In July, 1998, I was one of the eight Agents who attended the AASTRA Leadership Workshop at the University of Texas at Austin. Part of the Workshop was a four-night observing run at the McDonald Observatory (450 miles from Austin in the Davis Mountains of west Texas) and the use of the 0.76 meter (30-inch) telescope with Prime Focus Camera to take the images that are shown here. The images were originally taken on a computer and then processed and placed on 35 mm slides. I had the slides placed on a Kodak CD-ROM and then I converted the photos to the .jpg format and resized them for this website.

AASTRA stands for American Astronomical Society Teacher Resource Agent. Thanks to the National Science Foundation, the American Astronomical Society, and the Mc Donald Observatory, these photos and the many other resources have been developed by the AASTRA program.

You can read more information and see other photos about the 1998 AASTRA group at the AASTRA 1998 LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP WEBSITE. From there you can reach the main AASTRA web site and find out more about the many educational resources listed there.

Feel free to contact me (James A. Petrait) at my email address listed below. I will be happy to provide you with more information about these photos, the AASTRA program and provide help in your astronomy education programs.

Click on the small photo to see the large version. Then use the back botton on your browser to return to this web page.

The information under each photo is given in the following order: file name - object name - description - observers.

01.jpg - M101 - Sc galaxy in Ursa Major - Taken by Pat Dutton, Lisa Nimz, Sally Jean Jeanson, and Lance Rudiger.

02.jpg - M20 - Trifid Nebula (emission/reflection) - Taken by Sally Jean Jensen, Lance Rudiger, Caroline Franklin, and Don Kolle,

03.jpg - M16 - Eagle Nebula w/open cluster - Taken by Meg Harley and James Petrait.

04.jpg - M27 (files 17, 18, 19 are the individual photos taken through each filter) - Dumbbell Nebula (planetary) - Taken by Pat Dutton and Lisa Nimz..

05.jpg - NGC6992 - Veil Nebula -E (supernova remnant) - Taken by Sally Jean Jensen and Lance Rudiger.

06.jpg - M33 - Sc Galaxy in Triangulum - Taken by Caroline Franklin and Don Kolle.

07.jpg - NGC6960 - Veil Nebula -W (supernova remnant) - Taken by Meg Harley and James Petrait.

08.jpg - NGC7635- Bubble Nebula (emission) - Taken by PatDutton, Lisa Nimz, Sally Jean Jeanson, and Lance Rudiger.

09.jpg - M31 - NGC205 and Andromeda Galaxy - Taken by Sally Jean Jensen and Lance Rudiger.

10.jpg - M8- Lagoon Nebula (emission) - Taken by Pat Dutton, Lisa Nimz, Sally Jean Jensen, and Lance Rudiger.

11.jpg - M11 - Galactic Cluster in Scutum (compact open cluster) - Taken by Sally Jean Jensen, Lance Rudiger, Caroline Franklin, and Don Kolle.

12.jpg - M75 - globular cluster in Sagittarius - Taken by Meg Harley and James Petrait.

13.jpg - NGC7023 - reflection nebula in Cephus - Taken by Pat Dutton and Lisa Nimz.

14.jpg - M32 - Andromeda Galaxy (M31 and 32) - Taken by Sally Jean Jensen and Lance Rudiger.

15.jpg - M77 - Galaxy in Cetus - Taken by Caroline Franklin and Don Kolle.

16.jpg - M74 - Sc galaxy in Pisces - Taken by Meg Harley and James Petrait.

17.jpg - M27 (R filter) - Dumbbell Nebula (planetary) - Taken by Pat Dutton and Lisa Nimz.

18.jpg - M27 (V filter) - Dumbbell Nebula (planetary) - Taken by Pat Dutton and Lisa Nimz.

19.jpg - M27 (B filter) - Dumbbell Nebula (planetary) - Taken by Pat Dutton and Lisa Nimz.

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Send e-mail to James A. Petrait: jpetrait@earthling.net

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