At other locations you may also find hints on
Check out the list of webpages for the non-profit society VETA
VETA is a Swedish acronym for Vetenskap och Erfarenhet i TrafiksäkerhetsArbetet, (meaning Science and Experience in Traffic safety Work). The members are research interested traffic safety practitioners like driving teachers, police officers, vehicle and tyre engineers or just experienced drivers.
If you like looking at
Star Wars, you should jump directly to the webpages of my son,
(born 1983).
Victor is learning (and informally teaching us) HTML and WWW-procedures to fulfill his role as editor of the family pages.
Later on Victor may advice my wife Catharina and my daughter Lina (born 1980) on their pages.
Home phone: +46 13 52946 In Sweden you just dial 013-52946.
Fax: +46 13 52992.
My Email:
With Best Wishes from the Strandbergs through Lennart
©1995, 1996