About Me

Slovakia & Surrounding Area
Bratislava & Central Europe Blog
(January-June 2006)

Korea Journal(1997-2000)
Temples and Monuments


U.S. Army 1986-1992
Coming Soon

Support a starving artist,
buy a book!

The Loves of My Life
My Family

Coming Soon

My Resume

Samples of My Writing

Coming as soon as I can talk my father, the photographer, out of some more images.

My Friends & Family Sites

Teach Business English run by my colleague Dr. Brenda Hall.

Montrose Amateur Radio Club of which I was a member when living in Colorado and my father still is. His call is KC0GKZ, and mine KC0SNU.

Patrick Nate's Home Page Patrick has published various novels and poetry collections. Patrick also has a writer's forum on Yahoo at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/writersandauthorsforum

ThatBillGuy's writers forum.

Be my friend, send me an e-mail!

Culture Corner

My Projects

One World Classroom began as the website for the language institute I worked for in Korea and evolved into a teachers' resource site. Over time a lot of sites like this came online and did it better; See Daves ESL Cafe for a fine example. I am redesigning OWC to be a sort of interactive classroom environment. Send me your ideas, or shoot me an e-mail if you'd like to chip in.

Visit my other sites

My Yahoo 360 Page at http://360.yahoo.com/chazrich.geo where you'll find a blog and photos of my travels in Central Europe.

My Rich Family Tree page at http://www.richenterprises.net/~richfamily

My students can find my DLIELC page at http://groups.yahoo.com/DLIELC_Rich (Membership Required)


Where are all the words and links that used to be on this page? I got tired of the old format, besides my page intro was a bit long winded. Relax, though, the rest of the site is pretty much as previous visitors remember it (there are many, many words on subsequent pages).

Also, I find that Google Scholar does a lot better job at collecting writer's links these days than I do.
Speaking of Google, see where the visitors of this site are in the world on my Google visitors map.

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