Egomaniacal Tripe

My name is Dead Little Joey. You killed my father. Prepare to die. This page is reserved for stuff about me. It is written for the specific purpose to feed my ego, and completely disregards the fact that most people couldn't care less. In this manner it is no different from any other homepage, except for the fact that I'm at least honest about it... This is my friend Zonk.

I'm a Gothy type person so that's why I'm "Dead" I was born in '79 and I'm short. So that explain's why I'm "Little". And my name is Joe. Actually, it's my middle name, but my whole family goes by middle names and if you don't like it you can stick a banana up your ass. (You can anyway. It fits.) If you want to find out my first name you have to sleep with me.
I have one year left at Edgewood High School in Madison, WI. Edgewood is a private Catholic School full of preps who's favorite bands are Phish and the Grateful Dead, and whatever Mtv tells them to listen to.

But I'm not bitter (I'm sweet and tangy) because I have a group of about 30 friends there who don't fit in with the whole preppie thing. Not all goths mind you, but people with actual individual personalities. The rest of the student body thinks were some kind of gang or cult of Satan worshiping TI-82 Calculator Programmers. They call us the "Darksiders". They can all stick their head up their asses and roll down Monroe Street. (Although that might prove more difficult than the banana.) Actually this year the seniors at the school have grown up a bit, and as scary as it is I actually have neo-hippie and preppy friends now. Unfortunately for my younger friends none of the other classes have grown up yet.

My Band

I'm in a experimental Punk band called "The Doom Cookies" We haven't gone much further than a demo tape, because we can't find a steady drummer or enough equipment, but we're getting there.

Here's a list of some of our songs so far

Songs Jim (guitar) wrote
Punk Girl (Riz-Rae)
Bottled Water
Untitled (Goodbye)

Songs I (vocals) wrote
Happy Fuzzy Bunnies
I'm a Scary Bug!
I cut my foot off for the Lord
Monkeys Like Chocolate

Songs in the making
The Wrath of Cthulhu
Doom Cookie
My favorite disease

(not a real person, but if you look like this you can be our drummer.)
We have lots more than that, but I can't remember them right now. Jim Olson writes all the guitar chords, except for the "I cut my foot off" chords, which were written by our friend Dave Rust. Our Bassist's name is Brian Katz. The drummer on our Demo tape is Max Magee.

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People have trembled at my feet.