Music Was My First Love...

... and it would be my last
Music are the future
and Music are the past
To live without my music
it would be impossible to do
'cause in this world of trouble
my music pulls me through

John Miles

Pajaro Fashion

Music fills an important part of a human being's life...

I'm not the exception!

I spend almost 16 hours a day listening to music... and She fills one thirty of my life.

I'm also an amateur collector of MIDS, TABLATURES and LYRICS from the following artists:

Some Starting Pointers



Yes site The official Yes Page.

Campana Retorcida - Argentine Mike Oldfield's Page


Soon you'll see here more pointers to good pages!

If you want you can E-Mail ME and send some stuff or requests so we can trade!

This month's great Lyric (I'm discussing its meaning)


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Last update: 1/7/1998

E-Mail me Wanna tell me anything? I'm sitting here hearing music!