My Dream Job

If I could have any job in the world it would
be a fighter pilot in the military. There is no job
in the world that would be more exciting to me. Even
though there is a danger factor, a well trained pilot
is safer than any military personal on the ground.
I have always loved planes and speed. I think that it
is also every ones dream to be able to fly in some way
or another. If I could do anything in the world, being
a fighter pilot would be it.

Am I On My Way???

Classes I've Taken

Classes I could take for my dream job

  • all the classes for my degree
  • advanced algebra
  • programming classes
  • Trig
  • Meteorology
  • Physics
  • Flight School
f-18 fighter plane

Design by Mike Woodworth
Created on April 24, 2004
Contact me at
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