WANTED! - Trisha Maelicia

Trisha the Queen of the Sidhe
Name: Trisha
Race: Faerie * 
Birthplace: Megalopolis
Occupation: Criminal, self-proclaimed "Queen of the Sidhe"
- Traesha Maelaecia
- Trysha Maelycia
- Traecia Militia
- Thraessa Maleficia
- Tmaelicia
- Trasha ...
- Traecha ...
- Tricia ...
- Trishia ...
- Thrisha ...
- Thraesha ...
- Thricia ...
- Thiricia ...
- Teressa ...
- ... we're still not positive of the identity of this Bwitch.
Trisha Maleficia is an extremely dangerous fugitive. She is incredibly intelligent, cunning, and extremely skilled in the deadly arts. DO NOT APPROACH! If sighted, please contact the authorities immediately!
Wanted For:
- Abortion
Armed robbery
Assault with cat
Assault on Police Officer
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Bomb threat
Carnal knowledge of juvenile
Crime against nature
Criminal Mischief
Criminal Trespass
Cruelty to juvenile
Defrauding Innkeeper
Disturbing the Peace
Extortion threats
Grand theft
Illegal carrying of knife
Illegal Lodging
Illegal parking
Illegal use of weapon
Indecent exposure
Issuing worthless checks
Liberation of Gerbils
Maelicious mischief
Petty theft
Possession of stolen goods
Public Nuisance
Purse snatching
Recieving stolen property
Resisting Arrest
Unlawful Assembly
Unlawful sale to minor
- AND MOST HEINOUSLY: Blatant Disregard for Nationalism!
Recently seen:
- Dawn of the Empires! - Revisited. AND OTHERS! - Trisha Maelicia is openly flaunting her freedom by establishing bold colonies on all EmpireMUDs, short lived as they may be.
- Lensmoor - A female sidhe named Thraessa was spotted on a Shetland Pony with stolen goods from the Cleivemdion camp. Possible Match.
- Legends of Heroes - A deity who calls herself Thraessa was born sometime just before 07. Detailed reports are forthcoming, but we do know that she is currently engaged in witchcraft and the creation of cursed lands guarded by wicked abominations. One such example is an apparent enchanted forest that eats travelers. UPDATE 2/13/07 - Rumors and the identity of this immortal have been confirmed. A troll labor union is being organized, a popular modus operandi of the witch. She is also developing a witch guild, presumably to spread her wickedness to others. Currently she is a Vampire Cleric, but it appears that she may be seeking her original form of Sidhe. In all appearances, she seems to be settling in. However, spotting her outside of her rumored "secret laboratory" is problematic. Any attempts to apprehend her here will have to wait, as she is virtually unstoppable and currently in seclusion. When the trolls finally organize, she will likely venture out to supervise construction.
- Age of Destiny: 4 - A bandit named Trisha was sighted here and, when she quickly rose to power as Magistrate within The Republic, local authorities were notified. UPDATE 11/15/06 - By the time bounty hunters had arrived, Magistrate Trisha had completed construction on The Republic's first castle. Rumors now circulate that she is trying to convince the Senator to conquer the continent by force.
- Age of Destiny: La Resureccion - This land of multiple empires has just reported an independent bandit who has used several of Trisha's aliases to begin building a formidable army.
- Core2652 - In the form of a nympho, a genetically-engineered race, Trisha works on CORE in the north mine. Her earnings are said to go to Sidhe sympathizers on some of the other mining worlds, but as long as the mining companies are getting their ore, they are reluctant to ask or answer questions. UPDATE 4/1/05 - Ever since a mine collapsed on Trisha some years ago, no one has sighted her on CORE. Bodily remains were never found, so it is presumed that she actually did survive the event.
- StarCraft MUD - A zerg named Trisha was spotted here, but a follow-up investigation revealed that the entire universe had been renamed "Star Trek - Universe" and that there were no zerg in existence anymore. Instead, a vulcan named Trisha was present. She spoke highly of some region called "PookieMUSH" and was pleading with the other denizens of the realm to accompany her on some exodus to a land of pookies and honey. No more information was obtained due to the fact that the universe was so gay that the investigators feared for their poopers.
- Zaibach Empire - An immortal named Trisha was creating a magical forest here, but the Empire has apparently crumbled and all knowledge of its former residents lost.
- ResortMUD 2: The Last Resort - Approaching Zero - Here, a pixie mage named Traesha leads a loose band of sprites, nymphs, elves, and goblin. They are famed for wiping out entire cities. Rumors of a new clan refuse to die. At the very least, a small army surrounds and protects the Sidhe Queen at all times. UPDATE 4/1/05 - For the past four years, sightings of Trisha or her followers have dwindled to almost nothing.
- Merentha - A traveler named Gio recognized and attacked the mage here. She has not been sighted since, but it is widely believed that she still operates within Merentha frequently. Furthermore, Gio disappeared and has been missing since shortly after the attack. No one is answering questions.
- TechMUD - Having organized a midget slave trade on a space station, Trisha was exiled from TechMUD less than a year before this entire universe disappeared. Investigations are still pending.
- RealmsMUD - Trisha was known to have roamed RealmsMUD years and years ago, legendary for stealing the corpses of fighters, monks, and monsters. She was a well-known thief and began also earning a reputation as a mage. Nevertheless, she disappeared completely shortly after an Australian mage/wannabe thief reported the loss of 25 gerbils from his own rectal cavity. Neither Trisha nor the Australian's beloved gerbils have been seen in the Realms since! UPDATE 1/23/04 - An apparently low level thief, Newbie Thraessa the Leatherworker, was recently spotted carrying the banner for The RealmsMUD Newbie Militia.
- 3-Kingdoms - Trisha was once a witch here, until witches were banished to make the Three Kingdoms safe for Barney lovers, children, and obsessive finger pulling manic depressive masturbators who live with their mothers and have sex with them too. No one's seen Trisha here for quite some time. UPDATE 6/5/04! - Soon after the sighting of Trisha at RealmsmUD, a reliable source who still bothers with 3-K swore he saw a "Trisha" in the who list.
3-K Witches Guild
- Now defunct. Rogue witches may still be practicing, but their location is presently unknown. Most MUDs tend to shun them as a whole, being nasty hybrids of mages and criminals.
Clan Maelicia
- Clan Maelicia has long been the ruling class of the Sidhe of Megalopolis. They used to be observed maintaining their rule at Wasteland BBS, in the DoorGame "Clans" and were infrequently spotted elsewhere. However, now they have been spotted at GameLand BBS and also at DeepSpace 69 BBS.
Corpse Stealers!
- This vile organization was once sighted frequently on RealmsMUD, but have not recently shown themselves. They were made infamous by their practice of stalking adventures and snatching the corpses of those that these adventures happened to kill. What happened to the bodies after they were looted is uncertain, though some have reasoned that necromancers might be involved.
Monsieur Gremmlaen Nibidi L'Daemon
a.k.a Gremlin, Gremmlin, Gremlaen, Grimmlinn, Gremlyn. Last seen wandering ResortMUD. Monsieur Gremmlaen is profiled on Yahoo! He is entirely insane and should be avoided at all costs. His only loyalty lies to the self-proclaimed Queen of the Sidhe.
Kia Maelicia the Druid
ResortMUD and possibly also Merentha. Other than the fact that they are related, not much is known about Kia. What is known is that, like the rest of Clan Maelicia, Kia has loyalty only to Trisha and, unlike the rest of Clan Maelicia, Kia has been known to perform acts of kindness. UPDATE 2/13/07 - Kia was spotted following Thraessa on Legends of Heroes.
Pip Maelicia the Thief
- Pip is probably not directly related to Trisha and may have been adopted into the clan. This incredibly talented thief made a name for himself long before Maelicia became a whispered household word, and never used the "Maelicia" title until he was seen with the original Maelicia on ResortMUD.
The Rat Pak
- This mysterious conglomertaion of troublemakers has not been heard from in quite a while.
The Republic
- This is an empire in the Age of Destiny: 4. The empire is led by Zedic, a vampire, and Trisha once seemed to act as his daytime guardian in a human form. The Republic, however, experienced some upheaval and Trisha left the organization in what may or may not be a permanent departure.
RealmsMUD Newbie Militia
- This group was once frequently seen marching through the newbie areas of RealmsMUD, and it is rumored that this group is somehow in collaboration with the evil Sidhe Queen. Due to the blatant lack of newbies on Realms, it is difficult to investigate any further.
RealmsMUD Thieves Guild
- An criminal organization of RealmsMUD. Trisha has not always seen eye to eye with this group, and left the guild long ago. She returned as "Traesha" and was soon thereafter banned from Realms altogether for voicing a very strong opinion about a quest into which she stumbled. Currently, the guild does have a "Thraessa" on its roster.
a.k.a. Simon. Last seen wandering ResortMUD. Saimon is an elven necromancer who belongs to the original group in which Pip Maelicia earned his fame. He was notorious in those days for wiping out entire armies with fireballs.
- Last seen wandering ResortMUD. Syline is a ranger who belongs to the original group in which Pip Maelicia earned his fame. She generally appears as a hybrid elf/human, but is probably a Sidhe of some sort. She's been spotted more than once as a dryad.
- Last seen wandering ResortMUD.
Zaibach Union of Troll Laborers
- This teamster organization had been constructing newbie areas in uncharted lands of the Zaibach Empire. Ever since Zaibach's disappearance, the union had not been heard from. UPDATE 2/13/07 - The troll union is currently being organized on Legends of Heroes, though its new name still remains a mystery.

Reward for Capture of Trisha Maelicia - Ponape, Micronesia
The Micronesian Council of Foreign Relations hereby issues a cash reward for the capture (DEAD or ALIVE) of the named criminal, Trisha Maelicia. Reward is redeemable upon verification of said criminal's capture, either by notarized signature and bailiff records, or by notarized coroner report. Reward amount is set at the sum total of one penny in redeemable U.S. currency to be deposited on an unspecified section of sidewalk in claimant's city of residence.