candle The Attic

"Watch out for that box!"

The mentioned box happens to block half of the doorway's entrance. "Just step over it!" says the voice again. Inside was probably once a large room, despite being one of the smaller towers, but now all that is there are forgotten trinkets. Someone must have tossed the boxes in no particular order over the years, as the room is littered by "junk".

Someone sneezes. "Darn dust and cobwebs!" A woman stands up from behind some crates. She smiles. "This must have been one of the old closets that no one bothered to even look at. Just toss in whatever. But goodness! If only the Mothers had thought to look in here," she chuckles. "The secrets other Sisters toss here..meant to be long forgotten.

"Go ahead and look around. I've sorted those boxes out already," Olyria gestures to a corner. There are listed as "Sa'Eve", "Eleia" and "Misc". As an afterthought, Olyria adds slyly, "Oh, there's someone here you might want to meet if you have the time..." She goes back to work without saying another word.

NOTE: There is also another character archive..on the other side of genre.

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