Dwarlock's Armour Pics |
Ok basicaly these are pictures of armour I've made. Each piece ought to have a breif description by it. |
This first picture is of an early attempt at rivited Maille. As you can see I used copper for the links. This was both a good thing and a bad thing. Good because the copper flattened easily, bad because I drilled out all the rivit holes, and it seems copper grips and breaks little drill bits worse than steel does. |
This was one of my first attempts at sca armour. It was made for a friend, 3 lame mitten gaunts, made of stainless, proper rivit articulation, and every edge rolled. Sigh if only they had fit him. |
Ok I didn't actualy make this one. This is an Italian WWII helmet polished up, with a spike on the top.
This is Ring Mail, some don't think it ever existed, some do, regardless heres a vambrace I made. 9 gauge 1/2 inch rings laced to a leather backing with leather strips. |
Here's some more of that Ring Mail. This is not laced to leather like the last one, it's attached with 16 gauge wire. This is part of a full suit of Ring Mail I've been working on for much too long. |
This is the inside and the outside of a peice of armour that was made in an attempt to understand Roman Scale. From what I understand Roman Scale was scale armour, where each scale attached to the scale above it, rhater than to a leather backing like most scale armours do. I think I figured out the pattern making this peice. However if I do it again I'll use steel rather than leather. |
Before I ever started making armour, I made swords, unfortunatly that was in the days before the internet, and digital camaras, and when I stoped making swords I only had a few left, mostly old early attempts, This is a close up of some decoration on the 2nd sword I ever made. |
Padded arming caps, Padded arming caps, and more padded arming caps. Leather caps hand quilted and stuffed with wool, leather caps with wool batting, and leather caps with sheepskin liners.
I wanted to use a real arming cap with my helmet, but once I started making them it was so easy I couldn't stop.
Btw that's my Brother wearing the caps, don't laugh too loudly. |
Finaly we come to some good looking stuff. This is a splinted arm, made of leather and 16 gauge stainless steel. If I had to pick the best looking peice of armour I've made I'd have to pick this one. I've made more complicated peices, and fancier peices, but somthing about this arm just makes me happy. |
This was the prototype for my splinted arm, and is the arm being asembled in my splinted arm construction essay, If you click on the immage it ought to take you to the essay. |
btw, I do use a slightly differnt buckle on this arm now. it's almost identical but the steel pin doesn't drop out when you're not wearing them now. |
Splinted legs to match the arms, Soon there'll be an essay for them too. |
This is a pic of me in a Wisby type 1. made of leather and 12 gauge stainless plates. I made this before i ever learned how heavy 12 gauge plates are. |
This picture is another Wisby type 1, however made with only 16 gauge plates. It would have looked better on someone who fit in it properly, however my brother is worse at camera work than he is wearing armour. |
This second pic is of my brother wearing a Wisby type 3 coat of plates, as you might notice once again it does not fit him, it was made for someone larger.
Below are 2 more pictures of this armour. One of the modified attachments on the back (I wanted to try somthing differnt, but I think I'll go bacjk to the standard)
and one side picture. I took 3 pictures of this because, I've only seen one Wisby type 3 in person (mine) and only 2-3 in pictures, it is not a reproduction you see often. It turns out there is a reason for this, It's not as good of a pattern as the type 1, it lacks flexibility, and only offers the same protection. |
That's it for the page right now, Soon I expect to add more pictures, but for now these are the one I happened to already have on the web If you feel the need to contact me I can be found at... |
arrrrrgh@hotmail.com |
The Armour Archive |
Arador Armour Library |