This might be one of the most speculative pages over the Web
According to a personal perception of everyday facts this could be some things that might take place in the near future...
Good ones
Cinema movies would be even more entertaining and spectacular and its scripts will be written entirely by computers.
Telephones will no longer exist (which will bring some chaos to the Telephone companies whose managers won't be able to steal again).
Decadent Europe will raise as the emerging occidental power and will defy USA's hegemony.
Argentine great Internet providers will notice that TCP/IP connections inside Argentina work best routing them through Kuala Lumpur and decide to solve the problem.
Communication will be established through the Internet via E-mail and real-time conferences.
Computers will blast on September 9, 1999 and the Seattle conference will establish solid background to rebuild software applications.
There'll be no such black Pope.
Environmental big changes and Exxon Valdez II sunk due to uncontrolled tropical storms during 2006 will make big companies invest in earth protection (besides publicity which is being invested since 1980s). (Better to do than to say).
On May 5th 2000 AD five planets will be aligned, nevertheless nothing important will happen (with the probable exception of magazines big sales, merchandising etc.)
a Juniors (Argentine's most popular soccer team - or so they say) will buy a whole new team by 2018 and will finally obtain the second position at the local championship.
No aliens will be seen although their existence will be
Luckily no UFOs will arrive to save us (neither to destroy us) and we will finally resolve to manage our problems by ourselves.
Supernovae 2023A will shine on the southern sky for a period not less than six months bringing a unique and beautiful heavenly sight.
Bad ones
Corruption will be established at all levels since everyday there will be more men over the earth and less food.
Science will no longer progress since It takes more than a human being life to gather the basic knowledge to start development new subjects.
Economic positivism (believing human beings are omnipotent and the only challenge might come from the Outer Universe) will end on
September 20th 2002 Black Friday.
New diseases will be spread over the planet.
Big Corporations will swallow small ones, and small companies will eat familiar ones.
Argentine great Internet providers will decide to solve the problem of cheap backbones only in their ads.
Feudalism will be established, your feudal ruler will be the owner of your company.
Several people will suffer neural illnesses and psychological new diseases will be observed in people whose only relation with others will be via computer.
Other new diseases will be spread since uncontrolled biological experiments.
Education will be dropped to zero and BigBro TV will tell us what to do.
A friend of mine said 'Today everyone has something to say bat none has time to hear'. Although he's a remarkable publicist he knows that too much information will make dummies out of people.
Supernovae 2023A will blow up bringing the end of the world.
Disclaimer: This page was made in collaboration with several people. I'm not that pessimistic.