Worcester Wesson Time-On-Bottom Markings
The series of Worcester cancels that I find of special interest is the
Wesson Time-On-Bottom cancels, or Wesson TOB's. The Wesson TOB's were
named after Mr Walter D Wesson of Providence, Rhode Island, who was
issued patents for an innovative type of duplex postmarking device in which the Month, Day, Year and Time was displayed and could be changed by removing and inserting the appropriate slugs in holes in the holder on the cancel handle. The very first Wesson TOB was used in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Wessons were used in many other cities during the Banknote Period, but there are several
aspects of the Worcester Wessons that are unique to that city. All other cities in which Wesson TOB's were used are represented by variations of only Type 2 Wesson dials. In a Type 2 Dial, the city name is shown in an arc at the top of the Dial and the state abbreviation is shown in a straight line across the middle of the Dial. Worcester, too, had Type 2 Dials. But Worcester was the only city to use Type 1 Dials as well as Type 2 Dials. In a Type 1 Wesson Dial, both the city name and the state abbreviation are shown in concentric arcs at the top of the Dial. Type 1 Worcester Wesson Dials were the only Dials used in combination with hand-carved Killers, denoted as Type X Killers. Wesson Type 1 Dials are also futher classified as Type 1A Dials and Type 1B Dials, with the Type 1A having four holes in which to mount the day slugs as opposed to the Type 1B Dials which only had one hole to mount the day slug. Dates on Wesson TOB's are shown in the numerical "Quaker" format of MM-DD-YY. So a Wesson TOB postmark used on July 2, 1881 would be shown as 7-02-81 on a Type 1A Dial and 7-2-81 on a Type 1B Dial.
The Type 2 Dials were used with three standard Duplex Killers. They included a "C" inside a
horizontal-barred barrel, a "D" inside a verical-barred barrel and a "W" inside a horizontal-barred barrel. The Type 2 Dials were also used with two Service Markings that are unique to Worcester. These Service Markings were "RECEIVED" and "TRANSIT" and were normally found as backstamps. One on Wesson's patent drawings depicted an additional Service Marking "MISSENT" but this marking has never been reported and was probably never manufactured.
Dial varieties exist for the Type 2 dials. These are differentiated by the location of the "M" of "MASS" in relationship to the first "R" of "WORCESTER" and are called by me as Types 2-B and 2-T, the letters "T" and "B" identifying whether an imaginary extension of the left leg of the "M" hits the "Bar" or the "Tail" of the first "R" of Worcester. All combinations of Type 2 Dials and Duplex Killers/Service Markings have been now been recorded.
I would welcome any and all reports of Type 1A and Type 1B Dials with all Type X, or carved,
Killers in order to expand my database of Wesson Killers and dates-of-use.
The first image is of a Type X Wesson TOB cancel with a Type 1A, or 4-hole
date Dial with the slugs for July 02, 1881. It has a carved Killer of a negative "N" in a solid circle. This cancel is the Earliest Known Use (EKU) of a Wesson cancel.
There is a selection of more Type X Killers at the very bottom of this page.
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 1A Dial Type X Killer Earliest Known Use July 02 1881
The next image is of a Wesson TOB cancel with a Type 2-B dial and a H-(C) duplex
elliptical killer.
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 2-B Dial Type H-(C) Killer July 19 1883
The next image is of a Wesson TOB cancel with a Type 2-T dial and a V-(D) duplex
elliptical killer.
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 2-T Dial Type V-(D) Killer January 27 1885
The third image is of a Wesson TOB cancel with a Type 2-B dial and a H-(W) duplex elliptical killer.
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 2-B Dial Type H-(W) Killer April 07 1883
The next image is of a Wesson TOB "RECEIVED" Service Marking with a Type 2-B Dial. This is a very scarce marking!
Worcester Wesson TOB Service Marking RECEIVED Type 2-B Dial January 12 1888 Scarce Marking!
The next image is of a pair of Wesson TOB "TRANSIT" Service Markings, both with
Type 2-T Dials, which have been struck on the back of the same envelope on different days as the letter made its way back and forth through the Worcester Post Office. Wesson "TRANSIT" markings are especially rare. This example, with two strikes of this elusive and desireable cancel on the same cover, and on different days, is exceedingly rare and unusual.
Worcester Wesson TOB Service Marking Double TRANSIT Type 2-T Dial July 08 1888 And July 09 1888 Very Rare Marking In Unusual Usage!
As I mentioned previously, Worcester Wesson TOB's are a very important part of my
studies of Worcester Postal History. Please check your collection of Banknote Era Fancy
Cancels and see if you don't find a Wesson or two hiding in there. I would like to assemble all
the information I can about these wonderful cancels. All reports are welcome. But I am most
interested in obtaining good, clean photocopies of all Type 1A and Type 1B dials with all the
varieties and dates-of-use of the Type X carved killers! Please Email me, Bob Track, with any Worcester Wesson information that you would share
with me.
Below are a few more examples of Worcester Wesson TOBs with Type X killers.
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 1A Dial Type X Killer October 17 1883
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 1A Dial Type X Killer August 10 1881
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 1A Dial Type X Killer June 14 1881
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 1A Dial Type X Killer November 21 1881
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 1A Dial Type X Killer March 30 1882
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 1A Dial Type X Killer July 13 1882
Worcester Wesson TOB Duplex Cancel Type 1A Dial Type X Killer July 27 1882
A very good summary of all Wesson Time-On-Bottom markings used in various cities in America can be found in the LaPosta
Monograph Series - Volume 5 published by
Publications - Scappoose, Oregon.

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