Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do you have any information on unit X?
  2. Do you have any scale drawings or blueprints of cannon or carriages?

Do you have any information on unit X?
Unfortunatly I do not have the time or ability to research every Civil War artillery unit.
For those people looking for information on any particular unit begin by searching Dyers Compendium, a three volume set that gives a small list of primary sources on civil war regiments and batteries listed by state. Also, check with local libaries in the area the unit was raised, they can often be of help, and occasionally a holder of a rare book on the unit.

Do you have any scale drawings or blueprints of cannon or carriages?
I do not have scale drawings, blueprints, and the like. Anyone looking for such material may wish to try the following commercial enterprise:

Antique Ordinance Publishers
PO Box 610434
Port Huron, MI 48061
Phone: (810) 987-7749
FAX: (810) 982-1052

NOTE: This is not a commercial endorsement.

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