Justice's Bar and Grill! |
Well now,
It's been some number of years since I first started populating the web in Winter / Spring of 1995, so lets get caught up.
First off, this site is now in two locations (or you could say that I have it mirrored) at http://chris.herr.com and http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1693. And also www.geocities.com/christian, but that just links to 1693
I'm still working in the Washington DC area doing computer work, (I guess I should say Network Infastructure to be more specific,) for PEC Solutions Inc (Performance Engineering Corporation.) I travel on business a bit, though not as much as I used to since I'm a manager with a small group of minions to control. : )
I do get out the door every so often; I returned from LA and Hawaii a bit ago and had a wonderful time. I'm very lucky to have gotten the job that I did.
What's fresh on this page? I'm creating a new section where people may gather information from the web, for example: Here you can find an address and phone number with a name, and here or here you can find a map to take you right to that location. It's almost scary.
I have a new form page for people who would like to mail me, but who do not have a mail service in their browser. (Like me at the office.)Click Here to mail me through a form.
Click here to see an image of the current
United States weather from space. I've also added a link to NBC 4
which has much more detailed weather information.
Or click here to check out my updated Web Randomizer Section:
I'm currently spending a good deal of time working in the Camarilla, a group of people who appreciate the gothic culture and also do charity work. I designed the Regional (East Central) web page, check it out:EC Region Web site or check out the national site: The National Camarilla site or even the Dark Capital site in Washington DC
To skip ahead to Network Infrastructure and Computer Consulting links in my footer:
To skip ahead to Sci-Fi and Entertainment links in my footer:
To skip ahead to Comic Book related links in my footer:
To skip ahead to Games sites with the Cream de la cream in Shareware games:
Links: |
I'd like to point you to the
location of one of my favorite bands.
If you are interested in traveling to the Pennsylvania
Dutch Area of the US, be sure to check out my Dad's page on
Intercourse Pennsylvania.
Also check
Vampire Haven
According to the new counter, you are visitor number:
You are caller number
out of
people in the world, how do you think that makes me feel?!?! :)
(Hey! We rolled over the counter, Yea! The web is something else isn't it)
Tell someone about this page and leave a suggestion on how
to make it better! Thanks!
If you would care to make any suggestions, please click below!
Drop by again, I'll have more going on-
© 2002 You can E-Mail me here
For the Trekkers out there you'll surely want
to check out these hot trek sites:
A good Trek page
Paramount page is
also really cool. You can check out First Contact too!
Click here for the
The Capt. James T. Kirk Sing-a-long Page
Or for the
The Starfleet Home Page click here.
Or for the
Star Wars fans out there,
this is for you!
Check this Star Wars site as well.
Me again, trying roller-blading in Key West in '95
Click here for a good listing of lots of
comic book stuff.
(Click here to check stats and other
cool stuff for role-playing in the
DC Heroes
Click here to see a Comic book published only for
the net. The hero is called
and he'll save the world from
excellently rendered bad guys. (this doesn't work now, I'm mailing the author to see where he hid his project.
Click here to see another Comic book published only for
the net. It's called HelL.A and deals with a dark supernatural
futuristic Los Angeles viewed from the eyes of what goes for an ambulence driver.
Travel to
The 3D Gaming Scene - Awesome Downloads!
Run to
The Adrenaline Vault - Excellent Downloads!
For more cool game stuff check out the
Happy Puppy games site!
For more detailed images, check out
NBC4 and NASA's weather site!
Go to the page of PEC Solutions, where I work.
The PEC page now includes VRML! (Virtual Reality Markup Language)
McAfee Antivirus for Download
Click here to update your dat files to detect new viruses.
Norton Antivirus (Symantec Corporation)
Dr Solomon's - Computer Virus Information And More
EliaShim, Intelligent Computer Security
Microsoft Support Online - Knowledge Base
Novell Support Online - Knowledge base
Currently this page may not
look like it's best but, don't be a grouch!
As with any home page this an evolving, living document.
And feel free to add this page as one of your links to
make it more widely spread!
Created August 23, 1995
This is a production of Balance Publishing
Check out my host GeoCities Athens