For those of you who haven't heard, Steve died on January 3, 1997 from
complications from Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. He was only twenty years
I (his brother, Rob) plan to keep
his page up indefinitely. His computer was his life. When he wasn't in
class at Sac State he was talking with his computer friends, refining his
homepage, updating his Hootie and the Blowfish page (voted one of the top
5% of music sites on the internet), and surfing the web.
Steve, we're all so thankful you left behind these pages for us to enjoy.
I know I have learned a lot about you that I didn't know before. Thanks.
We miss you, Steve.
Hello, welcome to my homepage!
I've spent a lot of time working on it and I hope it is not too boring.
Have fun, look around, and stay awhile.. After all my homepage is your
homepage... or something like that.. Well, thanks for stopping by. Enjoy!

Welcome Message - very short (117kb)

Just to be different, I decided to put up a welcome message on my page.
Give me a listen!
If you don't have a program to read '.au' files, there is a great shareware
program I use called Goldwave.
Or for the Mac, SoundHack.

Personal Information

If you want to find out more about me and my life go to my personal
page. But of course I don't think it is very interesting, so use your
discretion! :)

Cool Links

My collection of cool links on the web. Worth
checking out, of course after you check out my page! :) Some
of my favorite interesting and funny sites as well.


Check out my #Friendly Page! Learn about
the best Undernet IRC channel and some of its regulars. Also view the Friendly
Times HTML versions.

The Lamppost

If anyone has talked with me, you know I LOVE the band Hootie and the
Blowfish. Check out my Hootie web page, The Lamppost!
It is constantly updated, so check back often!

Quotes Page

If you want to, go to my quote page... This
is a listing of my favorite quotes! This is updated once in a while as
I hear and read more quotes. Check back occasionally.

My System

I have no reason to think you want to, but check out my computer
configuration! This is just a listing of what hardware I have.

Sign In

Before you go, please go to my sign in page
and give me your comments! I know, I know... You don't have time to fill
out my little insignifcant survey. But if you are so strapped for time,
what are ya doing on the web in the first place? :)

E-mail Me

I LOVE getting E-mail! If you want to comment about my homepage, give
me words of wisdom, or just make me feel good, e-mail
me! :)
I'll reply as soon as I can.
People have visited my home page!!
And just think... You have been one of them! Lucky you!