Sri Yantras

Sri Yantra, a diagram of the continuous process of Creative Generation, with indwelling Mahavidya Devatas in all the triangles and stupa and lingam motifs combining Buddhist and Hindu symbolism. Nepal, c. 1700. Gouache on cloth 20 x 24 in. On to Page 5...
Sri Yantra. Painting. Rajasthan. Late 18th century A.D.. According to the Tantrasara, this celebrated yantra should not be drawn during night time. Private collection.  
Kali Yantra - Painting - Rajastan. Late 19th century A.D. The encompassing circle is avidya (ignorance);the eight petalled lotus is the eight-fold Prkriti consisting of earth, wter, fire, air, ether, manas (mind), buddhi (intellect) and ahamkara (egoism); the five triangles are the five jnanendriyas (jnana, knowledge; indriyas, senses), the five karmendriyas (motor organs) and the five pranas (breathing activities); and the bindu which is pure consciousness reflected in maya in the bija.