...And Leave The Driving To Us by James A. Petrait
James A. Petrait
In much of its advertising (1979), one bus corporation proudly
boasts that traveling by way of bus is a real energy saver. If that
is true, then I claim to have saved a tremendous amount of energy
during the last six years. During that time, the bus has taken me
over 60,000 miles, crossing the country dozens of times to every one
of the 48 continental states. If there were such a category in the
"Guiness Book of World Records", I would probably come close to being
number one.
A trip not easily forgotten was when my bus passed through the state
of North Dakota on my way to the Spokane World's Fair. The bus driver
for part of the journey was a really fascinating individual. Besides
his many jokes and games, he deeply impressed me with his history of
the "hanging tree" in one area by actually driving the bus below it
and telling all the passengers the gruesome feeling of swinging from
Another unforgetable bus driver was the one who would recite poetry
and give a memorable description of the Salt Lake City area at one
o'clock in the morning.
Not all of the bus trips have been smooth-going and pleasant. I do
remember going through the Arizona desert one year when the air
conditioning broke down and the windows could not be opened. Somehow
that seemed to give me a glimpse of what the fires of hell might be
Being on the bus for many hours gave me time to think about the
spiritual part of life. For when you right down to it, this part of
life is really a trip. It is a trip which starts in the gloom of
mortal existence and ends in the brightness of human happiness and
Divine light. As with any trip, there are many ways to travel. You
could fly and arrive there quickly. However, that takes much energy
and many interesting places are missed along the way. Perhaps, you
would rather walk. But that would be a very slow way and you run the
risk of giving up because of the great amount of physical energy
which is used.
I think the best way to make the trip would be to take the bus. This
kind of travel really does save energy besides being and sure way to
go. And how can you take the bus to human happiness and Divine light?
It is not up to me to answer that question. Perhaps, the next time
you go to Church or when you have a quiet moment, you could give it a
little thought. The chances are by doing this the question will be
answered. It probably won't be in a thunderous voice like the one of
George Burns in the movie, Oh,God!" More likely, if you listen very
closely, you may hear a gentle whisper say to you, "...and leave the
driving to Us"!
"...And Leave The Driving To Us" was originally published in the
March, 1979 issue of the "Savio Notes" newsletter .
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© 1979-2000, James A. Petrait
Send e-mail to James A. Petrait: jpetrait@earthling.net