a pile of Sci-fi, fanasty, and speculative fiction in a filing cabinet in the corner. You can taste some of my original fiction on the Bookshelf.

Well by now you are probably sick of hearing about me, so I'll shut up. I plan to add a picture of myself here someday, but I hate a lot of pictures on Web sites so you'll notice mine is kind of lax on them.

Sincerely, Brian Lauvray

P.S. I always love email so send me some if you want : 70003.7720@compuserve.com

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