The use of PGP raises a number of political and legal
Index |
Introduction |
This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions for the Pretty Good
Privacy (PGP) encryption program written by Phillip Zimmermann. It
is one of two FAQ lists for the newsgroup The other FAQ list is the "Where to get the Pretty Good Privacy program (PGP)", which is written and maintained by Peter Herngaard ( It covers many topics this one does not; in particular, it contains more complete information on sites that distribute PGP and the legal and technical questions surrounding its distribution. You may get a current copy from:
This FAQ is slanted towards the DOS or Unix users of PGP and many of the examples given may only apply to them. For other systems, I would like to direct your attention to the following documents:
It should be noted that most of the questions and answers concerning PGP apply equally well to the ViaCrypt(tm) version. Material for this FAQ has come from many different sources. It would be difficult to name each of the contributors individually, but I would like to thank them as a group for their assistance. A current copy of this FAQ can be retrieved from my WWW home page:
or via FTP:
The PGP FAQ is also posted to news.answers and alt.answers, and can be found in any of the standard FAQ repositories in the three-part form it is posted in. Permission is granted to copy, archive, or otherwise make this FAQ available in any way you please, with only the following restriction: that in every place where this FAQ may be accessed, it must also be reasonably easy for a user to access a copy of the FAQ with its PGP signature(s) from me intact. This ensures that uncorrupted copies of the FAQ get propagated where those who care can check them, and also preserves attributions, etc. If you HTMLize this document, you can tag the two links mentioned above if you want to avoid storing multiple copies of the FAQ. Future plans for the FAQ:
Jeff Licquia |
I. Introductory Questions |
1.1. What is PGP? |
PGP is a program that gives your electronic mail something that it
otherwise doesn't have: Privacy. It does this by encrypting your mail
so that nobody but the intended person can read it. When encrypted,
the message looks like a meaningless jumble of random characters. PGP
has proven itself quite capable of resisting even the most
sophisticated forms of analysis aimed at reading the encrypted text. PGP can also be used to apply a digital signature to a message without encrypting it. This is normally used in public postings where you don't want to hide what you are saying, but rather want to allow others to confirm that the message actually came from you. Once a digital signature is created, it is impossible for anyone to modify either the message or the signature without the modification being detected by PGP.
While PGP is easy to use, it does give you enough rope so that you can
hang yourself. You should become thoroughly familiar with the various
options in PGP before using it to send serious messages. For example,
giving the command "PGP -sat
1.2. Why should I encrypt my mail? I'm not doing anything illegal! |
You should encrypt your e-mail for the same reason that you don't
write all of your correspondence on the back of a post card. E-mail is
actually far less secure than the postal system. With the post office,
you at least put your letter inside an envelope to hide it from casual
snooping. Take a look at the header area of any e-mail message that
you receive and you will see that it has passed through a number of
nodes on its way to you. Every one of these nodes presents the
opportunity for snooping. Encryption in no way should imply illegal
activity. It is simply intended to keep personal thoughts personal. Xenon ( puts it like this:
Crime? If you are not a politician, research scientist, investor, CEO,
lawyer, celebrity, libertarian in a repressive society, investor, or
person having too much fun, and you do not send e-mail about your
private sex life, financial/political/legal/scientific plans, or
gossip then maybe you don't need PGP, but at least realize that
privacy has nothing to do with crime and is in fact what keeps the
world from falling apart. Besides, PGP is FUN. You never had a secret
decoder ring? Boo!
1.3. What are public keys and private keys? |
With conventional encryption schemes, keys must be exchanged with
everyone you wish to talk to by some other secure method such as face
to face meetings, or via a trusted courier. The problem is that you
need a secure channel before you can establish a secure channel! With
conventional encryption, either the same key is used for both
encryption and decryption or it is easy to convert either key to the
other. With public key encryption, the encryption and decryption keys
are different and it is impossible for anyone to convert one to the
other. Therefore, the encryption key can be made public knowledge, and
posted in a database somewhere. Anyone wanting to send you a message
would obtain your encryption key from this database or some other
source and encrypt his message to you. This message can't be decrypted
with the encryption key. Therefore nobody other than the intended
receiver can decrypt the message. Even the person who encrypted it can
not reverse the process. When you receive a message, you use your
secret decryption key to decrypt the message. This secret key never
leaves your computer. In fact, your secret key is itself encrypted to
protect it from anyone snooping around your computer.
1.4. How much does PGP cost? |
Nothing! (Compare to ViaCrypt PGP at $98!) It should be noted, however, that in the United States, some freeware versions of PGP MAY be a violation of a patent held by Public Key Partners (PKP). The MIT and ViaCrypt versions specifically are not in violation; if you use anything else, it's your risk. See below (question 1.6) for more information on the patent situation. Also, the free versions of PGP are free only for noncommercial use. If you need to use PGP in a commercial setting (and you live in the United States or Canada), you should buy a copy of ViaCrypt PGP. ViaCrypt PGP has other advantages as well, most notably a limited license to export it to foreign branch offices. See below, under question 1.10, for information on how to contact ViaCrypt. If you need to use PGP for commercial use outside the United States or Canada, you should contact Ascom Systec AG, the patent holders for IDEA. They have sold individual licenses for using the IDEA encryption in PGP. Contact:
1.5. Is encryption legal? |
In much of the civilized world, encryption is either legal, or at
least tolerated. However, there are a some countries where such
activities could put you in front of a firing squad! Check with the
laws in your own country before using PGP or any other encryption
product. A couple of the countries where encryption is illegal are
France, Iran, and Iraq. *** NEWS FLASH *** On April 3, 1995, Boris Yeltsin issued a decree formally banning encryption with methods not approved by the state. This would, presumably, include PGP. Thus, Russia must be added to the short list above. *** END NEWS FLASH *** The legal status of encryption in many countries has been placed on the World Wide Web. You can access it from:
1.6. Is PGP legal? |
In addition to the comments about encryption listed above, there are a
couple of additional issues of importance to those individuals
residing in the United States or Canada. First, there is a question as to whether or not PGP falls under ITAR regulations which govern the exporting of cryptographic technology from the United States and Canada. This despite the fact that technical articles on the subject of public key encryption have been available legally worldwide for a number of years. Any competent programmer would have been able to translate those articles into a workable encryption program. A lawsuit has recently been filed by the EFF challenging the ITAR regulations; thus, they may be relaxed to allow encryption technology to be exported. Second, older versions of PGP (up to 2.3a) were thought to be violating the patent on the RSA encryption algorithm held by Public Key Partners (PKP), a patent that is only valid in the United States. This was never tested in court, however, and recent versions of PGP have been made with various agreements and licenses in force which effectively settle the patent issue. So-called "international" versions and older versions (previous to ViaCrypt PGP 2.4), however, are still considered in violation by PKP; if you're in the USA, use them at your own risk!
1.7. What's the current version of PGP? |
You would think that's an easy question to answer! At the moment, there are four different "current" versions of PGP. All of these are derived, more or less, from a common source base: PGP 2.3a, the last "guerillaware" version of PGP. Negotiations to make PGP legal and "legitimate" have resulted in the differing versions available; all of them, for the most part, are approximately equivalent in functionality, and they can all work with each other in most respects. MIT PGP 2.6.2 is the current "official" freeware version. It has been developed both with Phil Zimmermann's approval and active involvement. It contains several bug fixes and enhancements over 2.3a, and it avoids the patent question surrounding other versions of PGP by using the RSAREF library for some of its functions. This library was developed by RSA Data Security, Inc., and is (basically) free for noncommercial use. As part of MIT's agreement with RSADSI, all versions of MIT PGP generate encrypted messages that cannot be decrypted with PGP 2.3a or previous versions. ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1 is the current "official" commercial version. It is available from ViaCrypt, a company out of Arizona, and also has Phil's approval and involvement. See below for details on this version. PGP 2.6.3i ("international") is a version of PGP developed from the source code of MIT PGP, which was exported illegally from the United States at some point. Basically, it is MIT PGP 2.6.2, but it uses the old encryption routines from PGP 2.3a; these routines perform better than RSAREF and in addition do not have the usage restrictions in the RSAREF copyright license. It also contains some fixes for bugs discovered since the release of MIT PGP 2.6.2. PGP 2.6ui ("unofficial international") is PGP 2.3a with minor modifications made so it can decrypt files encrypted with MIT PGP. It does not contain any of the MIT fixes and improvements; it does, however, have other improvements, most notably in the Macintosh version.
1.8. Is there an archive site for | (Laszlo Baranyi) says: "My memory says that stores a backlog of both, and sci.crypt. But that site is ONLY open for ftp for those that are inside US."
1.9. Is there a commercial version of PGP available? |
Yes; by arrangement with the author of PGP, a company called ViaCrypt
is marketing a version of PGP that is almost identical to the freeware
version. Each can read or write messages which the other can
understand. ViaCrypt reports:
If you are a commercial user of PGP in the USA or Canada, contact Viacrypt in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. The commercial version of PGP is fully licensed to use the patented RSA and IDEA encryption algorithms in commercial applications, and may be used in corporate and government environments in the USA and Canada. It is fully compatible with, functionally the same as, and just as strong as the freeware version of PGP. Due to limitations on ViaCrypt's RSA distribution license, ViaCrypt only distributes executable code and documentation for it, but they are working on making PGP available for a variety of platforms. Call or write to them for the latest information. The latest version number for Viacrypt PGP is 2.7. [Note: Since this statement was issued, ViaCrypt has updated ViaCrypt PGP to 2.7.1.] Here is a brief summary of Viacrypt's currently-available products: 1. ViaCrypt PGP for Windows (3.1). Prices start at $124.98 2. ViaCrypt PGP for Macintosh, 680x0 or PowerPC, System 6.04 or later. Prices start at $124.98 3. ViaCrypt PGP for MS-DOS. Prices start at $99.98 4. ViaCrypt PGP for UNIX. Includes executables for the following platforms: SunOS 4.1.x (SPARC) Solaris 2.3 IBM RS/6000 AIX HP 9000 Series 700/800 UX SCO 386/486 UNIX SGI IRIX AViiON DG-UX(88/OPEN) Prices start at $149.98 Executables for the following additional platforms are available upon request for an additional $30.00 charge. BSD 386 Ultrix MIPS DECstation 4.x DEC Alpha OSF/1 NeXTSTEP 5. ViaCrypt PGP for WinCIM/CSNav. A special package for users of CompuServe. Prices start at $119.98 If you wish to place an order please call 800-536-2664 during the hours of 8:30am to 5:00pm MST, Monday - Friday. We accept VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover credit cards. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me. Best Regards, Paul E. Uhlhorn Director of Marketing, ViaCrypt Products Mail: 9033 N. 24th Avenue Suite 7 Phoenix, AZ 85021-2847 Phone: (602) 944-0773 Fax: (602) 943-2601 Internet: Compuserve: 70304,41They have also reported recently that they have gained a general export license for exporting ViaCrypt PGP to foreign subsidiaries of USA-based companies. Contact ViaCrypt for details.
1.10. Is PGP available as a programming library, so I can write programs that use it? |
Not yet. PGP 3.0, when it is released, is supposed to have support
for doing this. The PGP development team has even released a
preliminary API for the library; you can get it from:
The development team has expressed that this is not a definitive spec; some of it is already out of date. It's good for getting the general idea, though. Send comments concerning the spec to In the meantime, you can write your programs to call the PGP program when necessary. In C, for example, you would likely use the system() or spawn...() functions to do this.
1.11. What platforms has PGP been ported to? |
PGP has been ported successfully to many different platforms,
including DOS, the Macintosh, OS/2, Unix (just about all flavors),
VMS, the Atari ST, Archimedes, and the Commodore Amiga. A Windows NT
port is reportably in the works as well. If you don't see your favorite platform above, don't despair! It's likely that porting PGP to your platform won't be too terribly difficult, considering all the platforms it has been ported to. Just ask around to see if there might in fact be a port to your system, and if not, try it! PGP's VMS port, by the way, has its own Web page:
1.12. Where can I obtain PGP? |
PGP is very widely available, so much so that a separate FAQ has been
written for answering this question. It is called, "Where to get the
Pretty Good Privacy program (PGP)"; it is posted in
regularly, is in the various FAQ archive sites, and is also available
However, I will describe below the ways to get the differing versions of PGP from their source sites. Please refer to the above document for more information. MIT PGP 2.6.2: Due to the ITAR regulations (described above), MIT has found it necessary to place PGP in an export-controlled directory to prevent people outside the United States from downloading it. If you are in the USA, you may follow these directions: Telnet to and log in as "getpgp". You will then be given a short statement about the regulations concerning the export of cryptographic software, and be given a series of yes/no questions to answer. If you answer correctly to the questions (they consist mostly of agreements to the RSADSI and MIT licenses and questions about whether you intend to export PGP), you will be given a special directory name in which to find the PGP code. At that point, you can FTP to, change to that directory, and access the software. You may be denied access to the directories even if you answer the questions correctly if the MIT site cannot verify that your site does in fact reside in the USA. Further directions, copies of the MIT and RSAREF licenses, notes, and the full documentation are freely available from:
An easier method of getting to the PGP software is now available on the World Wide Web at the following location:
ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1: ViaCrypt PGP is not generally available for FTP; it is commercial software. It is, furthermore, not available outside the United States or Canada except under special circumstances. See above (question 1.9) for contact information. PGP 2.6.3i: As Norway is not limited by ITAR, no hoops are needed to get this version:
You may also get it via mail by sending a message to with your request in the subject:
Specify the "s" if you want the source code. Putting ".zip" at the end gets you the files in the PKZIP/Info-ZIP archive format, while putting "tar.gz" at the end gets the files in a gzipped tar file. PGP 2.6ui:
This link is also an excellent resource for other information about PGP. A note on ftpmail:
For those individuals who do not have access to FTP, but do have access to e-mail, you can get FTP files mailed to you. For information on this service, send a message saying "Help" to You will be sent an instruction sheet on how to use the ftpmail service.
1.13. I want to find out more! |
If this FAQ doesn't answer your question, there are several places for
finding out information about PGP. Web/Mosaic/Lynx:
Fran Litterio's Crypto Page (from the Virtual Library)FTP Sites:
News Groups:
II. Very Common Questions and Problems |
2.1. Why can't a person using version 2.2 read my version 2.3 message? |
You might try adding "+pkcs_compat=0" to your command line as follows:
"pgp -seat +pkcs_compat=0
2.2. Why can't a person using version 2.x read my version 2.6 message? |
You are probably using MIT PGP, or possibly some other version of PGP
with the "legal_kludge" option turned off. As part of the agreement made to settle PGP's patent problems, MIT PGP changed its format slightly to prevent PGP 2.4 and older versions from decrypting its messages. This format change was written into MIT PGP to happen on September 1, 1994. Thus, all messages encrypted with MIT PGP after that date are unreadable by 2.4 (and earlier). The best route here is for your friend to upgrade to a newer version of PGP. Alternatively, if you are using a non-MIT version, look up the "legal_kludge" option in your documentation; you should be able to configure your copy of PGP to generate old-style messages.
2.3. Why does PGP complain about checking signatures every so often? |
Version 2.3a introduced the "pkcs_compat" option, allowing the format
of signatures to change slightly to make them more compatible with
industry standards. (See question 2.1.) MIT PGP, because it uses the
RSAREF library, is unable to understand the old signature format, so
it therefore ignores the signature and warns you that it is doing so. This problem comes up mostly with old key signatures. If your key contains such old signatures, try to get those people who signed your key to resign it. If an old signature is still vitally important to check, get a non-MIT version of PGP to check it with, such as ViaCrypt's.
2.4. Why does it take so long to encrypt/decrypt messages? |
This problem can arise when you have placed the entire public key ring
from one of the servers into the pubring.pgp file. PGP may have to
search through several thousand keys to find the one that it is after.
The solution to this dilemma is to maintain 2 public key rings. The
first ring, the normal pubring.pgp file, should contain only those
individuals that you send messages to quite often. The second key ring
can contain ALL of the keys for those occasions when the key you need
isn't in your short ring. You will, of course, need to specify the key
file name whenever encrypting messages using keys in your secondary
key ring. Now, when encrypting or decrypting messages to individuals
in your short key ring, the process will be a LOT faster.
2.5. How do I create a secondary key file? |
First, let's assume that you have all of the mammoth public key ring
in your default pubring.pgp file. First, you will need to extract all
of your commonly used keys into separate key files using the -kx
option. Next, rename pubring.pgp to some other name. For this example,
I will use the name "pubring.big". Next, add each of the individual
key files that you previously created to a new pubring.pgp using the
"-ka" option. To encrypt a message to someone in the short default file,
use the command "pgp -e
2.6. How does PGP handle multiple addreses? |
When encrypting a message to multiple addresses, you will notice that
the length of the encrypted file only increases by a small amount for
each additional address. The reason that the message only grows by a
small amount for each additional key is that the body of the message
is only encrypted once using a random session key and IDEA. It is only
necessary then to encrypt this session key once for each address and
place it in the header of the message. Therefore, the total length of
a message only increases by the size of a header segment for each
additional address. (To avoid a known weakness in RSA when encrypting
the same message to multiple recipients, the IDEA session key is
padded with different random data each time it is RSA- encrypted.)
2.7. Where can I obtain scripts to integrate pgp with my email or news reading system? |
There are many scripts and programs available for making PGP easier to
use. See below, in Appendix I, for a list of such programs. A set of scripts was distributed with PGP for doing this. Since these scripts were considered out of date, they have been removed from the MIT distribution.
2.8. How can I decrypt messages I've encrypted to others? |
With conventional encryption, you can read the message by running PGP
on the encrypted file and giving the pass phrase you used to encrypt. With regular encryption, it's impossible unless you encrypted to yourself as well. Sorry! There is an undocumented setting, EncryptToSelf, which you can set in your CONFIG.TXT or on the command line to "on" if you want PGP to always encrypt your messages to yourself. Be warned, though; if your key is compromised, this means that the "cracker" will be able to read all the message you sent as well as the ones you've received.
2.9. Why can't I generate a key with PGP for Unix? |
Most likely this is caused because PGP can't create the public and
private key ring files. If PGPPATH isn't defined, PGP will try to put
those files in the subdirectory ".pgp" off your home directory. It
will not create the directory if needed, so if the directory's not
there already, PGP will crash after generating the key. There are two solutions: set the PGPPASS environment variable to point to the location of your key rings, or run a "mkdir $HOME/.pgp" before generating your key.
2.10. When I clearsign a document in PGP, it adds a "dash-space" to several of my lines. What gives? | PGP does this because of the "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" (and related) headers it uses to mark the beginning of PGP messages. To keep it from getting confused, it tacks a "- " to the beginning of every line in the regular text which has a dash at the start. It strips the extra dash and space when you check the message's signature, and writes the original text to the output. |
III. Security Questions |
3.1. How secure is PGP? |
The big unknown in any encryption scheme based on RSA is whether or
not there is an efficient way to factor huge numbers, or if there is
some backdoor algorithm that can break the code without solving the
factoring problem. Even if no such algorithm exists, it is still
believed that RSA is the weakest link in the PGP chain.
3.2. Can't you break PGP by trying all of the possible keys? |
This is one of the first questions that people ask when they are first
introduced to cryptography. They do not understand the size of the
problem. For the IDEA encryption scheme, a 128 bit key is required.
Any one of the 2^128 possible combinations would be legal as a key,
and only that one key would successfully decrypt all message blocks.
Let's say that you had developed a special purpose chip that could try
a billion keys per second. This is FAR beyond anything that could
really be developed today. Let's also say that you could afford to
throw a billion such chips at the problem at the same time. It would
still require over 10,000,000,000,000 years to try all of the possible
128 bit keys. That is something like a thousand times the age of the
known universe! While the speed of computers continues to increase and
their cost decrease at a very rapid pace, it will probably never get
to the point that IDEA could be broken by the brute force attack. The only type of attack that might succeed is one that tries to solve the problem from a mathematical standpoint by analyzing the transformations that take place between plain text blocks, and their cipher text equivalents. IDEA is still a fairly new algorithm, and work still needs to be done on it as it relates to complexity theory, but so far, it appears that there is no algorithm much better suited to solving an IDEA cipher than the brute force attack, which we have already shown is unworkable. The nonlinear transformation that takes place in IDEA puts it in a class of extremely difficult to solve mathmatical problems.
3.3. How secure is the conventional cryptography (-c) option? |
Assuming that you are using a good strong random pass phrase, it is
actually much stronger than the normal mode of encryption because you
have removed RSA which is believed to be the weakest link in the
chain. Of course, in this mode, you will need to exchange secret keys
ahead of time with each of the recipients using some other secure
method of communication, such as an in- person meeting or trusted
3.4. Can the NSA crack RSA? |
This question has been asked many times. If the NSA were able to crack
RSA, you would probably never hear about it from them. The best
defense against this is the fact the algorithm for RSA is known
worldwide. There are many competent mathematicians and cryptographers
outside the NSA and there is much research being done in the field
right now. If any of them were to discover a hole in RSA, I'm sure
that we would hear about it from them. I think that it would be hard
to hide such a discovery. For this reason, when you read messages on
USENET saying that "someone told them" that the NSA is able to break
pgp, take it with a grain of salt and ask for some documentation on
exactly where the information is coming from.
3.5. Has RSA ever been cracked publicly? What is RSA-129? |
One RSA-encrypted message has been cracked publicly. When the inventors of RSA first published the algorithm, they encrypted a sample message with it and made it available along with the public key used to encrypt the message. They offered $100 to the first person to provide the plaintext message. This challenge is often called "RSA-129" because the public key used was 129 digits, which translates to approximately 430 bits. Recently, an international team coordinated by Paul Leyland, Derek Atkins, Arjen Lenstra, and Michael Graff successfully factored the public key used to encrypt the RSA-129 message and recovered the plaintext. The message read:
They headed a huge volunteer effort in which work was distributed via E-mail, fax, and regular mail to workers on the Internet, who processed their portion and sent the results back. About 1600 machines took part, with computing power ranging from a fax machine to Cray supercomputers. They used the best known factoring algorithm of the time; better methods have been discovered since then, but the results are still instructive in the amount of work required to crack a RSA-encrypted message. The coordinators have estimated that the project took about eight months of real time and used approximately 5000 MIPS-years of computing time. (A MIPS-year is approximately the amount of computing done by a 1 MIPS [million instructions per second] computer in one year.) What does all this have to do with PGP? The RSA-129 key is approximately equal in security to a 426-bit PGP key. This has been shown to be easily crackable by this project. PGP used to recommend 384-bit keys as "casual grade" security; recent versions offer 512 bits as a recommended minimum security level. Note that this effort cracked only a single RSA key. Nothing was discovered during the course of the experiment to cause any other keys to become less secure than they had been. For more information on the RSA-129 project, see:
3.6. How secure is the "for your eyes only" option (-m)? |
It is not secure at all. There are many ways to defeat it. Probably
the easiest way is to simply redirect your screen output to a file as
The -m option was not intended as a fail-safe option to prevent plain text files from being generated, but to serve simply as a warning to the person decrypting the file that he probably shouldn't keep a copy of the plain text on his system.
3.7. What if I forget my pass phrase? |
In a word: DON'T. If you forget your pass phrase, there is absolutely
no way to recover any encrypted files. I use the following technique:
I have a backup copy of my secret key ring on floppy, along with a
sealed envelope containing the pass phrase. I keep these two items in
separate safe locations, neither of which is my home or office. The
pass phrase used on this backup copy is different from the one that I
normally use on my computer. That way, even if some stumbles onto the
hidden pass phrase and can figure out who it belongs to, it still
doesn't do them any good, because it is not the one required to unlock
the key on my computer.
3.8. Why do you use the term "pass phrase" instead of "password"? |
This is because most people, when asked to choose a password, select
some simple common word. This can be cracked by a program that uses a
dictionary to try out passwords on a system. Since most people really
don't want to select a truly random password, where the letters and
digits are mixed in a nonsense pattern, the term pass phrase is used
to urge people to at least use several unrelated words in sequence as
the pass phrase.
3.9. What is the best way to crack PGP? |
Currently, the best attack possible on PGP is a dictionary attack on
the pass phrase. This is an attack where a program picks words out of
a dictionary and strings them together in different ways in an attempt
to guess your pass phrase. This is why picking a strong pass phrase is so important. Many of these cracker programs are very sophisticated and can take advantage of language idioms, popular phrases, and rules of grammar in building their guesses. Single-word "phrases", proper names (especially famous ones), or famous quotes are almost always crackable by a program with any "smarts" in it at all.
3.10. If my secret key ring is stolen, can my messages be read? |
No, not unless they have also stolen your secret pass phrase, or if
your pass phrase is susceptible to a brute-force attack. Neither part
is useful without the other. You should, however, revoke that key and
generate a fresh key pair using a different pass phrase. Before
revoking your old key, you might want to add another user ID that
states what your new key id is so that others can know of your new
3.11. How do I choose a pass phrase? |
All of the security that is available in PGP can be made absolutely
useless if you don't choose a good pass phrase to encrypt your secret
key ring. Too many people use their birthday, their telephone number,
the name of a loved one, or some easy to guess common word. While
there are a number of suggestions for generating good pass phrases,
the ultimate in security is obtained when the characters of the pass
phrase are chosen completely at random. It may be a little harder to
remember, but the added security is worth it. As an absolute minimum
pass phrase, I would suggest a random combination of at least 8
letters and digits, with 12 being a better choice. With a 12 character
pass phrase made up of the lower case letters a-z plus the digits 0-9,
you have about 62 bits of key, which is 6 bits better than the 56 bit
DES keys. If you wish, you can mix upper and lower case letters in
your pass phrase to cut down the number of characters that are
required to achieve the same level of security. I don't do this myself
because I hate having to manipulate the shift key while entering a
pass phrase. A pass phrase which is composed of ordinary words without punctuation or special characters is susceptible to a dictionary attack. Transposing characters or mis-spelling words makes your pass phrase less vulnerable, but a professional dictionary attack will cater for this sort of thing. A good treatise on the subject is available which discusses the use of "shocking nonsense" in pass phrases. It is written by Grady Ward, and can be found on Fran Litterio's crypto page:
3.12. How do I remember my pass phrase? |
This can be quite a problem especially if you are like me and have
about a dozen different pass phrases that are required in your
everyday life. Writing them down someplace so that you can remember
them would defeat the whole purpose of pass phrases in the first
place. There is really no good way around this. Either remember it, or
write it down someplace and risk having it compromised.
3.13. How do I verify that my copy of PGP has not been tampered with? |
If you do not presently own any copy of PGP, use great care on where
you obtain your first copy. What I would suggest is that you get two
or more copies from different sources that you feel that you can
trust. Compare the copies to see if they are absolutely identical.
This won't eliminate the possibility of having a bad copy, but it will
greatly reduce the chances.
If you already own a trusted version of PGP, it is easy to check the
validity of any future version. Newer binary versions of MIT PGP are
distributed in popular archive formats; the archive file you receive
will contain only another archive file, a file with the same name as
the archive file with the extension .ASC, and a "setup.doc" file. The
.ASC file is a stand-alone signature file for the inner archive file
that was created by the developer in charge of that particular PGP
distribution. Since nobody except the developer has access to his/her
secret key, nobody can tamper with the archive file without it being
detected. Of course, the inner archive file contains the newer PGP
To check the signature, you must use your old version of PGP to check
the archive file containing the new version. If your old version of
PGP is in a directory called C:\PGP and your new archive file and
signature is in C:\NEW (and you have retrieved MIT PGP 2.6.2), you may
execute the following command:
If you retrieve the source distribution of MIT PGP, you will find two
more files in your distribution: an archive file for the RSAREF
library and a signature file for RSAREF. You can verify the RSAREF
library in the same way as you verify the main PGP source archive.
Non-MIT versions typically include a signature file for the PGP.EXE
program file only. This file will usually be called PGPSIG.ASC. You
can check the integrity of the program itself this way by running your
older version of PGP on the new version's signature file and program
Phil Zimmermann himself signed all versions of PGP up to 2.3a. Since
then, the primary developers for each of the different versions of PGP
have signed their distributions. As of this writing, the developers
whose signatures appear on the distributions are:
3.14. I can't verify the signature on my new copy of MIT PGP with my old PGP 2.3a! |
The reason for this, of course, is that the signatures generated by
MIT PGP (which is what Jeff Schiller uses to sign his copy) are no
longer readable with PGP 2.3a. You may, first of all, not verify the signature and follow other methods for making sure you aren't getting a bad copy. This isn't as secure, though; if you're not careful, you could get passed a bad copy of PGP. If you're intent on checking the signature, you may do an intermediate upgrade to MIT PGP 2.6. This older version was signed before the "time bomb" took effect, so its signature is readable by the older versions of PGP. Once you have validated the signature on the intermediate version, you can then use that version to check the current version. As another alternative, you may upgrade to PGP 2.6.3i or 2.6ui, checking their signatures with 2.3a, and use them to check the signature on the newer version. People living in the USA who do this may be violating the RSA patent in doing so; then again, you may have been violating it anyway by using 2.3a, so you're not in much worse shape.
3.15. How do I know that there is no trap door in the program? |
The fact that the entire source code for the free versions of PGP is
available makes it just about impossible for there to be some hidden
trap door. The source code has been examined by countless individuals
and no such trap door has been found. To make sure that your
executable file actually represents the given source code, all you
need to do is to re-compile the entire program.
3.16. I heard that the NSA put a back door in MIT PGP, and that they only allowed it to be legal with the back door. |
First of all, the NSA had nothing to do with PGP becoming "legal".
The legality problems solved by MIT PGP had to do with the alleged
patent on the RSA algorithm used in PGP. Second, all the freeware versions of PGP are released with full source code to both PGP and to the RSAREF library they use (just as every other freeware version before them were). Thus, it is subject to the same peer review mentioned in the question above. If there were an intentional hole, it would probably be spotted. If you're really paranoid, you can read the code yourself and look for holes!
3.17. Can I put PGP on a multi-user system like a network or a mainframe? |
Yes. PGP will compile for several high-end operating systems such as
Unix and VMS. Other versions may easily be used on machines connected
to a network. You should be very careful, however. Your pass phrase may be passed over the network in the clear where it could be intercepted by network monitoring equipment, or the operator on a multi-user machine may install "keyboard sniffers" to record your pass phrase as you type it in. Also, while it is being used by PGP on the host system, it could be caught by some Trojan Horse program. Also, even though your secret key ring is encrypted, it would not be good practice to leave it lying around for anyone else to look at. So why distribute PGP with directions for making it on Unix and VMS machines at all? The simple answer is that not all Unix and VMS machines are network servers or "mainframes." If you use your machine only from the console (or if you use some network encryption package such as Kerberos), you are the only user, you take reasonable system security measures to prevent unauthorized access, and you are aware of the risks above, you can securely use PGP on one of these systems. As an example of this, my own home computer runs Linux, a Unix clone. As I (and my wife) are the only users of the computer, I feel that the risks of crackers invading my system and stealing my pass phrase are minimal. You can still use PGP on multi-user systems or networks without a secret key for checking signatures and encrypting. As long as you don't process a private key or type a pass phrase on the multiuser system, you can use PGP securely there.
3.18. Can I use PGP under a "swapping" operating system like Windows or OS/2? |
Yes. PGP for DOS runs OK in most "DOS windows" for these systems, and
PGP can be built natively for many of them as well. The problem with using PGP on a system that swaps is that the system will often swap PGP out to disk while it is processing your pass phrase. If this happens at the right time, your pass phrase could end up in cleartext in your swap file. How easy it is to swap "at the right time" depends on the operating system; Windows reportedly swaps the pass phrase to disk quite regularly, though it is also one of the most inefficient systems. PGP does make every attempt to not keep the pass phrase in memory by "wiping" memory used to hold the pass phrase before freeing it, but this solution isn't perfect. If you have reason to be concerned about this, you might consider getting a swapfile wiping utility to securely erase any trace of the pass phrase once you are done with the system. Several such utilities exist for Windows and Linux at least.
3.19. Why not use RSA alone rather than a hybrid mix of IDEA, MD5, & RSA? |
Two reasons: First, the IDEA encryption algorithm used in PGP is
actually MUCH stronger than RSA given the same key length. Even with
a 1024 bit RSA key, it is believed that IDEA encryption is still
stronger, and, since a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, it
is believed that RSA is actually the weakest part of the RSA - IDEA
approach. Second, RSA encryption is MUCH slower than IDEA. The only
purpose of RSA in most public key schemes is for the transfer of
session keys to be used in the conventional secret key algorithm, or
to encode signatures.
3.20. Aren't all of these security procedures a little paranoid? |
That all depends on how much your privacy means to you! Even apart
from the government, there are many people out there who would just
love to read your private mail. And many of these individuals would be
willing to go to great lengths to compromise your mail. Look at the
amount of work that has been put into some of the virus programs that
have found their way into various computer systems. Even when it
doesn't involve money, some people are obsessed with breaking into
systems. In addition, don't forget that private keys are useful for more than decrypting. Someone with your private key can also sign items that could later prove to be difficult to deny. Keeping your private key secure can prevent, at the least, a bit of embarassment, and at most could prevent charges of fraud or breach of contract. Besides, many of the above procedures are also effective against some common indirect attacks. As an example, the digital signature also serves as an effective integrity check of the file signed; thus, checking the signature on new copies of PGP ensures that your computer will not get a virus through PGP (unless, of course, the PGP version developer contracts a virus and infects PGP before signing).
3.21. Can I be forced to reveal my pass phrase in any legal proceedings? |
Gary Edstrom reported the following in earlier versions of this FAQ: The following information applies only to citizens of the United States in U.S. Courts. The laws in other countries may vary. Please see the disclaimer at the top of part 1. There have been several threads on Internet concerning the question of whether or not the fifth amendment right about not being forced to give testimony against yourself can be applied to the subject of being forced to reveal your pass phrase. Not wanting to settle for the many conflicting opinions of armchair lawyers on usenet, I asked for input from individuals who were more qualified in the area. The results were somewhat mixed. There apparently has NOT been much case history to set precedence in this area. So if you find yourself in this situation, you should be prepared for a long and costly legal fight on the matter. Do you have the time and money for such a fight? Also remember that judges have great freedom in the use of "Contempt of Court". They might choose to lock you up until you decide to reveal the pass phrase and it could take your lawyer some time to get you out. (If only you just had a poor memory!) |
IV. Keys |
4.1. Which key size should I use? |
PGP gives you three choices for key size: 512, 768, or 1024 bits. You
can also specify the number of bits your key should have if you don't
like any of those numbers. The larger the key, the more secure the
RSA portion of the encryption is. The only place where the key size
makes a large change in the running time of the program is during key
generation. A 1024 bit key can take 8 times longer to generate than a
384 bit key. Fortunately, this is a one time process that doesn't need
to be repeated unless you wish to generate another key pair. During
encryption, only the RSA portion of the encryption process is affected
by key size. The RSA portion is only used for encrypting the session
key used by the IDEA. The main body of the message is totally
unaffected by the choice of RSA key size. So unless you have a very
good reason for doing otherwise, select the 1024 bit key size. Using
currently available algorithms for factoring, the 384 and 512 bit keys
are just not far enough out of reach to be good choices. If you are using MIT PGP 2.6.2, ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1, or PGP 2.6.3i, you can specify key sizes greater than 1024 bits; the upper limit for these programs is 2048 bits. Remember that you have to tell PGP how big you want your key if you want it to be bigger than 1024 bits. Generating a key this long will take you quite a while; however, this is, as noted above, a one-time process. Remember that other people running other versions of PGP may not be able to handle your large key!
4.2. Why does PGP take so long to add new keys to my key ring? |
The time required to check signatures and add keys to your public key
ring tends to grow as the square of the size of your existing public
key ring. This can reach extreme proportions. Gary Edstrom remarked (a long time ago): "I just recently added the entire 850KB public key ring form one of the key servers to my local public key ring. Even on my 66MHz 486 system, the process took over 10 hours."
4.3. How can I extract multiple keys into a single armored file? |
A number of people have more than one public key that they would like
to make available. One way of doing this is executing the "-kxa"
command for each key you wish to extract from the key ring into
separate armored files, then appending all the individual files into a
single long file with multiple armored blocks. This is not as
convenient as having all of your keys in a single armored block. Unfortunately, the present version of PGP does not allow you to do this directly. Fortunately, there is an indirect way to do it. I would like to thank Robert Joop ( for supplying the following method which is simpler than the method that I had previously given. solution 1:
solution 2:
A Unix script to perform the extraction with a single command would be as follows:
4.4. I tried encrypting the same message to the same address two different times and got completely different outputs. Why is this? |
Every time you run PGP, a different session key is generated. This
session key is used as the key for IDEA. As a result, the entire
header and body of the message changes. You will never see the same
output twice, no matter how many times you encrypt the same message to
the same address. This adds to the overall security of PGP.
4.5. How do I specify which key to use when an individual has 2 or more public keys and the very same user ID on each, or when 2 different users have the same name? |
Instead of specifying the user's name in the ID field of the PGP
command, you can use the key ID number. The format is 0xNNNNNNNN where
NNNNNNNN is the user's 8 character key ID number. It should be noted
that you don't need to enter the entire ID number, a few consecutive
digits from anywhere in the ID should do the trick. Be careful: If
you enter "0x123", you will be matching key IDs 0x12393764,
0x64931237, or 0x96412373. Any key ID that contains "123" anywhere in
it will produce a match. They don't need to be the starting
characters of the key ID. You will recognize that this is the format
for entering hex numbers in the C programming language. For example,
any of the following commands could be used to encrypt a file to my
work key:
4.6. What does the message "Unknown signator, can't be checked" mean? |
It means that the key used to create that signature does not exist in
your database. If at sometime in the future, you happen to add that
key to your database, then the signature line will read normally. It
is completely harmless to leave these non-checkable signatures in your
database. They neither add to nor take away from the validity of the
key in question.
4.7. How do I get PGP to display the trust parameters on a key? |
You can only do this when you run the -kc option by itself on the
entire database. The parameters will NOT be shown if you give a
specific ID on the command line. The correct command is: "pgp -kc".
The command "pgp -kc smith" will NOT show the trust parameters for
4.8. How can I make my key available via finger? |
The first step is always to extract the key to an ASCII-armored text
file with "pgp -kxa". After that, it depends on what type of computer
you want your key to be available on. Check the documentation for
that computer and/or its networking software. Many computers running a Unix flavor will read information to be displayed via finger from a file in each user's home directory called ".plan". If your computer supports this, you can put your public key in this file. Ask your system administrator is you have problems with this. |
V. Message Signatures |
5.1. What is message signing? |
Let's imagine that you received a letter in the mail from someone you know
named John Smith. How do you know that John was really the person who sent
you the letter and that someone else simply forged his name? With PGP, it is
possible to apply a digital signature to a message that is impossible to
forge. If you already have a trusted copy of John's public encryption key,
you can use it to check the signature on the message. It would be impossible
for anybody but John to have created the signature, since he is the only
person with access to the secret key necessary to create the signature. In
addition, if anybody has tampered with an otherwise valid message, the
digital signature will detect the fact. It protects the entire message.
5.2. How do I sign a message while still leaving it readable? |
Sometimes you are not interested in keeping the contents of a message
secret, you only want to make sure that nobody tampers with it, and to
allow others to verify that the message is really from you. For this,
you can use clear signing. Clear signing only works on text files, it
will NOT work on binary files. The command format is:
pgp -sat +clearsig=on
5.3. Can't you just forge a signature by copying the signature block to another message? |
No. The reason for this is that the signature contains information
(called a "message digest" or a "one-way hash") about the message it's
signing. When the signature check is made, the message digest from
the message is calculated and compared with the one stored in the
encrypted signature block. If they don't match, PGP reports that the
signature is bad.
5.4. Are PGP signatures legally binding? |
It's still too early to tell. At least one company is using PGP
digital signatures on contracts to provide "quick agreement" via
E-mail, allowing work to proceed without having to wait for the paper
signature. Two USA states (Utah and Wyoming) have passed laws
recently giving digital signatures binding force for certain kinds of
transactions. The Wyoming law is available from:
(whew!) This non-lawyerly mind sees two questions which need to be considered. First, a "signature" is nothing more than an agreement to a contract; verbal "signatures" have been upheld before in court. It would seem that, if such a dispute were to arise, that a valid digital signature could be seen as evidence that such an agreement was made. Second, PGP keys are much easier to compromise than a person's handwritten signature, so their evidential value will by necessity be less. |
VI. Key Signatures |
6.1. What is key signing? |
OK, you just got a copy of John Smith's public encryption key. How do
you know that the key really belongs to John Smith and not to some
impostor? The answer to this is key signatures. They are similar to
message signatures in that they can't be forged. Let's say that you
don't know that you have John Smith's real key. But let's say that you
DO have a trusted key from Joe Blow. Let's say that you trust Joe Blow
and that he has added his signature to John Smith's key. By inference,
you can now trust that you have a valid copy of John Smith's key. That
is what key signing is all about. This chain of trust can be carried
to several levels, such as A trusts B who trusts C who trusts D,
therefore A can trust D. You have control in the PGP configuration
file over exactly how many levels this chain of trust is allowed to
proceed. Be careful about keys that are several levels removed from
your immediate trust.
6.2. How do I sign a key? |
Execute the following command from the command prompt:
This adds your signature (signed with the private key for yourid, if
you specify it) to the key identified with keyid. If keyid is a user
ID, you will sign that particular user ID; otherwise, you will sign
the default user ID on that key (the first one you see when you list
the key with "pgp -kv Next, you should extract a copy of this updated key along with its signatures using the "-kxa" option. An armored text file will be created. Give this file to the owner of the key so that he may propagate the new signature to whomever he chooses. Be very careful with your secret keyring. Never be tempted to put a copy in somebody else's machine so you can sign their public key - they could have modified PGP to copy your secret key and grab your pass phrase. It is not considered proper to send his updated key to a key server yourself unless he has given you explicit permission to do so. After all, he may not wish to have his key appear on a public server. By the same token, you should expect that any key that you give out will probably find its way onto the public key servers, even if you really didn't want it there, since anyone having your public key can upload it.
6.3. Should I sign my own key? |
Yes, you should sign each personal ID on your key. This will help to
prevent anyone from placing a phony address in the ID field of the key
and possibly having your mail diverted to them. Anyone adding or
changing a user id on your key will be unable to sign the entry,
making it stand out like a sore thumb since all of the other entries
are signed. Do this even if you are the only person signing your key.
For example, my entry in the public key ring now appears as follows if
you use the "-kvv" command:
Type bits/keyID Date User ID pub 1024/0353E385 1994/06/17 Jeff Licquia
6.4. Should I sign X's key? |
Signing someone's key is your indication to the world that you believe
that key to rightfully belong to that person, and that person is who
he purports to be. Other people may rely on your signature to decide
whether or not a key is valid, so you should not sign capriciously. Some countries require respected professionals such as doctors or engineers to endorse passport photographs as proof of identity for a passport application - you should consider signing someone's key in the same light. Alternatively, when you come to sign someone's key, ask yourself if you would be prepared to swear in a court of law as to that person's identity. Remember that signing a person's key says nothing about whether you actually like or trust that person or approve of his/her actions. It's just like someone pointing to someone else at a party and saying, "Yeah, that's Joe Blow over there." Joe Blow may be an ax murderer; you don't become tainted with his crime just because you can pick him out of a crowd.
6.5. How do I verify someone's identity? |
It all depends on how well you know them. Relatives, friends and
colleagues are easy. People you meet at conventions or key-signing
sessions require some proof like a driver's license or credit card.
6.6. How do I know someone hasn't sent me a bogus key to sign? |
It is very easy for someone to generate a key with a false ID and send
e-mail with fraudulent headers, or for a node which routes the e-mail
to you to substitute a different key. Finger servers are harder to
tamper with, but not impossible. The problem is that while public key
exchange does not require a secure channel (eavesdropping is not a
problem) it does require a tamper-proof channel (key-substitution is a
If it is a key from someone you know well and whose voice you
recognize then it is sufficient to give them a phone call and have
them read their key's fingerprint (obtained with "pgp -kvc If you don't know the person very well then the only recourse is to exchange keys face-to-face and ask for some proof of identity. Don't be tempted to put your public key disk in their machine so they can add their key - they could maliciously replace your key at the same time. If the user ID includes an e-mail address, verify that address by exchanging an agreed encrypted message before signing. Don't sign any user IDs on that key except those you have verified.
6.7. What's a key signing party? |
A key signing party is a get-together with various other users of PGP
for the purpose of meeting and signing keys. This helps to extend the
"web of trust" to a great degree.
6.8. How do I organize a key signing party? |
Though the idea is simple, actually doing it is a bit complex, because
you don't want to compromise other people's private keys or spread
viruses (which is a risk whenever floppies are swapped willy-nilly).
Usually, these parties involve meeting everyone at the party,
verifying their identity and getting key fingerprints from them, and
signing their key at home. Derek Atkins ( has recommended this method: There are many ways to hold a key-signing session. Many viable suggestions have been given. And, just to add more signal to this newsgroup, I will suggest another one which seems to work very well and also solves the N-squared problem of distributing and signing keys. Here is the process:
VII. Revoking a key |
7.1. My secret key ring has been stolen or lost, what do I do? |
Assuming that you selected a good solid random pass phrase to encrypt
your secret key ring, you are probably still safe. It takes two parts
to decrypt a message, the secret key ring, and its pass phrase.
Assuming you have a backup copy of your secret key ring, you should
generate a key revocation certificate and upload the revocation to one
of the public key servers. Prior to uploading the revocation
certificate, you might add a new ID to the old key that tells what
your new key ID will be. If you don't have a backup copy of your
secret key ring, then it will be impossible to create a revocation
certificate under the present version of PGP. This is another good
reason for keeping a backup copy of your secret key ring.
7.2. I forgot my pass phrase. Can I create a key revocation certificate? |
YOU CAN'T, since the pass phrase is required to create the
certificate! The way to avoid this dilemma is to create a key revocation certificate at the same time that you generate your key pair. Put the revocation certificate away in a safe place and you will have it available should the need arise. You need to be careful how you do this, however, or you will end up revoking the key pair that you just generated, and a revocation can't be reversed. To do this, extract your public key to an ASCII file (using the "-kxa" option) after you have generated your key pair. Next, create a key revocation certificate and extract the revoked key to another ASCII file using the "-kxa" option again. Finally, delete the revoked key from your public key ring using the "-kr" option and put your non-revoked version back in the ring using the "-ka" option. Save the revocation certificate on a floppy so that you don't lose it if you crash your hard disk sometime. |
VIII. Public Key Servers |
8.1. What are the Public Key Servers? |
Public Key Servers exist for the purpose of making your public key
available in a common database where everybody can have access to it
for the purpose of encrypting messages to you. While a number of key
servers exist, it is only necessary to send your key to one of them.
The key server will take care of the job of sending your key to all
other known servers. Very recently, the number of keys reported on the key servers passed 10,000.
8.2. What public key servers are available? |
The following is a list of all of the known public key servers active
as of the publication date of this FAQ. Any changes to this list
should be posted to and a copy forwarded to me for
inclusion in future releases of the FAQ. Sites accessible via mail:
Sites accessible via WWW:
Key server keyrings accessible via FTP:
The following key servers are no longer in operation:
In addition to the "traditional" keyservers, there is a commercial key registry in operation at Four11 Directory Services is set up primarily as a directory service to assist in searching for people or groups. Members of the service may have their key certified by Four11 and placed on their server; a key signature from Four11 indicates that you have met their signing requirements. At the time of this writing, they offer "SLED Silver Signatures", which require identification of the key holder through one of the following:
Send mail to or connect to for
more information on SLED/Four11 or to search their server. You can
request keys from their key server by sending E-mail to
or by fingering |
8.3. What is the syntax of the key server commands? |
The key server expects to see one of the following commands placed in
the subject field. Note that only the ADD command uses the body of the
If you wish to get the entire key ring and have access to FTP, it would be a lot more efficient to use FTP rather than e-mail. Using e-mail, the entire key ring can generate a many part message, which you will have to reconstruct into a single file before adding it to your key ring. |
IX. Bugs |
9.1 Where should I send bug reports? |
Bugs related to MIT PGP should be sent to You will
want to check
before reporting a bug to make sure that the bug hasn't been reported
already. If it is a serious bug, you should also post it to Serious bugs are bugs that affect the security of
the program, not compile errors or small logic errors. Post all of your bug reports concerning non-MIT versions of PGP to, and forward a copy to me for possible inclusion in future releases of the FAQ. Please be aware that the authors of PGP might not acknowledge bug reports sent directly to them. Posting them on USENET will give them the widest possible distribution in the shortest amount of time. The following list of bugs is limited to version 2.4 and later, and is limited to the most commonly seen and serious bugs. For bugs in earlier versions, refer to the documentation included with the program. If you find a bug not on this list, follow the procedure above for reporting it.
MIT PGP 2.6 had a bug in the key generation process which made keys generated by it much less random. Fixed in 2.6.1. All versions of PGP except MIT PGP 2.6.2 are susceptible to a "buglet" in clearsigned messages, making it possible to add text to the beginning of a clearsigned message. The added text does not appear in the PGP output after the signature is checked. MIT PGP 2.6.2 now does not allow header lines before the text of a clearsigned message and enforces RFC 822 syntax on header lines before the signature. Since this bug appears at checking time, however, you should be aware of this bug even if you use MIT PGP 2.6.2 - the reader may check your signed message with a different version and not read the output. MIT PGP 2.6.1 was supposed to handle keys between 1024 and 2048 bits in length, but could not. Fixed in 2.6.2. MIT PGP 2.6.2 was supposed to enable the generation of keys up to 2048 bits after December 25, 1994; a one-off bug puts that upper limit at 2047 bits instead. It has been reported that this problem does not appear when MIT PGP is compiled under certain implementations of Unix. The problem is fixed in versions 2.7.1 and 2.6.3i. PGP 2.6ui continues to exhibit the bug in 2.3a where conventionally encrypted messages, when encrypted twice with the same pass phrase, produce the same ciphertext. Many of the versions of MacPGP (especially beta versions of MIT MacPGP) have been reported to not handle text files and ASCII-armored files correctly, causing some signatures not to validate. ViaCrypt has reported a bug in freeware PGP affecting at least PGP 2.3a and MIT PGP 2.6, 2.6.1, and 2.6.2. This bug affects signatures made with keys between 2034 and 2048 bits in length, causing them to be corrupted. Practically speaking, this bug only affects versions of PGP that support the longer key lengths. ViaCrypt reports that this only seems to be a problem when running PGP on a Sun SPARC-based workstation. ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1 and PGP 2.6.3i do not suffer from this bug. The following patch will fix the problem in MIT PGP 2.6.2:
<===== begin patch (cut here) --- crypto.c.orig Mon Mar 20 22:30:29 1995 +++ crypto.c Mon Mar 20 22:55:32 1995 @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ byte class, unitptr e, unitptr d, unitptr p, unitptr q, unitptr u, unitptr n) { - byte inbuf[MAX_BYTE_PRECISION], outbuf[MAX_BYTE_PRECISION]; + byte inbuf[MAX_BYTE_PRECISION], outbuf[MAX_BYTE_PRECISION+2]; int i, j, certificate_length, blocksize,bytecount; word16 ske_length; word32 tstamp; byte *timestamp = (byte *) &tstamp;<===== end patch (cut here) The initial release of PGP 2.6.3i contained a bug related to clearsigned messages; signed messages containing international characters would always fail. For that reason, it was immediately pulled from distribution and re-released later, minus the bug. If you have problems with 2.6.3i, make sure you downloaded your copy after 7 May 1995. |
X. Recommended Reading |
Stallings, William, "Protect Your Privacy: A Guide for PGP Users", Prentice Hall, 1995, ISBN 0-13-185596-4. (Current errata at
Garfinkel, Simson, "PGP: Pretty Good Privacy",
Schneier, Bruce, "E-Mail Security with PGP and PEM: How To Keep Your Electronic Messages Private", The Code Breakers ISBN: 0-02-560460-0
This has been the unofficial standard reference book on the history of
cryptography for the last 25 years. It covers the development of
cryptography from ancient times, up to 1967. It is interesting to read
about the cat and mouse games that governments have been playing with
each other even to this day. I have been informed by Mats Lofkvist
The following list was taken from the PGP documentation:
Dorothy Denning, "Cryptography and Data Security",
Dorothy Denning, "Protecting Public Keys and Signature Keys",
Martin E. Hellman, "The Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptography",
Ronald Rivest, "The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm",
Also available at and its mirror at is:
Xuejia Lai, "On the Design and Security of Block Ciphers",
Xuejia Lai, James L. Massey, Sean Murphy, "Markov Ciphers and Differential Cryptanalysis",
Philip Zimmermann, "A Proposed Standard Format for RSA Cryptosystems",
Bruce Schneier, "Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C",
Paul Wallich, "Electronic Envelopes", |
XI. General Tips |
XII. Appendix Section |
Appendix I - PGP add-ons and Related Programs |
Due to the enormous size this FAQ has begun to take, I have condensed
this section, using a home-grown format that (I hope) will be easy to
machine-parse into whatever other formats I can manage. This list is not exhaustive, nor is it even necessarily correct. Much of it is lifted from the old FAQ, and, as a result, some of the links are probably out of date. Hopefully, I will be able to weed out the bad links and update this over time; the task was too great for me to take immediately, however, especially given the pressing need. I present it in the hope that it will be helpful. Amiga
PGP Mail Integration Project Automatic PGP encryption for mail over UUCP and SMTP.
PGPAmiga-FrontEnd GUI front end for Amiga PGP.
StealthPGP 1.0 Tool to remove any header stuff from PGP encrypted messages, to make sure nobody recognizes it as encrypted text. Source included.
PGPMore 2.3 More-like tool which decrypts PGP encrypted blocks included in the text before displaying them. Useful for decrypting complete mail folders, etc... Archimedes
PGPwimp A multi-tasking WIMP front-end for PGP (requires RISC OS 3). Operates on files - it has no hooks to allow integration with mailers/newsreaders.
RNscripts4PGP A collection of scripts and a small BASIC program which integrate PGP with the ReadNews mailer/newsreader. Provides encryp, decrypt, sign signature- check, add key. DOS (Windows utilities are in a separate section)
Offline AutoPGP Integrates PGP with QWK and SOUP offline mail readers.
PGPSort Sorts your PGP public keyring.
HPack Archiver program (like ZIP) which integrates PGP.
Menu Menu shell for PGP which uses 4DOS.
OzPKE Integrates PGP into OzCIS, an automated access program for CompuServe.
PGP-Front Interactive shell for PGP; has most functions.
PGPShell Another PGP shell for DOS.
PGS Pretty Good PGP Shell or PGS is a complete shell for Philip Zimmermann's Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). PGS enables you to do anything that PGP can do from the commandline from a, easy to use, front-end shell.
PGPUtils Batch files and PIF files for PGP.
PC Yarn MS-DOS offline mail and news software (using the SOUP packet format) that can clearsign or encrypt outgoing messages, and decrypt incoming messages to the CRT, a text file, or a mail folder. NeXT
CryptorBundle Integrates PGP into OS/2
EPM Macro for PGP Macro for EPM which places a PGP menu in the menu bar. Unix
PGPsendmail Automatically encrypts by acting as a wrapper for sendmail.
PGPTalk Integrates PGP into ytalk for secure private chatting.
Emacs Auto-PGP This is a package for integrating PGP into GNU Emacs.
Mailcrypt This is an elisp package for encrypting and decrypting mail. I wrote this to provide a single interface to the two most common mail encryption programs, PGP and RIPEM. You can use either or both in any combination.
mail-secure.el Complement to Mailcrypt which adds some new features. Requires Mailcrypt.
PGPPAGER This program acts as a smart pager for mail, and can automatically decrypt the body portion of a message if necessary.
mkpgp Script for integrating pine and PGP.
PGP Elm Patched version of elm which is PGP-aware.
PGP Augmented Messaging (was PGP Enhanced Messaging) Another set of GNU Emacs PGP utilities. VAX/VMS
ENCRYPT.COM ENCRYPT.COM is a VMS mail script that works fine for (John O'Leary) Windows (v3, '95, NT)
PGP Help for the Windows Help engine PGP documentation and help in WinHelp format.
PGPWinFront (PWF) Windows front end for PGP. Includes most functions.
J's Windows PGP Shell (JWPS) Another Windows front end for PGP. Supports drag-n-drop, clipboard, etc.
PGP Windows Still another Windows PGP front end.
WinPGP(tm) Another PGP Windows shell; this one is shareware.
ZMail Scripts for PGP Scripts for integrating PGP with ZMail, a popular graphical mailer.
Private Idaho A PGP integration tool for various Windows mailers. Supports anonymous remailers.
-Tools A set of Windows steganography tools.
Appendix II - Glossary of Cryptographic Terms |
Chosen Plain Text Attack This is the next step up from the Known Plain Text Attack. In this version, the cryptanalyst can choose what plain text message he wishes to encrypt and view the results, as opposed to simply taking any old plain text that he might happen to lay his hands on. If he can recover the key, he can use it to decode all data encrypted under this key. This is a much stronger form of attack than known plain text. The better encryption systems will resist this form of attack. Clipper A chip developed by the United States Government that was to be used as the standard chip in all encrypted communications. Aside from the fact that all details of how the Clipper chip work remain classified, the biggest concern was the fact that it has an acknowledged trap door in it to allow the government to eavesdrop on anyone using Clipper provided they first obtained a wiretap warrant. This fact, along with the fact that it can't be exported from the United States, has led a number of large corporations to oppose the idea. Clipper uses an 80 bit key to perform a series of nonlinear transformation on a 64 bit data block. DES (Data Encryption Standard) A data encryption standard developed by IBM under the auspices of the United States Government. It was criticized because the research that went into the development of the standard remained classified. Concerns were raised that there might be hidden trap doors in the logic that would allow the government to break anyone's code if they wanted to listen in. DES uses a 56 bit key to perform a series of nonlinear transformation on a 64 bit data block. Even when it was first introduced a number of years ago, it was criticized for not having a long enough key. 56 bits just didn't put it far enough out of reach of a brute force attack. Today, with the increasing speed of hardware and its falling cost, it would be feasible to build a machine that could crack a 56 bit key in under a day's time. It is not known if such a machine has really been built, but the fact that it is feasible tends to weaken the security of DES substantially. I would like to thank Paul Leyland ( for the following information relating to the cost of building such a DES cracking machine:
_Efficient DES Key Search_ Laszlo Baranyi ( says that the full paper is available in PostScript from:
EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in July, 1990, to assure freedom of expression in digital media, with a particular emphasis on applying the principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to computer-based communication. For further information, contact:
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) Developed in Switzerland and licensed for non-commercial use in PGP. IDEA uses a 128 bit user supplied key to perform a series of nonlinear mathematical transformations on a 64 bit data block. Compare the length of this key with the 56 bits in DES or the 80 bits in Clipper. ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) ITAR are the regulations covering the exporting of weapons and weapons related technology from the United States. For some strange reason, the government claims that data encryption is a weapon and comes under the ITAR regulations. There is presently a move in Congress to relax the section of ITAR dealing with cryptographic technology. Known Plain Text Attack A method of attack on a crypto system where the cryptanalyst has matching copies of plain text, and its encrypted version. With weaker encryption systems, this can improve the chances of cracking the code and getting at the plain text of other messages where the plain text is not known. MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm #5) The message digest algorithm used in PGP is the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm, placed in the public domain by RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5's designer, Ronald Rivest, writes this about MD5:
"It is conjectured that the difficulty of coming up with two messages having the same message digest is on the order of 2^64 operations, and that the difficulty of coming up with any message having a given message digest is on the order of 2^128 operations. The MD5 algorithm has been carefully scrutinized for weaknesses. It is, however, a relatively new algorithm and further security analysis is of course justified, as is the case with any new proposal of this sort. The level of security provided by MD5 should be sufficient for implementing very high security hybrid digital signature schemes based on MD5 and the RSA public-key cryptosystem." MPILIB (Multiple Precision Integer Library) This is the common name for the set of RSA routines used in PGP 2.3a and previous, as well as the international versions of PGP. It is alleged to violate PKP's RSA patent in the USA, but is not otherwise restricted in usage. It retains its popularity abroad because it outperforms RSAREF and has fewer legal restrictions as well. NSA (National Security Agency) The following information is from the sci.crypt FAQ: The NSA is the official communications security body of the U.S. government. It was given its charter by President Truman in the early 50's, and has continued research in cryptology till the present. The NSA is known to be the largest employer of mathematicians in the world, and is also the largest purchaser of computer hardware in the world. Governments in general have always been prime employers of cryptologists. The NSA probably possesses cryptographic expertise many years ahead of the public state of the art, and can undoubtedly break many of the systems used in practice; but for reasons of national security almost all information about the NSA is classified. One Time Pad The one time pad is the ONLY encryption scheme that can be proven to be absolutely unbreakable! It is used extensively by spies because it doesn't require any hardware to implement and because of its absolute security. This algorithm requires the generation of many sets of matching encryption keys pads. Each pad consists of a number of random key characters. These key characters are chosen completely at random using some truly random process. They are NOT generated by any kind of cryptographic key generator. Each party involved receives matching sets of pads. Each key character in the pad is used to encrypt one and only one plain text character, then the key character is never used again. Any violation of these conditions negates the perfect security available in the one time pad. So why don't we use the one time pad all the time? The answer is that the number of random key pads that need to be generated must be at least equal to the volume of plain text messages to be encrypted, and the fact that these key pads must somehow be exchanged ahead of time. This becomes totally impractical in modern high speed communications systems. Among the more famous of the communications links using a one time pad scheme is the Washington to Moscow hot line. PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) The following was taken from the sci.crypt FAQ: How do I send encrypted mail under UNIX? [PGP, RIPEM, PEM, ...]? Here's one popular method, using the des command:
Meanwhile, there is a de jure Internet standard in the works called PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail). It is described in RFCs 1421 through 1424. To join the PEM mailing list, contact There is a beta version of PEM being tested at the time of this writing. There are also two programs available in the public domain for encrypting mail: PGP and RIPEM. Both are available by FTP. Each has its own news group: and Each has its own FAQ as well. PGP is most commonly used outside the USA since it uses the RSA algorithm without a license and RSA's patent is valid only (or at least primarily) in the USA. [ Maintainer's note: The above paragraph is not fully correct, as MIT PGP uses RSAREF as well now. ] RIPEM is most commonly used inside the USA since it uses the RSAREF which is freely available within the USA but not available for shipment outside the USA. Since both programs use a secret key algorithm for encrypting the body of the message (PGP used IDEA; RIPEM uses DES) and RSA for encrypting the message key, they should be able to interoperate freely. Although there have been repeated calls for each to understand the other's formats and algorithm choices, no interoperation is available at this time (as far as we know). PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) The program we're discussing. See question 1.1. PKP (Public Key Partners) A patent holding company that holds many public-key patents, including (supposedly) the patent on public-key cryptography itself. Several of its patents are not believed by some to be valid, including their patent on RSA (which affects PGP). RIPEM See PEM RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) RSA is the public key encryption method used in PGP. RSA are the initials of the developers of the algorithm which was done at taxpayer expense. The basic security in RSA comes from the fact that, while it is relatively easy to multiply two huge prime numbers together to obtain their product, it is computationally difficult to go the reverse direction: to find the two prime factors of a given composite number. It is this one-way nature of RSA that allows an encryption key to be generated and disclosed to the world, and yet not allow a message to be decrypted. RSAREF This is the free library RSA Data Security, Inc., made available for the purpose of implementing freeware PEM applications. It implements several encryption algorithms, including (among others) RSA. MIT PGP uses RSAREF's RSA routines to avoid the alleged patent problems associated with other versions of PGP. Skipjack See Clipper TEMPEST TEMPEST is a standard for electromagnetic shielding for computer equipment. It was created in response to the fact that information can be read from computer radiation (e.g., from a CRT) at quite a distance and with little effort. Needless to say, encryption doesn't do much good if the cleartext is available this way. The typical home computer WOULD fail ALL of the TEMPEST standards by a long shot. So, if you are doing anything illegal, don't expect PGP or any other encryption program to save you. The government could just set up a monitoring van outside your home and read everything that you are doing on your computer. Short of shelling out the ten thousand dollars or so that it would take to properly shield your computer, a good second choice might be a laptop computer running on batteries. No emissions would be fed back into the power lines, and the amount of power being fed to the display and being consumed by the computer is much less than the typical home computer and CRT. This provides a much weaker RF field for snoopers to monitor. It still isn't safe, just safer. In addition, a laptop computer has the advantage of not being anchored to one location. Anyone trying to monitor your emissions would have to follow you around, maybe making themselves a little more obvious. I must emphasize again that a laptop still is NOT safe from a tempest standpoint, just safer than the standard personal computer.
Appendix III - Cypherpunks |
What is the cypherpunks mailing list? Eric Hughes ( runs the "cypherpunk" mailing list dedicated to "discussion about technological defenses for privacy in the digital domain." Frequent topics include voice and data encryption, anonymous remailers, and the Clipper chip. Send e-mail to with "subscribe cypherpunks" in the body to be added or subtracted from the list. The mailing list itself is You don't need to be a member of the list in order to send messages to it, thus allowing the use of anonymous remailers to post your more sensitive messages that you just as soon would not be credited to you. (Traffic is sometimes up to 30-40 messages per day.) What is the purpose of the Cypherpunk remailers? The purpose of these remailers is to take privacy one level further. While a third party who is snooping on the net may not be able to read the encrypted mail that you are sending, he is still able to know who you are sending mail to. This could possibly give him some useful information. This is called traffic flow analysis. To counter this type of attack, you can use a third party whose function is simply to remail your message with his return address on it instead of yours. Two types of remailers exist. The first type only accepts plain text remailing headers. This type would only be used if your goal was only to prevent the person to whom your are sending mail from learning your identity. It would do nothing for the problem of net eavesdroppers from learning to whom you are sending mail. The second type of remailer accepts encrypted remailing headers. With this type of remailer, you encrypt your message twice. First, you encrypt it to the person ultimately receiving the message. You then add the remailing header and encrypt it again using the key for the remailer that you are using. When the remailer receives your message, the system will recognize that the header is encrypted and will use its secret decryption key to decrypt the message. He can now read the forwarding information, but because the body of the message is still encrypted in the key of another party, he is unable to read your mail. He simply remails the message to the proper destination. At its ultimate destination, the recipient uses his secret to decrypt this nested encryption and reads the message. Since this process of multiple encryptions and remailing headers can get quite involved, there are several programs available to simplify the process. FTP to and examine the directory /pub/cypherpunks/remailers for the programs that are available. Where are the currently active Cypherpunk remailers? Raph Levien maintains a list of currently active remailers. The list, unfortunately, seems to change often as remailers are shut down for whatever reasons; therefore, I am not printing a list here. You can get the list by fingering Are there other anonymous remailers besides the cypherpunk remailers? Yes, the most commonly used remailer on the Internet is in Finland. It is known as The syntax for sending mail through this remailer is different from the cypherpunk remailers. For example, if you wanted to send mail to me ( through, you would send the mail to "". Notice that the "@" sign in my Internet address is changed to a "%". Unlike the cypherpunk remailers, directly supports anonymous return addresses. Anybody using the remailer is assigned an anonymous id of the form "an?????" where "?????" is filled in with a number representing that user. To send mail to someone when you only know their anonymous address, address your mail to "an?????" replacing the question marks with the user id you are interested in. For additional information on, send a blank message to "". You will receive complete instructions on how to use the remailer, including how to obtain a pass phrase on the system. What is the remailer command syntax?
The first non blank line in the message must start with two colons
(::). The next line must contain the user defined header
[body of message]
You would then send the above message to the desired remailer. Note
the section labeled "body of message" may be either a plain text
message, or an encrypted and armored PGP message addressed to the
desired recipient. To send the above message with an encrypted header,
use PGP to encrypt the entire message shown above to the desired
remailer. Be sure to take the output in armored text form. In front of
the BEGIN PGP MESSAGE portion of the file, insert two colons (::) as
the first non-blank line of the file. The next line should say
"Encrypted: PGP". Finally the third line should be blank. The message
now looks as follows:
[body of pgp message]
You would then send the above message to the desired remailer
just as you did in the case of the non-encrypted header. Note that it
is possible to chain remailers together so that the message passes
through several levels of anonymity before it reaches its ultimate
Where can I learn more about Cypherpunks?
Appendix IV - Testimony of Philip Zimmermann to Congress. Reproduced by permission. |
From!netcomsv!decwrl!!!csn!yuma!ld231782 Sun Oct 10 07:55:51 1993 Xref: talk.politics.crypto:650 ~Newsgroups: talk.politics.crypto,, Path:!netcomsv!decwrl!!!csn!yuma!ld231782 ~From: ld231782@LANCE.ColoState.Edu (L. Detweiler) ~Subject: ZIMMERMANN SPEAKS TO HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE ~Sender: news@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account) Message-ID:
Appendix V - The Philip Zimmermann Defense Fund. All articles reproduced by permission. |
Evidently, providing "free crypto for the masses" has its down side. The government is investigating Phil Zimmermann, the original author of PGP, for alleged violations of the ITAR export regulations prohibiting the unlicensed export of cryptographic equipment. They do not seem to believe that Phil himself actually exported PGP; rather, they claim that making the program available in a way that it could be exported is itself export (such as giving it away without restriction). As of this writing, the investigation is just that. In January, Phil's lawyers met with the government lawyers to discuss the case. The outcome of the meeting is unclear at this point, though the meeting was described as "cordial" by Phillip Dubois, Phil Zimmermann's lawyer. Even though it's "just an investigation", it's been an expensive one. Phil immediately had to go out and get legal representation to try to combat this "investigation" and prepare for its possible result. He's got a really good legal team, and they have done a lot of their work pro bono in support of the cause. Unfortunately, there are still costs associated with legal fights like this one. Phil's got quite a bill so far. To help offset his costs, Phil and his legal team have set up a legal defense fund for contributions. It's currently way in the red, but it's better than paying the whole bill outright. If charges actually get filed, the total bill could soar up into the millions; not a fun thing to have happen to you after providing such a nice (if controversial) public service. And spending all these millions doesn't guarantee that he won't be convicted and spend some time in jail; that's something not even a legal defense fund can pay for. Several companies who benefit from the use of PGP have indicated that they will donate a portion of their profits from certain activities to the legal defense fund. Here is a partial list:
Additions to this list would be appreciated. More information can be had by sending E-mail to or by visiting the information page set up for the fund:
Also, the legal team has also asked that anyone who has been approached by a federal investigator and questioned about Phil Zimmermann please contact Phillip Dubois [, 303/444-3885, 2305 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304-4132]. Here's the original article announcing the fund:
- From prz@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU Thu Oct 14 23:16:32 1993 Return-Path:
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- This is a call for donations to support Philip Zimmermann, the author of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), directed especially to the european users. To avoid the large bank fees when transferring money to the United States or when issuing checks to overseas, I have established an european legal trust fund for your convenience. First of all, I'd like to inform you what this legal trust fund is all about in the first place. If you already know Phil's situation, you might skip the quoted message below. I am using parts of the "request for donations" as it was posted by Philip Dubois, Zimmermann's lawyer. | As you may already know, on September 14 LEMCOM Systems (ViaCrypt) | in Phoenix, Arizona was served with a subpoena issued by the US | District Court of Northern California to testify before a grand | jury and produce documents related to "ViaCrypt, PGP, Philip | Zimmermann, and anyone or any entity acting on behalf of Philip | Zimmermann for the time period June 1, 1991 to the present." | | Phil Zimmermann has been explicitly told that he is the primary | target of the investigation being mounted from the San Jose office | of U.S. Customs. It is not known if there are other targets. | Whether or not an indictment is returned in this case, the legal | bills will be astronomical. | | If this case comes to trial, it will be one of the most important | cases in recent times dealing with cryptography, effective | communications privacy, and the free flow of information and ideas | in cyberspace in the post-Cold War political order. The stakes are | high, both for those of us who support the idea of effective | personal communications privacy and for Phil, who risks jail for | his selfless and successful effort to bring to birth "cryptography | for the masses," a.k.a. PGP. Export controls are being used as a | means to curtail domestic access to effective cryptographic tools: | Customs is taking the position that posting cryptographic code to | the Internet is equivalent to exporting it. Phil has assumed the | burden and risk of being the first to develop truly effective tools | with which we all might secure our communications against prying | eyes, in a political environment increasingly hostile to such an | idea -- an environment in which Clipper chips and Digital Telephony | bills are our own government's answer to our concerns. Now is the | time for us all to step forward and help shoulder that burden with | him. | | Phil is assembling a legal defense team to prepare for the | possibility of a trial, and he needs your help. This will be an | expensive affair, and the meter is already ticking. I call on all | of us, both here in the U.S. and abroad, to help defend Phil and | perhaps establish a groundbreaking legal precedent. A legal trust | fund has been established with Phil's attorney in Boulder. If you wish to donate some money to Philip Zimmermann, you may now transfer it to an account here in Germany -- what is usually quite a lot cheaper than transferring it to overseas. Here is the information you will need: Account owner: Peter Simons Bank : Commerzbank Bonn, Germany Account No. : 1112713/00 Bank No. : 380 400 07 This is NOT my private account! It is only used to collect the donations for Philip. Every single dollar I receive will be transferred to the account in the States monthly, with minimum fees. If you donate any money, you might want to send an e-mail to me ( and to Philip Dubois ( to let us know. Sending a copy to Phil's lawyer will furthermore make sure that I can by no means keep anything for myself as he knows exactly what amount has been given. If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me under and I will happily try to help. You may get my PGP public key from any keyserver or by fingering Please be generous! Consider that PGP is completely free for you to use and Phil got nothing but trouble in return. One can easily imagine what a software company had charged you for a tool like that! Sincerely, Peter Simons
Appendix VI - A Statement from ViaCrypt Concerning ITAR Reproduced by Permission |
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- The ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) includes a regulation that requires a manufacturer of cryptographic products to register with the U.S. State Department even if the manufacturer has no intentions of exporting products. It appears that this particular regulation is either not widely known, or is widely ignored. While no pressure was placed upon ViaCrypt to register, it is the Company's position to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. In keeping with this philosophy, ViaCrypt has registered with the U.S. Department of State as a munitions manufacturer. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.4 iQCVAgUBLQ+DfmhHpCDLdoUBAQGa+AP/YzLpHBGOgsU4b7DjLYj8KFC4FFACryRJ CKaBzeDI30p6y6PZitsMRBv7y2dzDILjYogIP0L3FTRyN36OebgVCXPiUAc3Vaee aIdLJ6emnDjt+tVS/dbgx0F+gB/KooMoY3SJiGPE+hUH8p3pNkYmhzeR3xXi9OEu GAZdK+E+RRA= =o13M -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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