I'm trying this guestbook thing again.

Paul Erlbaum - 07/15/00 03:21:43
Yo Donovan! What's your e-mail address these days?? Thought you would like to know that Butch Ponzio has a new website with the text of his excellent "dime-store crime novel" ... Lucky's Dream ... that explores issues of good and evil, American criminal justice, mental illness, aging, loneliness, connectedness. I couldn't put it down. Web address: http://www.sundogstories.net/ See ya soon, erlbaum

Alistair Brown - 06/16/00 22:15:43
My URL:http://www.alistairbrown.com
My Email:alistair@alistairbrown.com
Favorite band: Boys of the Lough
Favorite composer: Vivaldi
Favorite author: Iain McEwan
Recommend at book!: The Rituals of Dinner
Favorite anything else: Vindaloo
Sorry I got you and my brother in law confused.

Ruth Dennehey - 04/03/00 01:46:25
My Email:denmt@acmenet.net
Hi Paul. Mary gave me your web site address. Hope all is going well and that Jack is still cooooooolllll! Like your web site. Maybe we'll try something similar. See you some day, I'm sure. Cheers!

Seymour Butz - 10/26/99 16:46:29
My URL:http://www.fnord.org
My Email:mobutz@uranus.net
Favorite band: Butthole surfers
Favorite composer: Vivaldi
Favorite author: GPO
Recommend at book!: Siphyllis: Do's and Dont's A Guide for the Children of Rockdale County
Favorite anything else: small children
I like your page, alot! I would like to come and visit you sometime. Please send me directions to your house so that we can meet. I wish more people understood the genius that is Little Richard!

Buch Spieler - 09/14/99 02:31:28
My URL:http://www.bsmusic.com
My Email:nobs@bsmusic.com
Favorite band: HiFiBugs
Favorite composer: Derf Rebliw
Favorite author: Karl Marx
Recommend at book!: Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary
Favorite anything else: Stanley Kubrick films
Do you ever check this thing?

Sarah Munro - 06/28/99 21:11:32
My Email:creataha@sover.net
Favorite band: Mark LeGrand and the Love sick Band
Favorite composer: John Haitt
Favorite author: Pema Chodron
Recommend at book!: The Wisdom of Know Escape, Pema Chodron
Favorite anything else: Flowers
Hey Paul took me awhile but alas grasshopper everything in its own time. Sara

DJ freddy 2 nice - 06/04/99 02:24:21
My URL:http://www.bsmusic.com
My Email:fred@bsmusic.com
Favorite band: HiFiBugs
Favorite composer: me, Lennon, Gabriel, Glass, Ferry, Byrne, Wagner, Eno, Davis, Strauss, Zappa
Favorite author: Marx
Recommend at book!: The Alienist
Favorite anything else: friends like you
how often do you update your page? do you check your guestbook? what would you like to do .......? see ya...

Nora Blake - 05/05/99 19:42:31
My URL:don't have one, they took it away!
My Email:
Favorite band: Can it only be one? If that's the case, Luscious Jackson, if I can pick more than one, then Dead Can Dance, Beastie Boys, Beck, Cat Power, Bette Severt and many others...
Favorite composer: Gee, what is a composer really, isn't is someone who creates their own music? ;^)
Favorite author: A 3-way tie: Margaret Atwood, Sylvia Plath, and Virginia Woolf
Recommend at book!: I don't really read, I'm just a librarian you know! I read a book of Margaret Atwood's poetry recently, but the name escapes me.
Favorite anything else: Favorite way to kill time and brain cells: drinking beer with my friend and consuming, er, I mean watching people go by!
Oh what fun! I like your page. Bye! NORA

kathryn stone - 04/24/99 08:33:31
My Email:enotsk@webtv.net
Favorite band: Blondie
Favorite composer: Chopin
Favorite author: bertrand russell
Recommend at book!: why i am not a christian
Favorite anything else: fave city: nyc
great site on fellini wish you could get poster for 8 1/2 and la dolce vita

Marccus again - 11/15/98 14:18:02
My Email:caribcoral@islands.vi
Favorite author: Poul Andersen
Recommend at book!: Tau Zero

- 11/15/98 14:14:05

Donald Maurice Kreis - 11/05/98 17:29:14
My URL:http://?!not.yet!?
My Email:maurice@valley.net
Favorite band: Mingus Big Band
Favorite composer: Mozart
Favorite author: Patrick O'Brian
Recommend at book!: Poems & Sketches of E.B. White
Favorite anything else: Alvar Aalto -- favorite Scandanavian architect
ignorance toboggans into know and trudges up to ignorance again e.e.cummings

10/25/98 11:59:19
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Ted & Mark - 10/18/98 14:57:36
My URL:http:// ????
My Email:marccusart@islands.vi
Favorite band: Genesis
Favorite composer: Gabrial
Favorite author: Greg Bear
Recommend at book!: Eon
Favorite anything else: yes
This is your brother over at Marccus's. We just got the phone back. EMail me at marccusart@islands.vi. At work it's markbodio@tti.vi. Ted wants to know where the rest of the Pix are ? His phone is working now too. Give me a call at work if you can 340-772-2099 X26. I want to pick your brain about building a web site for my store.

Paul Erlbaum - 09/18/98 04:09:12
Thanks for the return of the Inter-Links link!!!

Cindy - 09/07/98 14:30:56
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

- 07/28/98 16:31:45
Paul, OK your web site now on my favorite places...have you tried "inference find"...if so, how do you rate it with dogpile????Bob Petersen

Drew Bartley - 07/24/98 03:09:28
My Email:SoEndDrew@aol.com
Favorite band: Queen/George Michael
Favorite composer: n/a
Favorite author: n/a
Favorite anything else: Genealogy!

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 20:57:49
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Linda - 06/10/98 16:24:44
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/s/a/o/saoirsemc.html
My Email:moose2@nextdim.com
Favorite band: Chieftans
Favorite composer: Tchaikovsky
Favorite author: James Lee Burke
Recommend at book!: Black Cherry Blues
Favorite anything else: NASCAR-Rusty Wallace-Driver
Happy Birthday Paul! May all your birthday wishes come true

tomp - 05/20/98 00:23:57
Favorite band: rubber
Favorite composer: me
Favorite author: bible
Recommend at book!: bible
Favorite anything else: breathing
great page

Bill Donovan Sr. - 05/14/98 22:26:04
My Email:bdonsr@msn.com
Favorite band: John Philip Sousa
Favorite composer: Verdi
Favorite author: your mother
Favorite anything else: Sailing and my grandson

your brother - 04/08/98 00:46:49
My Email:Navonod2@juno.com
Like your new site!! See you Sunday Love to all, T.

Paul Erlbaum - 04/01/98 23:38:32
Cool pix! Especially the ice. What is the abandoned object???

Ted Hobson - 03/28/98 11:44:25
My Email:ehobson@sover.net
Favorite band: The Band
Favorite composer: Mozart
Nice web page! Now can I get my well drilling book? Best, Ted

dick A - 03/26/98 20:00:36
What is your e mail address so I can send you Sam's page.

Dick Axelrod - 03/26/98 19:58:54
My Email:lawyers@together.net
Nice job. When I got back there was my first e-mail from my son. He was in a internet cafe in Poland. He still does not have access to the internet from Ukraine. I am forwarding you his web page that he did in college. What is the advantage of using Gov Net instead of together net. I want the later anyway for e-mail and it's a local call. I've been using Vals thorough it.

Jen Lonergan - 03/03/98 20:04:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/napavalley/4923
My Email:jpete@bendnet.com
Favorite band: PHISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite composer: Zappa
Favorite author: Tom Robbins (Jitterbug perfume!)
Recommend at book!: Into the forest,Jean Hegland
Favorite anything else: Favorite law librarian = Paul Donovan / favorite DJ Jody Peterson / Favorite boyfriend= Lonnie Maxwell / favorite little man = Jack!!!
Hi there I sent you email today (march 3) Check out my new web page If you cant get there from the adress above try going to Napa Valley and finding site number 4923 Miss Rubys! I think you will be impressed, I did it all by myself!!!

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