Artillery Links

Civil War battery history.
Civil War battery reenactors
General Civil War artillery information

12 pound gun picture.
Assault on Battery Wagner
Bradford's Battery, MS
T. C. Bradley's page on heavy artillery.
Illinois in the Civil War
Indiana in the Civil War
Library of Congress Civil War Pictures.
3rd Battery/1st Michigan Light Artillery
3rd Battery/1st Michigan Light Artillery Reenactors
Mississippi Civil War Information
Ohio in the War
Battery L, 1st Ohio Light Artillery.
1st Regiment South Carolian Artillery C.S.A. Reenactors.
Horse Co. A, 2d U.S. Artillery
Battery C, 3d U.S. Artillery
Battery L, 3d U.S. Artillery
Battery B, 4th U.S. Artillery
Battery B, 4th U.S. Artillery
Battery B, 5th U.S. Artillery
Battery D, 5th U.S. Artillery
Vermont in the Civil War

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