Martha Chapter #2003

Martha Chapter #2003 is led by Worthy Matron Clara Whiting. This Chapter was Chartered in March of 1949. The Chapter is supported by two Lodges, St. Joseph #1120 and Alamo #1491. Sister Whiting is serving her ninth year as Worthy Matron of Martha Chapter. She is a member of the St. Joseph Volunteer Associations Building Committee and Assistant Queen Mother of Bethlehem Youth Tent of San Antonio.

The Primary Supporting Officers of Martha Chapter are:

Worthy Patron, Brother Rogers E. Reece
Associate Matron, Sister Gladys Hopkins
Treasurer, Sister Olva Mackey
Secretary, Sister Lesley Green
Conductress, Sister Latrica Bean
Associate Conductress, Sister Elizabeth Clay

Martha Chapter meets every second Monday of each month for the transaction of business.

Please visit one of our Organizations by clicking on one of the names below

Home Page - Electa - Ruth - Esther - Lodges
Youth Tent - Grand Lodge - Grand Chapter

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