NOTE: The more times these messages are looked at on this site, the more they are sent into outer space. Come back often. If you see a favorite message, send an email with the message ID and why you like it.

Updated on April 21, 2000

MESSAGES, PAGE 1, ID # 00001 - 00029

You may read messages # 00030 and beyond at MESSAGES SENT INTO THE UNIVERSE, PAGE 2

ID # 00001

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Greetings, this message is sent from planet Earth. Our species is called Homo sapiens. Our planet has lots of oceans and seas (large bodies of water). We have large things coming out of the ground called trees.There are a lot of different types of animals on Earth. Earth has only one moon. Our technology is very good because we have lots of different kinds of scientists. What kind of species are you? Do you have any trees or animals in your world? How do you feel about being a smart species? If you get this message send one back.

ID # 00002

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hello, I am a female. I am 10 years old. I live on a planet with trees and people. The people have 2 feet and 2 hands. We use the two feet to walk on. We use our hands to write and do activites. Children go to school for education. We have 2 eyes to see. Do you have 2 hands, 2 feet and, 2 eyes? Do you go to school for education? How does your planet look? Do you have trees? Someday, I hope you can answer these questions or come see my planet. It's very beautiful.

ID # 00003

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Greetings Friend and Space Creature, I am a human being living on another planet. I have two arms and two legs. I have ten fingers on my hands.I am a young girl. Where I live, our environment is hot. On the other side of our planet it is cold. At times I am happy and at times I am sad. What species are you? What do you look like? Do you look like me? Do you have a family? Do you have any other creatures living on your planet besides you? We Do! Do you have any other kinds of life such as trees and flowers? How do you communicate? Do you go to school to learn things? Well, if your schedule is not too busy, come on down to Earth and we can discuss matters. (only if you are not an Illegal Alien) Just kidding! Well, it was nice talking to you.

ID # 00004

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hi, my faraway friends, I am a carbon based oxygen breathing female. My planet is made of three types of water: solid, liquid, and gas. We have trees and plants and the weather is warm and cold. I am concerned about the animals and plants becoming extinct as we change our planet and whether we can help our planet. What do you look like? Do you have males and females that make babies? Do you eat and drink for food? Do you breathe oxygen? Does your planet have trees and plants? Does your planet have water? Do you worry about your planet's future? I hope you enjoy and respond to this message and come visit us some time.

ID # 00005

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Greetings ETI. I am a young male that is 10 years old. I have two ears, two eyes, two arms, and two legs. I also have a nose to smell things. I use my eyes to see things and my ears to hear things. The planet that I live on is very beautiful. We have trees, flowers, and clean air to breath. Our planet has bodies of water and it also has land called continents. Our water is clean and clear. I feel good being an intellegent human being. We learn lots of things by going to school. Do you have body parts like us? Are you a nice person? Does your environment have trees and flowers? Do you think being an intelligent human being is good? It has been a great time time talking to you. Over and out ETI.

ID # 00006

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Greetings E.T.I.'s. Some of our human beings are young and some are old. Some have blue, black or brown eyes. They also have brown, black, red or blonde hair. We have green trees and beautiful colored fish that live in the sea. On some parts of the world it's cold and on others it's hot. I feel great being an intelligent life form because we have more technology and cures for diseases. What do you look like? What is your climite like? What life forms does your ocean have in it? Do you have helpful technology? If you were intelligent enough to receive this message, you are intelligent enough to send a message.

ID # 00007

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Extra-Terrestrials, Hello my cosmic companions. I am about 5 feet tall. I have a round head with no horns. Here is a description of where I live: the Universe, the Milky Way Galaxy, the third planet from the Sun (Earth), Western Hemisphere, corner of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, St. Thomas.

I live on Earth. Earth is a powerful planet teeming with life. Earth contains many essential natural resources. If you receive this letter please write back and describe your species, your enviroment, and how you feel about being a intelligent being.

Sincerely, ID # 00007


ID # 00008

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Alien, I live on Earth. In our world we have families, countries, continents, and oceans. There are also trees, animals, and humans. We live in a nice enviroment. I am white, I have short hair, I am medium size, I have blue eyes, I like to play sports and I like playing Nintendo 64. I feel good being an intelligent being. What do you look like? What do you have in your environment? Do you feel good being an intelligent being? What do the animals in your environment look like? What color hair do you have?

ID # 00009

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Greetings aliens I am a species of earth. I look like a human. A human is a life form that has 2 arms, 2 legs and 2 eyes. We also have hair on our heads. Our planet earth is the third planet from our sun. We have an environment with moist textures in the rainforest and dry air in the desert. We have a lot of natural resources too. I like being an intelligent being on my planet and I would like to see yours. Do you have any entertainment there? Do you have any animal life on your home land? Do you have an environment like us? How do you feel about your inventions and achievements? Thank you for listening to my message. From: # 00009

ID # 00010

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Cosmic Companion, I am human being and live on the planet Earth. I am probably about five feet, and very beautiful.

On Earth we do not have climate control. We experience many kinds of weather such as snow, rain,and sunshine. On Earth there is an element called oxygen which we breathe. Without it we could not survive.

On Earth there are other creatures other than humans, they are called plants and animals. Also there are large amounts of water called oceans. Humans need water to survive.

What kind of species are you? How do you look? What is the climate like where your from? Is there any form of education where you from?


# 00010

ID # 00011

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Aliens, I am four feet tall,I have green eyes, blond hair. I live on planet Earth. We have a very beautiful environment with lots of flowers, water, trees, fruits and other things. What do you look like? What is the environment like on your planet? Are their schools on your planet? Do you have sports where you live? Do aliens have to work to make a living? Please answer these questions and send back to earth.

Your friend from Earth

ID # 00012

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Aliens,I live on a planet called Earth. I'm tall, I have black hair, and dark brown eyes. I have two eyes, two legs,two arms, and one nose.

Earth is a wonderful place with lots of lakes, rivers and oceans. I live on an island on Earth. The weather is usually warm and we have a hurricane season.

On Earth there's a place children go to learn called school. Do you go to school? School is O.K. but sometimes it's boring. Is your school boring? On Earth we have jobs where we work to make money, so we can buy things. Do you have a place where you can buy things? Have you ever passed by Earth?

I'm a human. Do you have a special species that you belong to? What do you look like?


# 00012

ID # 00013

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Cosmic Companion, I live on the planet Earth. Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun in our solar system. Earth is full of animals and human beings. There is water on our planet too. Our land is flat in some areas and mountainous in others. There is green grass on Earth too. Earth is protected by a fiery atmosphere. Inside the atmosphere is the air that we breathe. What is your planet like? Is it like ours?

Now I will describe what I look like. I have 2 arms. Attached to my arms are hands. Attached to my hands are fingers. My hands and fingers are helping me write this letter to you. I have 2 legs. My legs have something attached to them too. Attached to my legs are feet. Attached to my feet are toes. My legs help me to move around the planet. I have 2 eyes. My eyes help me to see. I have 1 nose. My nose helps me to smell. I have 2 ears. My ears help me to hear. On top of my head I have hair. My hair doesn't really do anything. What do you look like?

I hope you enjoyed this letter.

Sincerely, # 00013

ID # 00014

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Alien, I live on Earth. There are jungles, mountains, oceans, and many other wonderful things on this planet. I am 11 years old, and have brown skin, black hair, large feet, brown eyes, 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 head, and I am tall, and a male. I like watching T.V.. I live on St. Thomas, VI. What does your planet look like? Does it have oceans, flowers, hills, or bushes? What color is your sky? What species are you? How many legs do you have? How many arms do you have? What color is your skin? Well I enjoyed writing to you and I hope you write back. Your friend, # 00014

ID # 00015

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Cosmic Companion, I am from planet Earth. I'm ten years old and in the fifth grade. I have short brown hair, down to my shoulders. I have two brown eyes, one nose, two ears, one mouth, and no antlers. I have two legs and arms. I go to Antilles School. I live on the island of St. Thomas. The Earth is a great place to live. Some places on Earth have clear waters and palm trees. On Earth we need all different types of trees for oxygen, for humans to breathe. Some parts of the Earth have mountains or hills. Living on Earth can be fun and interesting.

What do you look like? Are there any other species that live by you? Do need oxygen to breathe? Do you have plants and animals there? Could humans live where you live?


Your Friendly Earthling , # 00015

ID # 00016

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Alien Friends, I live on a planet called Earth. On Earth there are many animals and people. In school we learn a lot about other planets. On Earth we live in separate families and communities. In space what do you do? What is the name of your planet? Also what do you and your friends look like? In your environment, is there animals or trees? What do you like about your life? I live in the Virgin Islands. I have red hair, green eyes, 2 legs, and 2 arms. In the future I think there will be space shuttles up to space so people can live there. I am very proud that people have began to start going up to space and studying the galaxy. On earth there are cars that you drive in, and there is oceans that you swim in. Have you traveled to other places in space? Your Human Friend, # 00016

ID # 00017

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Aliens, I'm a Human that lives on the planet Earth. I'm 11 years old I'm tall, have white skin and have red hair. We have a great planet full of natural resources.

I love to play sports I like to play Baseball, Soccer, Basketball the best but I will play almost anything.

What do you look like and what is your lifeform? What's your environment look like? What do you do on your planet? I hope this gets to you and if it does please write back.


Your friend, # 00017

ID # 00018

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Alien, I am from Earth. I have two legs, two arms, two feet, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two hands, two feet, five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. My eye color is hazel. I am 10 years old. Our planet is called Earth. We have many beautiful things here. For instance we have beaches, plants, and usually have happy lives. We also live in groups of people which are called familes. We have very intelligent minds. Earth is a very beautiful place and nice to live on. Where do you live? Is it nice to live where ever you live? What does your planet look like? How is your enviornment? What are your feelings of your intelligence? What do you look like?

From your friend, # 00018

ID # 00019

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Cosmic Companian, I live on Earth. I have brown eyes, dark brown hair, 4 feet tall and 11 inches. The part of Earth that I live in is very interesting and beautiful with plants and animals. It is called the Virgin Islands. I like being an intelligent being because you are able to learn, play, and have fun. What kind of species are you? Is there different species or just one? How does your species look like? How does your environment look like? Does it have plants and rivers? Is it really hot? Do you do something for a living or to have fun? Do you go to school? How does it feel to be an intelligent being?

Sincerely,# 00019

ID # 00020

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hellow ETI's, I am a human. Humans have 2 legs, 2 ears, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 1 mouth. I live on the planet Earth. Earth is made of mostly water and it also has big masses of land. We have many animals in our oceans and plants which breathe in Carbon Dioxide and breath out Oxygen. This helps us because we breathe in Oxygen and out Carbon Dioxide. We also have 4 seasons summer, fall, winter, spring. In the summer it is hot and sunny. In the fall the leaves fall from the trees. In the winter it is very cold and it snows. In the spring the flowers bloom and it rains sometimes.

I feel good because I am a intelligent human being. I am free I have a say in a lot of things and will have more of a say when I am older. What do you look like? What kind of planet do you live on? How do you feel about being a ETI?

Your Cosmic companion, # 00020

ID # 00021

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Cosmic Companion, I live on the planet Earth. I am a human being. I have two eyes, two hands, two feet, and a face. My eye color is brown and my hair color is brown. On Earth it is very beautiful and everybody has a family. On Earth everybody is different in a good way. On earth there is a lot of land and water. In the environment on Earth there are intelligent beings and animals. We have a lot of fun on Earth. I live in the Virgin Islands where it is very hot and beautiful. There are even cold places too. On Earth everyday there is something new! What do you do for your environment? How do you feel about living in the place you live? What life form do you come from? Being an intelligent being is very different. We are making new technology to fly up to space. Your friend, # 00021

ID #00022

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Dear Aliens, I am from the planet Earth. I have brown hair brown eyes I wear glasses and I'm ten years old. I'm new at school and I miss my old school. I like it here. I wish my freinds were here to see me. I like it here in St.Thomas, it has a lot of people and a lot of palm trees and so many shopping centers. You should come to Earth, it's really big - millions and millions of people live here. In St.Thomas it's really beautiful and it's hot. You would burn if you came to St.Thomas. Do like being where you are? Do you do anything interesting most of your time? That's probably enogh questions for now, just make sure you write back. Your Friend, # 00022

ID # 00023

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hello fellow life forms, I'm a boy who is ten earth years old. The spot I live on on planet earth is always hot sometimes cold at night. My feelings as an intelligent being are: I get happy, sad, mad, curious, mean, caring and funny. What is it like living where you are living, is it hot or cold, does it stay sunny or dark? Do you have water or volcanoes, does it rain or snow? What is it like to be you? What do you eat or drink, how do you survive in your interesting life? If you ever get this message,I would like it if you would answer some of the questions!

ID # 00024

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hello ETI's how are you doing? This a greeting from planet Earth. I am young and ten years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I also have white skin. I wear lots of jewelry. Do you look anything like me? Our Earth is very green. In some places on Earth the temperatures change. It gets hot on some sides of Earth and cold on the other. On our Earth some places are hot so people dress lightly. And where it's cold people dress in warm clothes. I have two legs, two eyes, two arms, one head and a mouth. They are all very useful. Up where you live are there any other creatures moving around that you have seen? Are there any signs of life found in outer space?

Are there any signs of things growing around? Is it hot or cold? Is it dark? Do you have ears, mouth, head, eyes, nose, legs, and arms or anything on your body?

If you have any kinds of machines that help you travel, maybe you can come down to our Earth and see what it is like. If you have extra time maybe you can write back and tell us about yourself.

ID # 00025

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hello! Iam an eleven year old boy. I live on a planet called Earth. The weather here is mostly sunny and hot. How is the weather where you live? The only weather that we do not have is snow, because the weather here is too hot for snow. Do you have snow? I and others breathe oxygen. That comes from trees, plants, weeds and grasses. OnEarth we have rocks, dirt, sand and oil. Do you have these things? The feelings I have are sadness, happiness, and hurt. What kind of feelings do you have?

Sincerely, earthling

ID # 00026

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hi ETI'S. I am a Homo Sapiens and I have sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. What do your people look like? Do you have games or sports where you come from? What kind of speases live on your planet? Here on Earth we are very excited to reach out to somebody like you. Do you have any transportation on your planet? What do your plants look like? What is your planet's name? What do you eat on your planet? Do you have any way of contacting us on Earth? Earth look very nice. It has trees and grass. If you get this message please contact the Earth.

by # 00026, the Earthling

ID # 00027

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hello ETI's this is a greeting from Earth, the 3rd planet away from the sun. We Homo Sapiens walk on 2 legs and have 5 fingers and toes, 2 eyes and 2 ears, and a mouth which we talk and communicate with. What do you look like? Do you look like us? Most of our environment is clear bluish liquid known as water. The rest is a hard substance as land. In the air we have many layers of atmosphere which protects us from the suns deadly rays. We Home Sapiens are proud to write to you and hope you write back. What do you look like? Do you look like us Homo Sapiens or not? What does your planet look like, does it have water, atmosphere or rain? How do you feel about being an intelligent being? If you receive this message, please send one back.

Sincerely, Earthling

ID # 00028

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hello! I am a human being. I walk on two limbs in which we call legs and we have to other limbs that we call arms. We wear clothes. We have one head, two eyes, two ears, one nose,and one mouth.

We have a warm and cold climates and we have four seasons called Winter,Fall,Spring,and Summer. We have trees, grass, water, flowers, white clouds, a blue sky, a lot of buildings, fruits, farms, horses, dogs, cats, and a number of other animals.

I am very happy to think maybe you have got this.

Do you have a sun? Do you live in this universe? How do feed yourself? What do you look like? Do you have a moon? Do you have any life forms on your planet and what is your climate like?

Do you feel happy there is other life forms in our universe?

I hope you receive this this message and send us back a message.

Sincerely, A very curious earthling

ID # 00029

5th grade, Antilles School, St. Thomas, VI

Message posted on 2/28/98.

(MESSAGE INTO THE UNIVERSE) Hello E.T.I.'s. This message came from a planet called earth. The planet Earth has a sun which provides most of the energy on the planet Earth. The climate in the planet Earth is different depending on the amount of the sun's hot rays the area gets. The beings that live on the planet Earth are the species of Homo Sapiens, whom are warm blooded. I am a Homo Sapiens. I have two eyes to see with. Do you have eyes? I have a mouth to eat with and to talk with. Do you? I have ears to hear with and a nose to smell with. Do you? I have to stubs coming out of my body called legs that transport me where I want to go. I breath a compound called oxygen.

I am proud to be an intelligent being because it makes life easier to live. If we Homo Sapiens weren't intelligent we wouldn't be able to send this message! How do you feel about being an intelligent being?

Does the planet that you live on include a changing environment? Or does your environment stay the same? Does your planet have a sun?

If you get this message send back your own message to planet Earth. Thank you for cooperating with me.

You may read messages # 00030 and beyond at MESSAGES SENT INTO THE UNIVERSE, PAGE 2

You may send messages into the universe at MESSAGES INTO THE UNIVERSE

NOTE: ETI's should reply to the email address below and give proof of your existence. If you are using some other means of communication, be sure that your message is forwarded to the internet on the Planet Earth and is sent to the Project SETI Communications Station to James A. Petrait at (The English or Spanish language is preferred. If you have some other language, please send a KEY to encode it.)

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