The Moonlit Grove

Shadows cast across the hill,
A quiet night, the wind is still,
The circle forms, we raise our will,
The Lady's purpose to fulfill.

(Copyright © 1998 Cossie)


You are about to enter a sacred place known as the Moonlit Grove. Those who wish to retain a closed-mind and a prejudiced viewpoint may find this place uncomfortable to travel through. Therefore, in the tradition of peace here, we point out the way back to the crossroads and wish them well.

Anyone who chooses to enter does so of their own free will and we take no responsibility for the results of their search. The choice of whether to learn is unique to each person and though we're pleased to provide support wherever possible the results lie with the individual.

For those who will respect the peace and love that you find here, we bid you welcome and guide you to the entrance.

(Site first opened Lammas 1998)

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