"Allah did confer a great favor on the Believers when He sent among
them an Apostle from among themselves, rehearsing unto them the
Signs of Allah, sanctifying them, and intructing them in Scripture and
Wisdom, while, before that, they had been in manifest error."
[The Holy Quran, Surah Imran, Chapter 3 and verse 164]
The purpose of sending Prophet is, firstly, that he recites the verses of the Quran. In other words,
he communicates to the believers the message he received from God. Thus he occupies the position
of a great preacher. His second duty is that he purifies those who follow him and removes from them
the spititual and moral filth whih sticks to them. This makes him great reformaer. He also carries out
the duty of teaching Quran by word and deeds. This he is a great teacher. Again he teaches not merely
Book, but also Wisdom. He promulgates the rules and regulations of the Faith. He also unravels
the spiritual mystries of life to an elected few. Thus he occupies the postion of a great spiritual guide.