1. Supplementary Conventions
2. Arithmetical Conventions
3. Symbolic Conventions
3a. The M+m Assumption
4. The Length of Hebrew Year Periods
5. Evaluating [f+m] + p" - p'
6. The Lengths of One Hebrew Year
7. The Lengths of One Hebrew Year Including
Dehiyyah Lo ADU Rosh
7.1 The Impact of One Day Postponements
7.2 How to Find Starts and Ends of 356 and 382 Day Years
7.2.1 - Starts and Ends of 356 Day Years
7.2.2 - Starts and Ends of 382 Day Years
7.2.3 - Summary of Starts and Ends of 356 and 382 Day Years
7.2.4 - Starts and Ends of 356 and 382 Day Years Given w, w+2, w+4
8. Eliminating the 356 Day Hebrew Year
9. Eliminating the 382 Day Hebrew Year
9a. All The Lengths of One Hebrew Year
10. The 357 Day Year Paradox
10a. An Example Generating The 357 Day Year Paradox
11. The Fixed Calendar's 357 Day Year Impossibility
11.1 The Fixed Calendar's 352 Day Year Impossibility
12. Dehiyyah Molad Zakein
13. Dehiyyah Molad Zakein's Transparency
14. Explaining Dehiyyah Molad Zakein's Transparency
15. L = {M-2d, ..., M+3d} Can NOT Exist for any M + m
Case 15a. L = M-2d Requires that m < 8h 876p
Case 15b. L = M+3d Requires that m > 15h 204p
15c. Examples of Property 15
16. The Molad Zakein Postponements Produce
Neither L = M - 2d Nor L = M + 3d
17. R(M,7d) When Either L = M - 2d Or L = M + 3d
17a. An Example of M - 2d
17b. An Example of M + 3d
17c. NOTE on R(M, 7d) = {0d, 2d, 3d, 6d}
18. Periods for Which L = {M-2d, ...}
18.1 Periods for Which L = {M-2d, ..., M+2d}
18a. An Example of L = {M - 2d, ..., M + 2d}
20. The Minimum f and m When L = M + 3d
20a. M + 3d Periods Do Not Start With 354 Day Years
20b. Examples of Periods With L = M + 3d
247 Hebrew Year Periods
10 Lengths Hebrew Year Periods
34 Day Variance Hebrew Year Periods
These conventions are added to the ones listed in
Hebrew Calendar Science and
Myths Conventions.
2.1 The square bracketed expression [x] will mean the
INTEGER portion of x.
For example, [3.1416] = 3, [.25] = 0, 2.718 - [2.718] = .718, etc...
2.2 - Definition of R(a, K)
Given any integers a, A, and K
a + A * K = R(a, K) whenever 0 <= a + A * K <= K – 1.
R(a, K) = a - [a / K] * K whenever 0 <= a - [a / K] * K <= K - 1.
2.3 The braced expression {a, b, ...,z} will be used to indicate
the set of all of the possible values that may be selected for a particular
variable or expression.
For example, R(D, 7d) = {0, 2, 3, 5} implies that the
week day D may be either
2.4 Common elements within braces may be reduced as follows
{a, ..., a, ...} = {a, ..., ...}
For example, {1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 3} = {1, 2, 3, 5}
2.5 The expression {a, b, ...,z} + {x , y, ... , } evaluates to
Hence, the expression
{a,b} + {c,d} + {e,f} evaluates to
{a+c, a+d, b+c, b+d} + {e,f}
which results in
{a+c+e, a+c+f, a+d+e, a+d+f, b+c+e, b+c+f, b+d+e, b+d+f}
As an example, suppose that Y - X = 3, and that Y = {6, 7, 8, 9},
then the pairs (x, y) that could be solutions to the the equation
are (3, 6), (4, 7), (5, 8) and (6, 9).
Other considerations would have to be made in order to determine whether
or not any of {3, 4, 5, 6} are to be found in the set X.
I am leaving alone any more general definitions or discussions of the ideas
presented by
T' represents the molad of Tishrei for year H'.
T" - T' = the period of time between two known
moladot of Tishrei.
Let T" - T' = M + m
M = the integer portion of the time period,
ie, [M+m]
Hence, m = M+m - [M+m]
For convenience, the following symbols represent these values
It is to be noted that
i) d - g = 8h 876p and d - b = 2h 491p
Computer analysis demonstrates that, over the full Hebrew calendar cycle
of 689,472 years, each of the possible 181,440
values for the Tishrei Moladot, when reduced to the form
R(M, 7d) + m, is repeated exactly 3 or exactly 4 times.
The reduced form of the Tishrei Moladot for the
11th, 13th, and 15th years of the mahzor katan
(19 year cycle) known as GUChADZaT
are the only ones that are repeated exactly 3 times over the full
Hebrew calendar cycle of 689,472 years.
It is therefore reasonable to assume, that for any given M + m, there
exists at least one period of Hebrew years whose lunar length in reduced
form is R(M, 7d) + m.
As an example, given the value 2d 5h 204p,
we will assume that there exists at least one period of
Hebrew years, no matter how long, whose lunar length M + m, when
reduced to the form
If some postponement rule applies to [T'], then the day for 1 Tishrei H' is
4.2 D' = [T'] + p'
The molad of Tishrei for year H" is given by
T" = T' + M + m
= [T'] + f + M + m (substituting equation 4.1 for T')
4.3 [T"] = [T'] + M + [f+m]
If some postponement rule applies to [T"], then the day for 1 Tishrei H" is
4.4 D" = [T'] + M + [f+m] + p"
The length L between years H" and H' is given by
subtracting equation 4.2 from equation 4.4, yielding
Absent the Dehiyyot, (ie, the postponement rules) the length
L of a single Hebrew year is
Lo ADU Rosh requires that the first day of Tishrei
be postponed to the next day whenever
Consequently, both D' and D" = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d},
and both p'and p" = {0d, 1d}.
Under this rule, the length of one Hebrew year can become
The actual distribution of these lengths, over the complete Hebrew calendar cycle of 689,472 years, is shown in the following table.
The 356 day and 382 day years are produced whenever a single day is removed from the days of the week which are permitted for 1 Tishrei. It does not matter which day is chosen. This effect is predicted by Equations 4.5 and 5.1.
Now, let w be the day not allowed for 1 Tishrei.
In the following example, Tuesday is removed from the allowable weekdays, while the remaining 6 days are allowed. The actual distribution of the single years lengths, over the complete Hebrew calendar cycle of 689,472 years, is shown in the following table.
7.2.1 - Starts and Ends of 356 Day Years
Then L = D" - D' = 354d + [f + m] + p" - p' = 356d. (Equation 4.5)
Hence, [f + m] + p" - p' = 356d - 354d = 2d.
Consequently, it is necessary that p" = 1d.
Leading to D" = w + p" = w + 1d.
Hence, w + 1d - D' = 356d
D' = w - 355d
R(D', 7d) = R(w - 355d, 7d) = R(w - 5d, 7d) = R(w + 2d, 7d)
Therefore, given the single non-allowable weekday w, the 356 day year will begin on D' = w + 2d and end on D" = w + 1d.
In the above example, with Tuesday removed, the 356 day year is seen to begin on Tuesday + 2d = Thursday. It will end on Tuesday + 1d = Wednesday since R(Thursday + 356d, 7d) = Wednesday.
7.2.2 - Starts and Ends of 382 Day Years
Then L = D" - D' = 383d + [f + m] + p" - p' = 382d. (Equation 4.5)
Hence, [f + m] + p" - p' = 382d - 383d = -1d.
Consequently, it is necessary that p' = 1d.
Leading to D' = w + p' = w + 1d.
Hence, D" - w - 1d = 382d
D" = w + 383d
R(D", 7d) = R(w + 383d, 7d) = R(w + 5d, 7d) = R(w - 2d, 7d)
Therefore, given the single non-allowable weekday w, the 382 day year will begin on D' = w + 1d and end on D" = w - 2d.
In the above example, with Tuesday removed, the 382 day year is seen to begin on Tuesday + 1d = Wednesday. It will end on Tuesday - 2d = Sunday since R(Wednesday + 382d, 7d) = Sunday.
7.2.3 - Summary of Starts and Ends of 356 and 382 Day Years
Given that some weekday w must be bypassed for the weekday of 1 Tishrei, it is possible to relate to w the weekdays on which the 356 day and 382 day years potentially begin and end. This may be summarized as shown in the following table.
7.2.4 - Starts and Ends of 356 and 382 Day Years Given w, w+2, w+4
Let the postponement days be given as w, w + 2d, and w + 4d. Then, according to the relationships tabulated in 7.2.3 above, the starts and ends of the 356 and 382 day years may be tabulated as follows:
The tabulation shows that in this situation, only w + 6d can start a 356 day year, because w + 2d and w + 4d have been disallowed for year starts.
The table also shows that the only allowable start day for the 382 day year is w + 1d, because days w and w + 2d, the end days of the 382 day year, are not permitted to start any year in this example.
If w = 4, then the postponement days are Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
Consequently, the only weekday that can start a 356 day year is w + 6d = Tuesday.
And for the same reasons, the only weekday that can then start a 382 day year is w + 1d = Thursday. The day that ends the 382 day year is w - 2d = Monday.
The value of w = 4d was deliberately chosen because it results in the days that are proscribed by Dehiyah Lo ADU Rosh.
If only Wednesday (= w) and Friday (= w + 2d) had been chosen as the proscribed days, then the table shows that the 356 day year could only begin on Sunday, that is, w + 4d = Sunday.
Of the 4 values possible for R(D', 7d), only
3d (Tuesday) is allowed.
Therefore, the 356 day year begins on Tuesday, and ends on
R(3d+356d, 7d) = 2d (Monday).
Let the molad period of 12 Hebrew months be expressed as
354d + m.
Since the length of any given period of Hebrew years is given by
L = D" - D' = M + [f+m] + p" - p' (Equation 4.5)
and there is yet no 2-day postponement, the 356 day year occurs
So that [f+m] = 1d, it is necessary that f+m > d'
(or f > d' - m).
When the molad of Tishrei for year H' is on
Tuesday past d'-m,
Therefore, whenever the molad of Tishrei for a 12 month year
occurs past 15h 203p (ie, d' - m) on a Tuesday, postponing
the start of Tishrei to Thursday eliminates the 356 day year.
To see how the value 15h 203p varies as a result of the
Molad Zakein's timing, please refer below to
Dehiyyah Molad Zakein
Let the molad period of 13 Hebrew months be expressed as
383d + m, where m = 21h 589p.
Since the length of any given period of Hebrew years is given by
the 382 day year occurs whenever
f + m < d , p" = 0, and p' = 1.
Since Dehiyyah Molad Zakein has not yet been introduced, and
the year is leap, p' cannot be 2d.
Since p' = 1, and Lo ADU Rosh does not postpone
1 Tishrei from
Since, the earliest time f, for any molad of Tishrei
year H, is 0h 0p, the smallest value of f+m
for year H+1, following a leap year,
is 21h 589p.
That time on Monday (2d) would cause p" to remain zero,
and year H to be 382 days unless
In so doing, p" becomes 1 thereby making equation 4.5
To see how the value 21h 588p varies as a result of the
Molad Zakein's timing, please refer below to
Dehiyyah Molad Zakein
ASSUMING that the molad period had been 29d 13h 1p
then the 12 month year would have been 354d 12h 12p.
The 356 day could then have been eliminated by postponing
Rosh Hashannah to Thursday (5d) whenever the
molad of Tishrei of a 12 month year
fell on Tuesday (3d) past 11h 1067p.
This postponement would then have caused the year to be 354d.
However, suppose that in this scenario, the molad of Tishrei of a
12 month year occurred on Thursday (5d) at 23h 1056p.
Then 5d 23h 1056p + 354d 12h 12p = 360d 11h 1068p
Now R(360d 11h 1068p, 7d) = 3d 11h 1068p
Since this time of the molad of Tishrei is Tuesday (3d)
past 11h 1067p, it is necessary to postpone Rosh Hashannah
to Thursday (5d), thereby adding 2 days to the year.
Consequently, the final sum of days is 362d.
Therefore, if the fractional part of the length of 12 Hebrew months
had been greater than 12 hours, the creation of a 357 day year
would have been an unexpected problem arising from the elimination of the
356 day year.
In the fixed Hebrew calendar, the actual value of m for the
12 month year is 8h 876p, which is less than d/2.
Therefore, [f+m] + p" < 3d when m < d/2
As shown by equation 4.5 above, the length of any period of Hebrew years is given by
If the rule to eliminate 356 day years is applied when
To eliminate the 356 day years, a postponement to Thursday (5d)
is made whenever the fractional part of the molad of Tishrei on a
Tuesday (3d) is greater than d' - m.
(See 8. Eliminating the 356 Day Hebrew Year).
Thus, such a postponement can only take place when f > d' - m.
Now, in order that [f+m] = 0d, as assumed above, it is necessary that f + m < d, in which case, f < d - m.
Since it is not possible simultaneously to have both f < d - m and f > d' - m, therefore, it is not possible to generate 352 day years.
Dehiyyah Molad Zakein limits the maximum calculated time of
the molad to 23h 422p of the first day of any new month.
This purpose is fully explained in
Understanding the Molad Zakein Rule.
The Molad Zakein rule requires that 1 Tishrei
be postponed to the next allowable day whenever
An unsuccesful attempt to increase that limit to 18h 642p was made by
Aaron Ben Meir in 920g (4680H). For more information on this attempt,
please refer to The Ben Meir Years.
Let z be the time that triggers the Molad Zakein
postponement for some [T] = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d}.
For reasons similar to those shown in
Eliminating the 356 Day Hebrew Year it is necessary that
Hence, f < z - m
Let zlimit = z - m
Let dlimit = d - m (as derived above)
Then, zlimit = dlimit + z - d
The same relationship is developed between zlimit and dlimit
when dealing with the postponement limit that eliminates the
382 day year.
That's why 6 hours is subtracted from the postponement rule limits
(d-m) when z = 18h, and 642p is added to the
existing postponement rule limits (z-m) in the Ben Meir
Dehiyyah Molad Zakein does not affect the
statistical distributions of the lengths of any period of
Hebrew years.
This fact is observed for lengths of one Hebrew year in
The Keviyyot.
Let T + f be the time of a molad of Tishrei under the
Molad Zakein rule.
This relationship explains why the Molad Zakein rule introduces
no additional lengths, whatever, to any period of Hebrew years.
Let R([T], 7d) = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d} and f => z,
If there is no Molad Zakein rule, and f => z,
then f + (d - z) => d.
Hence, when R([T], 7d) = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d},
When R([T], 7d) = {1d, 4d, 6d}, under the Molad Zakein rule,
R(D, 7d) = {2d, 5d, 0d} due to LO ADU Rosh
If R([T], 7d) = {1d, 4d, 6d}, absent the Molad Zakein rule,
Let R([T], 7d) = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d} and f < z.
If R([T], 7d) = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d} and f < z,
Under the Molad Zakein rule, the postponement which eliminates
the 356 day year is triggered whenever f => z - m on a
Tuesday at the start of a 12 month year.
For the start of a 12 month year,
Let R([T], 7d) = {3d} and f => z - m.
Adding (d-z) to the limit (z-m) develops (d-m) which is
the postponement time threshold limit in the absence of the
Molad Zakein rule (as shown above).
Also, under the Molad Zakein rule, the postponement which eliminates
the 382 day year is triggered whenever f => (z-d) + m
on a Monday following the end of a 13 month year.
Hence, f + (d-z) => m which times cause the postponement to take place
in the absence of the Molad Zakein rule.
Consequently, T + f under the Molad Zakein rule produces
the same result as T + f + (d-z) in the absence of the
Molad Zakein rule.
Hence, every pair (T', T") under the Molad Zakein rule has
a one to one correspondence to every pair (T'+d-z, T"+d-z) absent the
Molad Zakein rule.
Since the length of any given time period is defined by the pair
(T', T"), there exists a one to one correspondence between all
of the lengths of all of the time periods calculated either with or
without the Molad Zakein rule.
Therefore, the Molad Zakein rule introduces no new time lengths
between the Tishrei moladot and we can ignore the
Molad Zakein rule in relation to calculating the lengths of
any period of Hebrew years.
The above explains why the Molad Zakein rule is
transparent to the statistical distribution of the lengths of any period
of Hebrew years.
Karl Friedrich Gauss, the 18th century mathematical genius,
bypassed the Molad Zakein rule in his well known
Pesach formula by adding 6 hours (i.e., d-z)
to the times of the calculated molad, and the limits of the
356 and 382 day elimination rules.
That formula, given any Hebrew year, automatically calculates the
Julian date of Pesach for that year. The formula is shown in
The Gauss Pesach Formula.
No molad period M + m can have both M - 2d and
M + 3d as its extreme lengths.
Case 15a. L = M-2d Requires that m < 8h 876p
Equation 4.5 states that L = D" - D' = M + [f+m] + p" - p'.
Hence, in order that a given span of Hebrew years have, as one of its
possible lengths, L = M - 2d it is necessary that
[f + m] = 0d, p" = 0d, and p' = 2d.
In the absence of Dehiyyah Molad Zakein, p' = 2d only when
the 356d elimination rule is applied to a
Tuesday (3d) because f > g'.
(See 8. Eliminating the 356 Day Hebrew Year).
Case 15b. L = M+3d Requires that m > 15h 204p
According to Equation 4.5,
in order that L = M + 3d,
it is necessary that
In the absence of Dehiyyah Molad Zakein, p" = 2d only when
the 356d elimination rule is applied to a
Tuesday (3d) because f+m - [f+m] > g'.
(See 8. Eliminating the 356 Day Hebrew Year).
Therefore, it is necessary that m > 15h 204p
whenever L = M + 3d.
The 4 year span is the smallest period of Hebrew years containing
the 5 lengths ranging from
Because the left hand side of the table contains the length
M + 3d it cannot have any length corresopnding to M - 2d.
The 5 year span is the smallest period of Hebrew years containing
the 5 lengths ranging from
Because the left hand side of the table contains the length
M - 2d it cannot have any length corresopnding to M + 3d.
Therefore, the Molad Zakein postponements produce
neither L = M - 2d nor L = M + 3d.
R(M, 7d) = {0d, 2d, 4d, 6d}.
2240 Hebrew years can span a molad period of
M = 818,145d 2h 705p.
R(M, 7d) = R(818,145d, 7d) = 6d
and the smallest possible L = M - 2d = 818,143d.
120 Hebrew years can span a molad period of
M = 43,852d 22h 405p.
R(M, 7d) = R(43852d, 7d) = 4d
and the largest possible L = M + 3d = 43,855d.
The fact that R(M, 7d) = {0d, 2d, 4d, 6d}
does not imply the existence of either L = M - 2d
247 Hebrew years have the molad period of 90,215d 23h 175p.
Although R(M, 7d) = R(90215, 7d) = 6d, the only lengths possible
for the period of
See also 20. The Minimum f and m
When L = M + 3d.
For a given number of Hebrew years of lunar period M + m,
the length M - 2d can exist only when
0h <= m < 8h 876p.
27. Year Spans That Exclude L" = M" - 2d
discusses the surprising conditions which will deny the length
M - 2d, even though M + m satisfies
Properties 17 and 18 above.
For a given number of Hebrew years of lunar period M + m,
the lengths M - 2d and M + 2d can exist when
R(M, 7d) = {0d, 2d, 4d} and 0h <= m < 8h 876p.
However, these conditions do not garantee that the given span of Hebrew years
will have both the lengths L = M-2d and L = M+2d.
It seems that when R(M, 7d) = 4d the inequality should be
2h 490p <= m < 8h 876p in order to have the period of years
also include the length L = M + 2d.
No period of Hebrew years can include both the lengths
L = M - 2d and L = M + 2d when
However, when the conditions
R(M, 7d) = 6d AND 2h 491p < m < 8h 876p
are found for a given span of Hebrew years,
then the difference that can exist between the shortest and longest
length for that span is the maximum possible 34 days.
This remarkable property is proved in
Properties of Hebrew Year Periods - Part 2
40 Hebrew years form a period for which
L = {M - 2d, ..., M + 2d}.
In this example, it can be seen that R(M, 7d) = R(14588d, 7d) = 0d.
Property 17. R(M, 7d) When Either
L = M - 2d Or L = M + 3d shows that
R(M, 7d) = {0d, 2d, 4d, 6d} whenever L = M + 3d.
It is also required that m > 15h 204p
whenever L = M + 3d.
Similarly, absent the Molad Zakein rule, it can be shown that
the minimum value for f = 15h 205p
whenever L = M + 3d.
Otherwise, the minimum value for f = 15h 205p + z - d.
It is interesting to note that the above also explains why periods
of Hebrew years that have the length L = M + 3d can never start
with 354 day years.
354 day years begin on Tuesday (3d). M + 3d periods
require that f > 15h 204p which time on such Tuesdays would trigger
the 356 day year elimination postponement thus causing
p' = 2d instead of the required p' = 0d.
And that, in turn, would make M + 3d impossible according to
equation 4.5.
Example 1 - 19 Hebrew Years
19 Hebrew years have the
molad period M + m = 6939d 16h 595p,
The longest periods are L = M + 3d = 6942 days, occurring
3,531 times over the full Hebrew calendar cycle of
689,472 years.
Example 2 - 120 Hebrew Years
One of the 2 molad periods for
120 Hebrew years is M + m = 43,852d 22h 405p,
The longest periods are L = M + 3d = 43,855 days, occurring
6,209 times over the full Hebrew calendar cycle of
689,472 years.
None of these periods begins with a 354 day year.
Saturday (0), Monday (2), Tuesday (3), or Thursday (5).
{a+x, a+y, ...
b+x, b+y, ...
z+x, z+y, ...
Let X = { x(1), x(2), x(3), .... }
Let Y = { y(1), y(2), y(3), .... }
Let Z = { z(1), z(2), z(3), .... }
Then for some x in X,
some y in Y, and
some z in Z,
the equation X + Y = Z will have as its solution
all of the pairs (x , y) for which x + y = z.
Arithmetical Conventions 3, 4, 5, and 6,
since I believe that the use of these conventions in the following text
is reasonably easy to understand.
T" represents the molad of Tishrei for year H".
m = the fractional portion of that period.
Thus for 12 Hebrew months, M = 354d and m = 8h 876p
for 13 M = 383d and m = 21h 589p
for 19 Hebrew years M = 6939d and m = 16h 595p
d = 24h 0p; d' = 23h 1079p; d" = 24h 1p
c = 8h 876p; c' = 8h 875p; c" = 8h 877p
g = 15h 204p; g' = 15h 203p; g" = 15h 205p
b = 21h 589p; b' = 21h 588p; b" = 21h 590p
f = any fractional part of a day such that 0 <= f <= d'
p' = the number of days that Tishrei 1 is postponed at the start of the year
p" = the number of days that Tishrei 1 is postponed at the end of the year
T' = the molad of Tishrei of some year H'
T" = the molad of Tishrei of some subsequent year H"
D' = the day of 1 Tishrei H'
D" = the day of 1 Tishrei H"
ii) p' and p can be {0, 1, 2} days.
R(M,7d) + m, will be 2d 5h 204p.
The time of the molad T' for year H' is given by
4.1 T' = [T'] + f.
5.1 [f+m] = {0d, 1d} , since (0d <= f < d) and (0d <= m < d).
5.2 When p' and p" = {0d, 1d} then
[f+m] + p" - p' = {0d, 1d} + {0d, 1d} - {0d, 1d}
= {0d, 1d, 1d, 2d} - {0d, 1d}
= {0d, -1d, 1d, 0d, 1d, 0d, 2d, 1d}
= {-1d, 0d, 1d, 2d}
5.3 When p' and p" = {0d, 1d, 2d} then
[f+m] + p" - p' = {0d, 1d} + {0d, 1d, 2d} - {0d, 1d, 2d}
= {0d, 1d, 2d, 1d, 2d, 3d} - {0d, 1d, 2d}
= {0d, 1d, 2d, 3d} - {0d, 1d, 2d}
= {0d, -1d, -2d, 1d, 0d, -1d, 2d, 1d, 0d, 3d, 2d, 1d}
= {-2d, -1d, 0d, 1d, 2d, 3d}
L = M + [f+m]
= {354d, 383d} + {0d, 1d} (Since M = {354d, 383d} and 5.1 above)
= {354d, 355d, 383d, 384d}
R([T],7d) = {1d, 4d, 6d}.
L = M + [f+m] + p" - p' (By equation 4.5)
= {354d, 383d} + {0d, 1d} + {0d, 1d} - {0d, 1d}
= {354d, 383d} + {-1d, 0d, 1d, 2d} (by equation 5.2 above)
= {353d, 354d, 355d, 356d, 382d, 383d, 384d, 385d}
353 354 355 356 382 383 384 385 TOTALS Mon
39369 0 85047 0 0 40000 0 32576 196992 Tue
0 39369 0 22839 0 0 36288 0 98496 Thu
0 101577 22839 0 3712 36288 0 32576 196992 Sat
39369 0 85047 0 0 40000 0 32576 196992 TOTALS
78738 140946 192933 22839 3712 116288 36288 97728 689472
353 354 355 356 382 383 384 385 TOTALS Sun
0 39369 22839 0 0 3712 32576 0 98496 Mon
0 39369 22839 0 0 3712 32576 0 98496 Wed
39369 62208 22839 0 3712 36288 0 32576 196992 Thu
0 39369 0 22839 0 0 36288 0 98496 Fri
0 0 62208 0 0 3712 32576 0 98496 Sat
0 39369 22839 0 0 3712 32576 0 98496 TOTALS
39369 219684 153564 22839 3712 51136 166592 32576 689472
Let w = the weekday disallowed for 1 Tishrei.
Let M + m = 354d 8h 876p and L = 356d.
Let w = the weekday disallowed for 1 Tishrei.
Let M + m = 383d 21h 589p and L = 382d.
DAY START END START END w w + 2d w + 1d w + 1d w - 2d
DAY START END START END w w + 2d w + 1d w + 1d w - 2d w + 2d w + 4d w + 3d w + 3d w w + 4d w + 6d w + 5d w + 5d w + 2d
Since R(D" - D', 7d) = R(356d, 7d) = 6d,
R(D', 7d) = R(D" - 6d, 7d)
= R({0d, 2d, 3d, 5d} - 6d, 7d)
= {1d, 3d, 4d, 6d}
= {3d} due to Dehiyyah Lo ADU Rosh
f + m > d' , p" = 1, and p' = 0.
postponing 1 Tishrei H' to Thursday forces
p' = 2d, thus making the length of the 12 month Hebrew year H'
354 days because
L = D" - D'
= 354d + [f+m] + p" - p' (By equation 4.5)
= 354d + 1d + 1d - 2d
= 354d
Now, R(D" - D', 7d) = R(382d, 7d) = 4d,
R(D', 7d) = R(D" - 4d, 7d)
= R({0d, 2d, 3d, 5d} - 4d, 7d)
= {3d, 5d, 6d, 1d}
= {3d, 5d} due to Dehiyyah Lo ADU Rosh
Monday (2d) to Tuesday (3d),
but does postpone 1 Tishrei from
Wednesday (4d) to Thursday (5d), D' = {5d}.
Consequently, R(D", 7d) = R(D' + 382d, 7d)
= R(5d + 4d, 7d)
= 2d
Hence, when
the molad of Tishrei H' is on Wednesday (4d),
and M = 383d,
and f+m < d, implying f < d - m
then p' = 1,
year H" begins on Monday (2d),
making p" = 0 (due to Lo ADU Rosh),
and the length of year H = M + [f+m] + p" - p' (Equation 4.5)
= 383d + 0d + 0d - 1d
= 382d
1 Tishrei H+1
is postponed to Tuesday (3d) whenever a post-leap year molad
of Tishrei is on Monday (2d) past 21h 588p.
D" - D' = 383d + [f + 21h 588p] + 1d - 1d
= 383d + 0 (since it is given that f + 21h 588p < 1d)
leading to 383 days for the length of leap year H.
12 months = 354d 8h 876p
13 months = 383d 21h 589p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS M"+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 0d
0 0
-2 0d
0 0
-1 353d
3 69,222
-1 0d
0 0
0 354d
4 167,497
0 383d
5 106,677
1 355d
5 198,737
1 384d
6 36,288
2 0d
0 0
2 385d
0 111,051
3 0d
0 0
3 0d
0 0
The maximum variance is 32 days
If the rule to eliminate 356 day years is applied when
M = 354d, [f+m] = 1d, p" = 2d and p' = 0d
then according to equation 4.5
L = 354d + 1d + 2d - 0d = 357d .
The 357 day year does not occur in the fixed Hebrew calendar.
The paradox can be explained as follows.
To eliminate the 356 day years, a postponement to Thursday (5d)
is made whenever the fractional part of the molad of Tishrei on a
Tuesday (3d) is greater than d'-m.
The fractional part of the molad is given by f + m - [f+m].
Since f + m - [f+m] > d'- m and [f+m] = d, (by hypothesis)
f + m - d > d'- m
Hence f + m > d + (d'- m)
and m > d + (d'- m) - f
The inequality shows that the minimum value for m
will be when f is at its maximum value
which is d' (by definition).
Hence, the minimum value of m required to develop
a 357 day year is given by
m > d + (d'- m) - d'
m > d - m
m > d / 2
In the fixed Hebrew calendar, the actual value of m for the
12 month year is 8h 876p, which is less than d/2.
That is why the 357 day year cannot be generated in the
fixed Hebrew calendar.
Since the year began at 5d, the length of the year is
362d - 5d = 357 days.
When m < d / 2
2m < d
m < d - m
When m < d - m and [f+m] = d
f + m < d + d' - m (since the maximum f = d')
f + m - [f+m] < d' - m
The fractional part of the sum f+m is less than
the value called for in the 356 day postonement rule.
Consequently, it is not possible to have
p" = 2d when [f+m] = d and m < d/2.
Since L = 354d + [f+m] + p"
L < 354d + 3d
That is why the 357 day year cannot be generated in the
fixed Hebrew calendar.
M = 354d, [f+m] = 0d, p" = 0d and p' = 2d
then according to equation 4.5
L = 354d + 0d + 0d - 2d = 352d .
However, the 352 day year never occurred in the fixed Hebrew calendar, and is not possible, for the following reasons.
f => 18h on an allowable day for Rosh Hashannah.
f + m < z so as not to call on the postponement
that eliminates the 356 day year.
which set z = 18h 642p.
Then T + f + (d - z) will lead to the same day for
Tishrei 1 in the absence of the Molad Zakein rule.
then under the Molad Zakein rule,
R(D, 7d) = {2d, 3d, 5d, 0d}
then R([T], 7d) + [f + (d - z)] = [T] + d = {1d, 3d, 4d, 6d}
Consequently, R(D, 7d) = {2d, 3d, 5d, 0d} due to LO ADU Rosh
then R([T], 7d) + [f + (d - z)] = [T] + d = {2d, 5d, 0d}.
Then under the Molad Zakein rule,
R(D, 7d) = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d}.
then, absent the Molad Zakein rule,
R([T], 7d) + [f + (d - z)] = [T] + 0d = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d}
Then, under the Molad Zakein rule, R([T], 7d) = {5d}
Now g' < f (so as to cause a 356 day elimination postponement)
Hence g' + m < f + m < d (since [f+m] = 0)
and g' + m < d' (since max f+m = d' and g'+m < f+m)
Therefore, m < d' - g'
or, m < 23h 1079p - (15h 203p) = 8h 876p
[f+m] = 1d, p" = 2d, and p' = 0d
Since, f+m - [f+m] > g' and [f+m] => d
f+m > d + g'
m > d - f + g'
> d - d' + g' = g (substituting maximum f = d')
Hence, the minimum value of
m > g = 15h 204p (by convention for g)
Cases 15a and 15b above require that
m < 8h 876p in order that L = M - 2d exist
and that m > 15h 204p in order that L = M + 3d exist
Therefore, L = {M-2d, ..., M+3d} Can NOT Exist for any M + m
In other words, given some molad period M+m, no period of Hebrew years
can have both
M - 2d as its minimum and M + 3d as its
maximum number of days.
M - 1d to M + 3d on the left hand side of the table.
49 months = 1,446d 23h 1057p
50 months = 1,476d 12h 770p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS M"+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 0d
0 0
-2 0d
0 0
-1 1,445d
3 78
-1 1,475d
5 52,504
0 1,446d
4 74,676
0 1,476d
6 18,230
1 1,447d
5 249,668
1 1,477d
0 255,858
2 1,448d
6 32,762
2 0d
0 0
3 1,449d
0 5,696
3 0d
0 0
The maximum variance is 32 days
M - 2d to M + 2d on the left hand side of the table.
61 months = 1,801d 8h 853p
62 months = 1,830d 21h 566p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS M"+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 1,799d
0 14
-2 0d
0 0
-1 1,800d
1 9,856
-1 1,829d
2 30,531
0 1,801d
2 67,945
0 1,830d
3 155,318
1 1,802d
3 25,353
1 1,831d
4 225,267
2 1,803d
4 5,696
2 1,832d
5 169,492
3 0d
0 0
3 0d
0 0
The maximum variance is 33 days
Let z = the Molad Zakein's postponement threshold.
Let f => z when R(D', 7d) = {0d, 5d}.
Then p' = {1d, 2d}.
Since f => z, f + m => z
Hence, p" = {1d, 2d}.
Since L = M + [f+m] + p" - p' (equation 4.5)
L = M + {0d, 1d} + {1d, 2d} - {1d, 2d}
= M + {1d, 2d, 2d, 3d} - {1d, 2d}
= M + {0d, -1d, 1d, 0d, 1d, 0d, 2d, 1d}
= M + {-1d, 0d, 1d, 2d}
Now, let f < z when R(D', 7d) = {0d, 5d}.
Then p' = 0d.
And f + m < z + m < z + d
causing no Molad Zakein postponement when [f+m] = d.
Hence, p" = {0d, 1d, 2d} when [f+m] = 0d
and p" = {0d, 1d} when [f+m] = d
Consequently, when f < z
either L = M + 0d + {0d, 1d, 2d} = M + {0d, 1d, 2d}
or L = M + 1d + {0d, 1d} = M + {1d, 2d}
When L = D" - D' = M - 2d
p' = 2d and R(D', 7d) = 5d (due to the 356 day year elimination rule)
R(D" - 5d, 7d) = R(M - 2d, 7d)
R(M, 7d) = R((D" - 3d, 7d)
= {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d} - 3d (since R(D", 7d) = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d})
= {4d, 6d, 0d, 2d}
Similarly, when L = D" - D' = M + 3d,
p" = 2d and R(D", 7d) = 5d (due to the 356 day year elimination rule)
R(5d - D', 7d) = R(M + 3d, 7d)
R(M, 7d) = R(2d - D', 7d)
= 2d - {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d} (since R(D', 7d) = {0d, 2d, 3d, 5d})
= {2d, 0d, 6d, 4d}
Therefore, when L = M - 2d or L = M + 3d,
and the 356 day year is eliminated,
27,705 months = 818,145d 2h 705p
27,706 months = 818,174d 15h 418p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS M"+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 818,143d
4 14,902
-2 0d
0 0
-1 818,144d
5 188,276
-1 0d
0 0
0 818,145d
6 52,303
0 818,174d
0 103,015
1 818,146d
0 252,551
1 818,175d
1 19,055
2 0d
0 0
2 818,176d
2 59,156
3 0d
0 0
3 818,177d
3 214
The maximum variance is 34 days
1,484 months = 43,823d 9h 692p
1,485 months = 43,852d 22h 405p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS M"+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 0d
0 0
-2 0d
0 0
-1 43,822d
2 114,296
-1 43,851d
3 1,404
0 43,823d
3 188,409
0 43,852d
4 21,423
1 43,824d
4 167,629
1 43,853d
5 96,784
2 43,825d
5 73,986
2 43,854d
6 19,332
3 0d
0 0
3 43,855d
0 6,209
The maximum variance is 33 days
or L = M + 3d.
3,055 months = 90,215d 23h 175p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 0d
0 0
-1 90,214d
5 10,317
0 90,215d
6 3,439
1 90,216d
0 675,716
2 0d
0 0
3 0d
0 0
The maximum variance is 2 days
247 years are
L = {M - 1d, M, M + 1d} = {90214d, 90215d, 90216d}.
R(M, 7d) = 6d.
One of the 2 molad periods possible for the period of
40 years is M + m = 14,588d 2h 782p.
494 months = 14,588d 2h 782p
495 months = 14,617d 15h 495p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS M"+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 14,586d
5 6,574
-2 0d
0 0
-1 0d
0 0
-1 14,616d
0 87,101
0 14,588d
0 168,691
0 14,617d
1 53,449
1 14,589d
1 291
1 14,618d
2 298,958
2 14,590d
2 5,884
2 14,619d
3 68,524
3 0d
0 0
3 0d
0 0
The maximum variance is 33 days
235 months = 6,939d 16h 595p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 0d
0 0
-1 6,938d
1 11,263
0 6,939d
2 311,544
1 6,940d
3 250,123
2 6,941d
4 113,011
3 6,942d
5 3,531
The maximum variance is 4 days
thus leading to R(M, 7d) = 2d, and m = 16h 595p > 15h 204p.
1,484 months = 43,823d 9h 692p
1,485 months = 43,852d 22h 405p
M'+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS M"+/- DAYS R(D, 7d) OCCURS -2 0d
0 0
-2 0d
0 0
-1 43,822d
2 114,296
-1 43,851d
3 1,404
0 43,823d
3 188,409
0 43,852d
4 21,423
1 43,824d
4 167,629
1 43,853d
5 96,784
2 43,825d
5 73,986
2 43,854d
6 19,332
3 0d
0 0
3 43,855d
0 6,209
The maximum variance is 33 days
thus leading to R(M, 7d) = 4d, and m = 22h 405p > 15h 204p.
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First Paged 16 Apr 2001
Next Revised 20 Apr 2003