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The Essenes
The Essenes were a third religious sect during the time of Christ that lived away from the towns. Instead they lived in simple communities. The Essenes practiced the seventh day sabbath, non-violence to all living creatures and the sharing of all material possesions. They were uninvolved in the politics of the Sadducees and Pharisees and shunned publicity. Because of the discovery of dead sea scroll material, this ancient sect and their teachings are back alive. The dead sea scrolls were hidden by this ancient people long ago in the caves of Qumram. Josephus writing around 80 A.D. said that the Essenes were Jews by birth but seemed to have a greater affection for one another than they did for the Pharisees and Sadducees. Their piety toward God was extraordinary. They wore chitw garments. They used no profanity. They were ministers of peace and they spent a great deal of time studying the writings of the ancients.
The Essene New Testament
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
The Gospel Of Perfect Life
The Essene Nazarean Church
Jesus Vegetarian
Essene Church of Christ
Essene Cooperative's
Essene Spirituality
Essene Church of Jesus Christ
The Essene Resource
Essene Page
Essene Church Group
The Essene New Life Church
Related Sites
Dead Sea Scrolls (Introduction)
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Dead Sea Scrolls Home Page
University of St Andrews Dead Sea Scrolls Page
The Dead Sea Scrolls Project
Dead Sea Scrolls Theories
The Qumran Library
Dead Sea Scrolls Links

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