Rising Dove Site Map


Rising Dove Art Gallery

Joyce Kilmer et Al

F.C. Frieseke



Miriam A. Kilmer: Artist, Poet, Musician
Owner of Rising Dove Fine Arts and Services

Which Kilmer are you looking for?
Find BOOKS by and about Kilmers and their Relatives at:

Rising Dove Bookstore
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Web pages with information and links may be found on my Web Sites for the relatives listed below.
Type the
red name in the search box. Search this Site
Joyce Kilmer - Early Twentieth Century American Poet - (see "Trees" limited edition print, The Joyce Kilmer and Aline Kilmer Association Copies Book Index)
Aline Kilmer - Early Twentieth Century American Poet
Frederick C. Frieseke - American Impressionist - ( see Works on Paper
Frances Frieseke Kilmer - Foundress of Green Hedges Elemantary School
Kenton Kilmer - Editor, Poet, and Translator
Nicholas Kilmer - Poet, Painter, and Novelist
Martin Kilmer - Archeologist (Bookstore Only)
Jonathan Hunter-Kilmer - See his page on The Camaldolese,
                 a contemplative branch of the Order of Saint Benedict.

Patrick Hunter-Kilmer - See his personal page
Henry Mills Alden - Editor (Bookstore Only)
Constance Clarke Greene - Author (Bookstore Only)
Shep Greene - Author (Bookstore Only). More Greene relatives (authors) are mentioned on the same page, with some of their works.
Links to more Kilmers
Search for Kilmers here:
Are you looking for Val Kilmer or Billy Kilmer?
Search for these and other relatives here:
Books                   Web Sites                   Joyce Kilmer Genealogy                   Forum

Is your last name Kilmer (or Something-Kilmer or Kilmer-Something)? Are you a close relative of a Kilmer by birth, adoption, marriage, etc.? Would you like to be listed here? Please email your name to Miriam along with the information you would like to have listed: URL, email address, relationship to the Kilmer family (in brief). If including children's names, please list their year of birth. Residential addresses, phone numbers, and the email addresses of minors will not be listed. $5.00 (ask for my mailing address) or a return link would be gratefully accepted.

Graphics, images, and all other original content on my websites, © Miriam A. Kilmer unless otherwise stated; icons and book-cover images that link to other web sites are theirs.
You may download my work for your personal use only. If you wish to publish material from my web pages, on the web or otherwise, please ask permission: miriam@risingdove.com.

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