(The following days are adapted for either a lunar, or Shawui calendar, as it is called, or the Julian or Roman solar calendar:)
The Seventh lunar day, the SABBATH MORNING OR SATURDAY A.M.(solar) "THE EARTHLY MOTHER AND I ARE ONE. SHE GIVES THE FOOD OF LIFE TO MY WHOLE BODY." When one fininshes saying these words he contemplates edible fruits, grains, plants and feels the currents of the Earthly Mother flowing in him and intensifying and directing the metabolism of one's body. |
"ANGEL OF ETERNAL LIFE, DESCEND UPON ME AND GIVE ETERNAL LIFE TO MY SPIRIT." The individual contemplates union with the currents of thought of the superior planets and gains power to overcome the sphere of gravitation of the earthly currents of thought. The First lunar day, or Shekinah, or Yesod or SUNDAY A.M. (solar) "ANGEL OF EARTH, ENTER MY GENERATIVE ORGANS AND REGENERATE MY WHOLE BODY." As he says this he contemplates the life-generating soil and the growing grass. feeling the currents of this angel of earth transforming his reproductive system into regenerative forces. SHEKINAH EVENING OR SUNDAY EVENING "ANGEL OF CREATIVE WORK, DESCEND UPON HUMANITY AND GIVE ABUNDANCE TO ALL." The contemplation is upon bees at work, and the creative work of humanity in all spheres of existence is concentrated upon. Second lunar day, or HOD DAY, OR MONDAY A.M.(Solar) "ANGEL OF LIFE, ENTER MY LIMBS AND GIVE STRENGTH TO MY WHOLE BODY." He now contemplates trees as he feels himself absorbing vital forces from trees and forests. HOD EVENING OR MONDAY EVE. PEACE, PEACE, PEACE, ANGEL OF PEACE BE ALWAYS EVERYWHERE." The individual now contemplates the crescent moon and the moonlight, invoking and visualizing universal peace in all spheres of existence. THIRD LUNAR DAY, OR NETZACH DAY OR Tuesday A.M.(Solar) "ANGEL OF JOY, DESCEND UPON EARTH AND GIVE BEAUTY TO ALL BEINGS." He then feels himself absorbing vibrations of joy from the beauties of nature as he contemplates the colors of the sunrise, of sunset, the song of a bird, or the aroma of a flower. NETZACH EVE OR Tuesday Evening "ANGEL OF POWER, DESCEND UPON MY ACTING BODY AND DIRECT ALL MY ACTS." As he contemplates the stars, their radiations, and the cosmic ocean of life, the individual feels the cosmovital forces from the stars being absorbed by the nervous system of the acting body. Fourth Lunar Day or TEFERET, "Surrender" Day or Wednesday A.M.(Solar) "ANGEL OF SUN ENTER MY SOLAR CENTER AND GIVE THE FIRE OF LIFE TO MY WHOLE BODY." As these words are spoken he contemplates the rising sun and feels and directs the accumulated solar forces radiating through his solar center (solar plexus) sending them to all the parts of his body. TEFERET OR Wednesday Evening "ANGEL OF LOVE, DESCEND UPON MY FEELING BODY AND PURIFY ALL MY FEELINGS." While this is being said, the Feeling Body both sends and attracts Superior currents of feelings to and from all beings on earth and all those in the cosmic ocean of Love. Fifth Lunar Day, GEBURAH Day OR Thursday A.M. "ANGEL OF WATER, ENTER MY BLOOD AND GIVE THE WATER OF LIFE TO MY WHOLE BODY." As he says this he contemplates the waters of the earth, in rain, river, lake, sea, anywhere, and the currents of the Angel of water are felt and intensifying and directing the circulation of the blood. GEBURAH Eve OR Thursday Evening "ANGEL OF WISDOM, DESCEND UPON MY THINKING BODY AND ENLIGHTEN ALL MY THOUGHTS." ![]() Superior currents of thought are then sent and attracted by the Thinking Body while the individual contemplates all thought on earth and the cosmic ocean of thought. Sixth Lunar Day, CHESED, OR Friday A.M.(Solar) "ANGEL OF AIR, ENTER MY LUNGS AND GIVE THE AIR OF LIFE TO MY WHOLE BODY." The one communing contemplates the atmosphere as he says this and breathes rhythmically. CHESED EVE OR Friday Evening "THE HEAVENLY FATHER AND I ARE ONE." THIS COMMUNION IN TIME BRINGS UNION WITH THE ETERNAL AND BOUNDLESS COSMIC OCEAN OF ALL SUPERIOR RADIATIONS FROM ALL PLANETS, AS COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS IS FINALLY AWAKENED AND THE INDIVIDUAL IS FINALLY UNITED WITH THE SUPREME POWER. |
In addition to the morning and evening communions there are also noon contemplations. each one of these noon contemplations focuses on an aspect of the Sevenfold Peace. They are as follows: SABBATH OR Saturday Noon "OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN SEND TO ALL YOUR ANGEL OF PEACE; TO YOUR KINGDOM, OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, YOUR ANGEL OF ETERNAL LIFE." (Peace with the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father) SHEKINAH NOON OR Sunday Noon "OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN SEND TO ALL YOUR ANGEL OF PEACE; TO THE KINGDOM OF OUR EARTHLY MOTHER, THE ANGEL OF JOY." (Peace with the Kingdom of the Earthly Mother) HOD Noon OR Monday Noon "OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN SEND TO ALL YOUR ANGEL OF PEACE; TO OUR KNOWLEDGE, THE ANGEL OF WISDOM." (Peace with culture) NETZACH Noon OR Tuesday Noon "OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, SEND TO ALL YOUR ANGEL OF PEACE; TO HUMANITY THE ANGEL OF WORK.' ![]() (Peace with humanity, social peace) TEFERET Noon OR Wednesday Noon "OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, SEND TO ALL YOUR ANGEL OF PEACE, TO OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS THE ANGEL OF LOVE." (Peace with the family, the Feeling Body) GEBURAH Noon OR Thursday Noon "OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, SEND TO ALL YOUR ANGEL OF PEACE, TO OUR MIND THE ANGEL OF POWER." (Peace with the mind, the Thinking Body) CHESED Noon OR Friday Noon "OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN,SEND TO ALL YOUR ANGEL OF PEACE, TO OUR BODY THE ANGEL OF LIFE." (Peace with Body) ladyofshallott 12 | |
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