| Community | School District | School | Accreditation | Graduation Requirements | | Phone Numbers | Grade Reports | Bell Schedule |
Craig Luketich, Principal 2700 E. Brown Road Mesa, AZ 85213 (602) 898-4900
Community Mountain View High School is a comprehensive, three year high schoolserving the north central area of the community of Mesa, Arizona. Mesa is approximately 15 miles southeast of Phoenix, Arizona; the community is both rural and suburban. It's population of 300,000 lies within one of the fastest growing areas of Arizona.  

    School District

The Mesa Public School system encompasses over 200 square miles and serves over 65,000 students.  The district educational program (K-12) has five comprehensive three year highschools and one vocational high school.


Mountain View High School has an enrollment of 2800 students (grades 10, 11, 12) with a professional staff of 115.  The classroom teacher/student ratio is 1:24. Each class meets 52 minutes, 5 days a week. Each class receives 1/2 unit of credit per semester or 1 credit per year.
Accreditation Mountain View High School is accredited by the State of Arizona and the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges.
Graduation Requirements A minimum of twenty-one units of credit must be earned in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 in order to meet graduation requirements.
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Mountain View High School Phone Numbers Information...............................................898-4900 Attendance Sophomores.......................................898-4910 Juniors..........................................898-4911 Seniors..........................................898-4912 Answering Machine.........................................898-4910 Bookstore.................................................898-4944 Career Center.............................................898-4929 Counselors................................................898-4915 Joe Diaz Greta Chistner Marcia Kneisley                                        Carmen Reidel                                          Linda Somo                                             Marvin Wright                                          Media Center..............................................898-4927 Nurse.....................................................898-4931 Principal - Craig Luketich................................898-4901 Assistant Principals                                                       Morris Mallory - Sophomores.......................898-4903         Teri Farney - Juniors.............................898-4902         David Hines - Seniors.............................898-4903 | Top |
Grade Reports Grade Periods:                                                   First nine weeks end............................October 18, 1996 First semester ends............................December 19, 1996 Third nine weeks end...............................March 7, 1997 Second semester ends................................May 21, 1997 Progress reports will be sent out at the end of the fifth week of every nine week period. | Top |
Bell Schedule Period A.............7:00 - 7:52..............52 minutes Period 1.............8:00 - 8:57..............57 minutes Period 2.............9:05 - 10:09.............64 minutes Period 3............10:17 - 11:09.............52 minutes Lunch...............11:09 - 11:56.............47 minutes Period 4............12:04 - 12:57.............53 minutes Period 5.............1:05 - 1:57..............52 minutes Period 6.............2:05 - 2:57..............52 minutes | Top |
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