NOTE: Some of these might be from the first series as well!

Quotes from Series Two

Tony: Gissome (Pepsi)
Mick: No
Tony: Gissome!
Mick: No, you know we're not allowed to share needles! [this was from the controversy a few years ago when harmful substances were injected into soft drink cans using syringes]
Mick: But it's not as scary as going to the doctor's to find the syringe is full of Pepsi
Tony: I HATE that!
Mick: He shakes it up and it all goes everywhere...Make it Diet Coke, cos I'm watching the weight!
Tony: Will this buttock do?
Mick: Yes, you've got the right one Doctor
Together: Uh huh uh huh

...Tone: You wouldn't behave like that in your own television studio!...He's been brought up by dingos and he's never seen, met or encountered a woman and didn't even know what a woman was!
Mick: What's he doing now?
Tony: They've made him a court judge in Victoria

Rob as Dick Smith, on helium: Why don't you pop over and see me some time?

Tom: Now who started thart wave?..Mexico..always Mexico
Rob: I'm gonna come back tomorrow night, Glenn [Ridge, from Sale of the Century]. I have to keep those white tanks clean and it's a bloody hard thing to do!

Mick: Is Mr Wall there? Mrs Wall? Any of the walls? No. Then what's holding your roof up? Is your refrigerator running? Yes. Well you better go and catch it then.

Beijing Olympic 2000 Bid Reflection
Jane: maybe we should've got a kid to talk like that Tanya girl (what a talkative devil, she was in the lowest grade of my school when I was in Year 12..and now she just natters really loudly on long train rides). What happened to our kid?
Mick: We shot her
Santo: I can't belive they didn't like our Mascot- Thomas the Tank! And what about our logo? Doesn't anyone think a tank is loveable?

Santo (as the Colonel) Michael Jackson's gonna play Lurch in the Black Addams Family and Pugsly's gonna be played by the short guy from Diff'rent Strokes- if his kidney holds out

What is the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany?
Bonn was the answer. Which great bay does the Ganghis flow?
TOM: The bay that's in Baywatch
Bengal was the answer. Which two languages are used in Israel?
ROB: Yiddish...
SANTO: And the one that goes ykhurghkghrr
No. Hebrew and Arabic...Name the capital of Sweden
SANTO: Volvo
What starts with ex and means agonisingly painful?
SANTO: EXtra painful

Santo: Yes, I'm after a Hugh Jass. Hugh Jass get it? Huge ass!..yes, I'd like to order 25 large capricossas, garlic bread and 2 dozen cans of coke. Name? Elvis Presely!..Mr Wong? I'm sorry, I must have the wong number!

Mick: You look like the guy from the Village People (Tony in leather jacket doing Arnie impersonation). I'm impressed, we're going out clubbing my friend.
Tony: I AM the guy from the Village People Mick! (Mick does a double take, then Rob does one then Tony does a really long triple triple take). It's double take pandemonium!

Rob as John Fahey: It's's's a pleasure to be here.
Tom: You're obviously pleased about the Olympics.
Rob: It's's a..I'm very excited.
Tom: People have accused you of trying to hijack the games. Taking the glory for yourself.
Rob: No.
Tom: Who will be the minister in charge?
Rob: I will
Tom: Who will actually be organising the games?
Rob: I will
Tom: Who'll be sat, carrying the Olympic torch? (Rob does "carrying" action). What about the 100m (sprint)? (Rob does starting position)
Rob: I'll give the "bang" and then I'll run around and join up.
Tom: Thanks for coming.
Rob: I'm gonna have a new campaign "hello this is John Fahey from Telecom Mobile Net".

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